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Food and exercise practices among British Pakistanis; how can Bourdieu’s theory of practice help to understand them? (2024)
Journal Article
Hussain, B., Shaw, I., & Timmons, S. (2024). Food and exercise practices among British Pakistanis; how can Bourdieu’s theory of practice help to understand them?. Perspectives in Public Health,

Objectives: The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are significant among the Pakistani ethnic group in the UK. Existing literature has identified food and exercise practices as contributing factors. This qualitative inquiry investigates foo... Read More about Food and exercise practices among British Pakistanis; how can Bourdieu’s theory of practice help to understand them?.

Exploring primary care responses to domestic violence and abuse (DVA): operationalisation of a national initiative (2019)
Journal Article
McGarry, J., Hussain, B., & Watts, K. (2019). Exploring primary care responses to domestic violence and abuse (DVA): operationalisation of a national initiative. Journal of Adult Protection, 21(2), 144-154.


In the UK, the Referral to Improve Safety (IRIS) initiative has been developed for use within primary care to support women survivors of domestic violence and abuse (DVA). However, while evaluated nationally, less is known regarding impac... Read More about Exploring primary care responses to domestic violence and abuse (DVA): operationalisation of a national initiative.

Employers' views of the 'Healthy Hub Roadshow': a workplace HIV testing intervention in England (2018)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Hussain, B., Hand, J., Juma, A., & Evans, C. (2018). Employers' views of the 'Healthy Hub Roadshow': a workplace HIV testing intervention in England. AIDS Care, 31(2), 181-185.

We explored employer uptake and perceptions of workplace HIV testing delivered to employees as part of Healthy Hub Roadshow, a multi-component general health check. Intervention included health checks with tailored advice delivered to 776 employees a... Read More about Employers' views of the 'Healthy Hub Roadshow': a workplace HIV testing intervention in England.

Interventions that improve maternity care for immigrant women in the UK: protocol for a narrative synthesis systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Higginbottom, G. M., Evans, C., Morgan, M., Bharj, K. K., Eldridge, J., & Hussain, B. (2017). Interventions that improve maternity care for immigrant women in the UK: protocol for a narrative synthesis systematic review. BMJ Open, 7(7), Article e016988.

A quarter of all births in the UK are to mothers born outside the UK. There is also evidence that immigrant women have higher maternal and infant death rates and of inequalities in the provision and uptake of maternity services/birth c... Read More about Interventions that improve maternity care for immigrant women in the UK: protocol for a narrative synthesis systematic review.

A report into patterns of diet and exercise in the Pakistani community of Nottingham City
Shaw, I., & Hussain, B. (2013). A report into patterns of diet and exercise in the Pakistani community of Nottingham City. Nottingham City Primary Care NHS Trust

This qualitative investigation considers dietary and exercise patterns of the Pakistani community residing in Nottingham. This is an important area of inquiry as the evidence suggests that these patterns cause higher rates of CHD among the members of... Read More about A report into patterns of diet and exercise in the Pakistani community of Nottingham City.