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Dr MATTHEW JOHNSON's Outputs (6)

Best practices for monitoring and assessing the ecological response to river restoration (2021)
Journal Article
England, J., Angelopoulos, N., Cooksley, S., Dodd, J., Gill, A., Gilvear, D., Johnson, M., Naura, M., O’hare, M., Tree, A., Wheeldon, J., & Wilkes, M. A. (2021). Best practices for monitoring and assessing the ecological response to river restoration. Water, 13(23), Article 3352.

Nature-based solutions are widely advocated for freshwater ecosystem conservation and restoration. As increasing amounts of river restoration are undertaken, the need to understand the ecological response to different measures and where measures are... Read More about Best practices for monitoring and assessing the ecological response to river restoration.

Green infrastructure: The future of urban flood risk management? (2021)
Journal Article
Green, D., O'Donnell, E., Johnson, M., Slater, L., Thorne, C., Zheng, S., Stirling, R., Chan, F. K., Li, L., & Boothroyd, R. J. (2021). Green infrastructure: The future of urban flood risk management?. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 8(6), Article e1560.

Urban flooding is a key global challenge which is expected to become exacerbated under global change due to more intense rainfall and flashier runoff regimes over increasingly urban landscapes. Consequently, many cities are rethinking their approach... Read More about Green infrastructure: The future of urban flood risk management?.

Microplastic pollution in Chinese urban rivers: The influence of urban factors (2021)
Journal Article
Xu, Y., Chan, F. K. S., Johnson, M., Stanton, T., He, J., Jia, T., Wang, J., Wang, Z., Yao, Y., Yang, J., Liu, D., Xu, Y., & Yu, X. (2021). Microplastic pollution in Chinese urban rivers: The influence of urban factors. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 173, Article 105686.

Microplastics are being widely discussed as an emerging global environmental contaminant. Microplastic pollution usually originates from land-based sources, which are then mainly transported through hydrological and atmospheric pathways and accumulat... Read More about Microplastic pollution in Chinese urban rivers: The influence of urban factors.

Values influence public perceptions of flood management schemes (2021)
Journal Article
D'Souza, M., Johnson, M. F., & Ives, C. D. (2021). Values influence public perceptions of flood management schemes. Journal of Environmental Management, 291, Article 112636.

Natural Flood Management (NFM) is now well established as a paradigm for reducing flood risk. It is characterised by adopting a catchment-wide hydrological perspective and implementing solutions that work with natural processes such as wetlands, ripa... Read More about Values influence public perceptions of flood management schemes.

Synthesis of dominant plastic microfibre prevalence and pollution control feasibility in Chinese freshwater environments (2021)
Journal Article
Chan, F. K. S., Stanton, T., Johnson, M. F., Kay, P., Xu, Y., He, J., Wang, J., Liu, D., Xu, Y., Kong, C., & Wang, Z. (2021). Synthesis of dominant plastic microfibre prevalence and pollution control feasibility in Chinese freshwater environments. Science of the Total Environment, 783, Article 146863.

Microplastic pollution of freshwaters is known to be a great concern in China and these pollutants can be discharged into the coastal environment through fluvial processes, posing threats to the global marine ecosystem. This paper reviewed the litera... Read More about Synthesis of dominant plastic microfibre prevalence and pollution control feasibility in Chinese freshwater environments.

Simulating land use changes, sediment yields, and pesticide use in the Upper Paraguay River Basin: Implications for conservation of the Pantanal wetland (2021)
Journal Article
de Oliveira Roque, F., Guerra, A., Johnson, M., Padovania, C., Corbi, J., Covich, A. P., Eaton, D., Moraes Tomas, W., Valente-Neto, F., Piovezan Borges, A. C., Pinho, A., Barufatii, A., do Amara Crispim, B., Dettogni Guariento, R., Helena da Silva Andrade, M., Tavares Rezende-Filho, A., Portela, R., Divina, M., César Sampaioda Silva, J., Bernadino, C., …Yon, L. (2021). Simulating land use changes, sediment yields, and pesticide use in the Upper Paraguay River Basin: Implications for conservation of the Pantanal wetland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 314, 1-11.

As a consequence of accelerated and excessive use of pesticides in tropical regions, wilderness areas are under threat; this includes the Pantanal wetlands in the Upper Paraguay River Basin (UPRB). Using a Land Cover Land Use Change (LCLUC) modelling... Read More about Simulating land use changes, sediment yields, and pesticide use in the Upper Paraguay River Basin: Implications for conservation of the Pantanal wetland.