Effect of nozzle geometry on the gas dynamics and evaporation rates of Suspension High Velocity Oxy Fuel (SHVOF) thermal spray: a numerical investigation
Journal Article
Chadha, S., Jefferson-Loveday, R., & Hussain, T. (2019). Effect of nozzle geometry on the gas dynamics and evaporation rates of Suspension High Velocity Oxy Fuel (SHVOF) thermal spray: a numerical investigation. Surface and Coatings Technology, 371, 78-89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2018.10.085
Thermally sprayed coatings formed from sub-micron or nanoparticles feedstock provide enhanced coating properties and Suspension High Velocity Oxy Fuel (SHVOF) thermal spray is a process that allows the deposition of dense coatings from fine particula... Read More about Effect of nozzle geometry on the gas dynamics and evaporation rates of Suspension High Velocity Oxy Fuel (SHVOF) thermal spray: a numerical investigation.