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Dr REUBEN O'DEA's Outputs (5)

A multiphase multiscale model for nutrient limited tissue growth (2017)
Journal Article
Holden, E. C., Collis, J., Brook, B. S., & O'Dea, R. D. (2017). A multiphase multiscale model for nutrient limited tissue growth. ANZIAM Journal, 59, 499-532.

We derive an effective macroscale description for the growth of tissue on a porous scaffold. A multiphase model is employed to describe the tissue dynamics; linearisation to facilitate a multiple-scale homogenisation provides an effective macroscale... Read More about A multiphase multiscale model for nutrient limited tissue growth.

Comparing multilayer brain networks between groups: Introducing graph metrics and recommendations (2017)
Journal Article
Mandke, K., Meier, J., Brookes, M. J., O'Dea, R. D., Van Mieghem, P., Stam, C. J., Hillebrand, A., & Tewarie, P. K. (2018). Comparing multilayer brain networks between groups: Introducing graph metrics and recommendations. NeuroImage, 166,

There is an increasing awareness of the advantages of multi-modal neuroimaging. Networks obtained from different modalities are usually treated in isolation, which is however contradictory to accumulating evidence that these networks show non-trivial... Read More about Comparing multilayer brain networks between groups: Introducing graph metrics and recommendations.

An analysis of waves underlying grid cell firing in the medial enthorinal cortex (2017)
Journal Article
Bonilla-Quintana, M., Wedgwood, K. C., O'Dea, R. D., & Coombes, S. (in press). An analysis of waves underlying grid cell firing in the medial enthorinal cortex. Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 7(9),

Layer II stellate cells in the medial enthorinal cortex (MEC) express hyperpolarisation-activated cyclic-nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels that allow for rebound spiking via an I_h current in response to hyperpolarising synaptic input. A computational... Read More about An analysis of waves underlying grid cell firing in the medial enthorinal cortex.

Effective equations governing an active poroelastic medium (2017)
Journal Article
Collis, J., Brown, D., Hubbard, M. E., & O'Dea, R. D. (2017). Effective equations governing an active poroelastic medium. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 473(2198),

In this work we consider the spatial homogenization of a coupled transport and fluid-structure interaction model, to the end of deriving a system of effective equations describing the flow, elastic deformation, and transport in an active poroelastic... Read More about Effective equations governing an active poroelastic medium.

Microstructural Influences on Growth and Transport in Biological Tissue-A Multiscale Description (2017)
Book Chapter
Irons, L., Collis, J., & O'Dea, R. D. (2017). Microstructural Influences on Growth and Transport in Biological Tissue-A Multiscale Description. In S. M. Becker (Ed.), Modeling of microscale transport in biological processes (311-334). Academic Press.

The detailed understanding of growth and transport dynamics within biological tissue is made particularly challenging by the complex and multiscale nature of this medium. For this reason so-called effective descriptions are frequently sought. These o... Read More about Microstructural Influences on Growth and Transport in Biological Tissue-A Multiscale Description.