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Dr JEN YATES's Outputs (2)

Staff perspectives on barriers to and facilitators of quality of life, health, wellbeing, recovery and reduced risk for older forensic mental-health patients: A qualitative interview study (2022)
Journal Article
Walker, K., Yates, J., Dening, T., Völlm, B., Tomlin, J., & Griffiths, C. (2022). Staff perspectives on barriers to and facilitators of quality of life, health, wellbeing, recovery and reduced risk for older forensic mental-health patients: A qualitative interview study. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 27(4), 287-300.

Objectives: There is a lack of research informing service delivery for older forensic mental health patients. This study explored service provision in forensic mental health inpatient and community services in England, investigating what is required... Read More about Staff perspectives on barriers to and facilitators of quality of life, health, wellbeing, recovery and reduced risk for older forensic mental-health patients: A qualitative interview study.

Older adult forensic mental health patients’ views on barriers, facilitators and ‘what works’ to enable better quality of life, health and wellbeing and to reduce risk of reoffending and harm to self and others (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
Walker, K., Yates, J., Dening, T., Vollm, B., Tomlin, J., & Griffiths, C. Older adult forensic mental health patients’ views on barriers, facilitators and ‘what works’ to enable better quality of life, health and wellbeing and to reduce risk of reoffending and harm to self and others

Research evidence that can inform service provision and treatment requirements for older (aged 55 years and above) forensic mental health patients is lacking, particularly that which is based on patients’ own preferences and experience... Read More about Older adult forensic mental health patients’ views on barriers, facilitators and ‘what works’ to enable better quality of life, health and wellbeing and to reduce risk of reoffending and harm to self and others.