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Dr Chitra Joseph's Outputs (8)

Loss of ELK1 has differential effects on age-dependent organ fibrosis (2019)
Journal Article
Cairns, J. T., Habgood, A., Edwards-Pritchard, R. C., Joseph, C., John, A. E., Wilkinson, C., Stewart, I. D., Leslie, J., Blaxall, B. C., Sustak, K., Alberti, S., Nordheim, A., Oakley, F., Jenkins, G., & Tatler, A. L. (2020). Loss of ELK1 has differential effects on age-dependent organ fibrosis. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 120, Article 105668.

© 2019 The Author(s) ETS domain-containing protein-1 (ELK1) is a transcription factor important in regulating αvβ6 integrin expression. αvβ6 integrins activate the profibrotic cytokine Transforming Growth Factor β1 (TGFβ1) and are increased in the al... Read More about Loss of ELK1 has differential effects on age-dependent organ fibrosis.

Clinicopathological significance of lipocalin 2 nuclear expression in invasive breast cancer (2019)
Journal Article
Kurozumi, S., Alsaeed, S., Orah, N., Miligy, I. M., Joseph, C., Aljohani, A., Toss, M. S., Fujii, T., Shirabe, K., Green, A. R., Aleskandarany, M. A., & Rakha, E. A. (2020). Clinicopathological significance of lipocalin 2 nuclear expression in invasive breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 179, 557–564.

PURPOSE: The epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) plays a key role in breast cancer progression and metastasis. Lipocalin 2 (LCN2) is involved in the regulation of EMT. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinicopathological significance... Read More about Clinicopathological significance of lipocalin 2 nuclear expression in invasive breast cancer.

Prognostic Significance of KN Motif and Ankyrin Repeat Domains 1 (KANK1) in Invasive Breast Cancer (2019)
Journal Article
Kariri, Y. A., Joseph, C., Kurozumi, S., Toss, M. S., Alsaleem, M., Raafat, S., Mongan, N. P., Aleskandarany, M. A., Green, A. R., & Rakha, E. A. (2020). Prognostic Significance of KN Motif and Ankyrin Repeat Domains 1 (KANK1) in Invasive Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 179(2), 349–357.

Background: KN Motif and Ankyrin Repeat Domains 1 (KANK1) plays an important role in cytoskeleton maintenance and contributes to the regulation of cell proliferation, adhesion and apoptosis. KANK1 is involved in progression of a variety of solid tumo... Read More about Prognostic Significance of KN Motif and Ankyrin Repeat Domains 1 (KANK1) in Invasive Breast Cancer.

The prognostic significance of wild type isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (IDH2) in breast cancer (2019)
Journal Article
Aljohani, A. I., Toss, M. S., Kurozumi, S., Joseph, C., Aleskandarany, M. A., Miligy, I. M., Ansari, R. E., Mongan, N. P., Ellis, I. O., Green, A. R., & Rakha, E. (2020). The prognostic significance of wild type isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (IDH2) in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 179(1), 79–90.

Background: Lymphovascular invasion (LVI) is a prerequisite step in breast cancer (BC) metastasis. We have previously identified wild type isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (IDH2) as a key putative driver of LVI. Thus, we explored the prognostic significanc... Read More about The prognostic significance of wild type isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (IDH2) in breast cancer.

Retinoid X receptor gamma (RXRG) is an independent prognostic biomarker in ER-positive invasive breast cancer (2019)
Journal Article
Joseph, C., Al-Izzi, S., Alsaleem, M., Kurozumi, S., Toss, M., Arshad, M., Goh, F. Q., Alshankyty, I. M., Ali, S., Ellis, I. O., Mongan, N. P., Green, A. R., & Rakha, E. A. (2019). Retinoid X receptor gamma (RXRG) is an independent prognostic biomarker in ER-positive invasive breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 121(9), 776-785.

© 2019, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Cancer Research UK. Background: Retinoid X Receptor Gamma (RXRG) is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily and plays a role in tumour suppression. This study aims to explore the prognostic signi... Read More about Retinoid X receptor gamma (RXRG) is an independent prognostic biomarker in ER-positive invasive breast cancer.

A Key Genomic Subtype Associated with Lymphovascular Invasion in Invasive Breast Cancer (2019)
Journal Article
Kurozumi, S., Joseph, C., Alsaeed, S., Kariri, Y., Aljohani, A., Raafat, S., Alsaleem, M., Ogden, A., Johnston, S., Aleskandarany, M. A., Fujii, T., Shirabe, K., Caldas, C., Ashankyty, I., Dalton, L., Ellis, I. O., Desmedt, C., Green, A. R., Mongan, N. P., & Rakha, E. A. (2019). A Key Genomic Subtype Associated with Lymphovascular Invasion in Invasive Breast Cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 120(12), 1129–1136.

Background: Lymphovascular invasion (LVI) is associated with the development of metastasis in invasive breast cancer (BC). However, the complex molecular mechanisms of LVI, which overlap with other oncogenic pathways, remain unclear. This study, usin... Read More about A Key Genomic Subtype Associated with Lymphovascular Invasion in Invasive Breast Cancer.

Utility of Ankyrin 3 as a Prognostic Marker in Androgen-Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Running Title: Prognostic Value of ANK3 in AR-Positive Breast Cancer (2019)
Journal Article
Kurozumi, S., Joseph, C., Raafat, S., Sonbul, S., Kariri, Y., Alsaeed, S., Pigera, M., Alsaleem, M., Nolan, C. C., Johnston, S., Aleskandarany, M. A., Ogden, A., Fujii, T., Shirabe, K., Martin, S., Alshankyty, I., Mongan, N. P., Ellis, I. O., Green, A. R., & Rakha, E. A. (2019). Utility of Ankyrin 3 as a Prognostic Marker in Androgen-Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Running Title: Prognostic Value of ANK3 in AR-Positive Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 176(1), 63–73.

© 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Purpose: Androgen receptor (AR) and AR signaling pathways are thought to play a role in breast cancer (BC) and are potentially related to treatment responses and outcomes. Ankyrin... Read More about Utility of Ankyrin 3 as a Prognostic Marker in Androgen-Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Running Title: Prognostic Value of ANK3 in AR-Positive Breast Cancer.

The molecular mechanisms underlying reduced E-cadherin expression in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast: high throughput analysis of large cohorts (2019)
Journal Article
Rida, P. C. G., Alsaleem, M., Toss, M. S., Joseph, C., Aleskandarany, M., Kurozumi, S., Alshankyty, I., Ogden, A., Rida, P. C., Ellis, I. O., Aneja, R., Green, A. R., Mongan, N. P., & Rakha, E. A. (2019). The molecular mechanisms underlying reduced E-cadherin expression in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast: high throughput analysis of large cohorts. Modern Pathology, 32(7), 967-976.

© 2019, United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology. E-cadherin is a tumor suppressor gene in invasive lobular breast cancer. However, a proportion of high-grade ductal carcinoma shows reduced/loss of E-cadherin. In this study, we assessed the un... Read More about The molecular mechanisms underlying reduced E-cadherin expression in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast: high throughput analysis of large cohorts.