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The Viceroyalty of General Queipo de Llano in Seville During the Spanish Civil War: A Dialectic of Violence and Destitution (2023)
Journal Article
Serém, R. L. (2023). The Viceroyalty of General Queipo de Llano in Seville During the Spanish Civil War: A Dialectic of Violence and Destitution. Journal of Contemporary History, 58(3), 377–397.

This article reappraises General Queipo de Llano's authoritarian rule in Seville during the Spanish Civil War (1936–9). Queipo's murderous regime has long attracted scholarly attention, but very little research has been devoted to other aspects of hi... Read More about The Viceroyalty of General Queipo de Llano in Seville During the Spanish Civil War: A Dialectic of Violence and Destitution.

Conspiracy, Coup d'état and Civil War in Seville, 1936-1939: History and Myth in Francoist Spain (2017)
Emanuel Leitao Prazeres Serem, R. (2017). Conspiracy, Coup d'état and Civil War in Seville, 1936-1939: History and Myth in Francoist Spain. Sussex Academic Press

Conspiracy, Coup d’état and Civil War in Seville, 1936–1939 dissects the conspiracy against the democratic Second Spanish Republic in the context of the uprising and civil war in Seville, the capital of Spain’s largest region, Andalusia, and the most... Read More about Conspiracy, Coup d'état and Civil War in Seville, 1936-1939: History and Myth in Francoist Spain.