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Dr REBECCA DEWEY's Outputs (29)

Experience of tinnitus in adults who have severe-to-profound hearing loss: A scoping review (2022)
Journal Article
Alzahrani, L., Sereda, M., Chamouton, C. S., Haider, H., Dewey, R. S., & Hoare, D. J. (2022). Experience of tinnitus in adults who have severe-to-profound hearing loss: A scoping review. Frontiers in Neurology, 13, Article 1004059.

Background: Tinnitus is defined as the subjective perception of sound in the absence of an external stimulus, and tinnitus disorder becomes relevant when it is associated with emotional distress, cognitive dysfunction, and/or autonomic arousal. Heari... Read More about Experience of tinnitus in adults who have severe-to-profound hearing loss: A scoping review.

A global survey of healthcare professionals undertaking MRI of patients with cochlear implants: a heterogeneity of practice and opinions (2022)
Journal Article
Dewey, R. S., Bowtell, R., & Kitterick, P. (2022). A global survey of healthcare professionals undertaking MRI of patients with cochlear implants: a heterogeneity of practice and opinions. British Journal of Radiology, 95(1137), Article 20220213.

Objective: To capture practice and opinions around the current clinical use of MRI in patients with cochlear implants (CIs), and to characterise patient progression from referral to image reporting. Methods: An online survey recruited 237 healthcare... Read More about A global survey of healthcare professionals undertaking MRI of patients with cochlear implants: a heterogeneity of practice and opinions.

Spontaneous adverse drug reaction reporting by community pharmacists: preparedness and barriers (2022)
Journal Article
Bahlol, M., Bushell, M., Khojah, H. M., & Dewey, R. S. (2022). Spontaneous adverse drug reaction reporting by community pharmacists: preparedness and barriers. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 30(7), 1052-1059.

Background: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are undesired, unintended responses to drugs, and are significantly underreported. Pharmacists are drug experts recognized as custodians of drug safety, who are expected to be prepared for and knowledgeable a... Read More about Spontaneous adverse drug reaction reporting by community pharmacists: preparedness and barriers.

Community pharmacy practice related to the COVID-19 pandemic: barriers and facilitators (2022)
Journal Article
Bahlol, M., Tran, V. D., & Dewey, R. S. (2022). Community pharmacy practice related to the COVID-19 pandemic: barriers and facilitators. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 30(3), 226-234.

BACKGROUND: Community pharmacies provide an important healthcare service. Their significant value has been further highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. OBJECTIVES: To identify and categorize potential barriers and facilitators to the role... Read More about Community pharmacy practice related to the COVID-19 pandemic: barriers and facilitators.

Barriers to Community Pharmacists Referring Patients With Suspected COVID-19 Symptoms (2022)
Journal Article
Bahlol, M., Sum, Z. Z., & Dewey, R. S. (2022). Barriers to Community Pharmacists Referring Patients With Suspected COVID-19 Symptoms. Journal of Pharmacy Practice,

Background: With the necessary skills available to community pharmacists, they are well equipped to relieve pressure on hospitals and general practices by providing referral services for symptomatic patients for COVID-19 testing. Objective: The asses... Read More about Barriers to Community Pharmacists Referring Patients With Suspected COVID-19 Symptoms.

Effectiveness and Implementation Outcome Measures of Mental Health Curriculum Intervention Using Social Media to Improve the Mental Health Literacy of Adolescents (2022)
Journal Article
Hassen, H. M., Behera, M. R., Jena, P. K., Dewey, R. S., & Disassa, G. A. (2022). Effectiveness and Implementation Outcome Measures of Mental Health Curriculum Intervention Using Social Media to Improve the Mental Health Literacy of Adolescents. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 15, 979-997.

Purpose: Globally, adolescent mental health problems reportedly manifest more severely in individuals with lower mental health literacy. Mental health curriculum interventions using social media have been associated with positive implementation outco... Read More about Effectiveness and Implementation Outcome Measures of Mental Health Curriculum Intervention Using Social Media to Improve the Mental Health Literacy of Adolescents.

Perspectives on COVID-19 prevention and treatment using herbal medicine in Vietnam: A cross-sectional study (2021)
Journal Article
Tran, V. D., Pham, D. T., Cao, T. T. N., Bahlol, M., Dewey, R. S., Le, M. H., & Nguyen, V. A. (2021). Perspectives on COVID-19 prevention and treatment using herbal medicine in Vietnam: A cross-sectional study. Annali di Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e di Comunità, 34(5), 515-531.

Introduction. The significance of herbal medicine (HM) during the COVID-19 pandemic has been confirmed. Nevertheless, limited studies have included the people perspectives on COVID-19 prevention/treatment using herbal medicine in Vietnam. Thus, this... Read More about Perspectives on COVID-19 prevention and treatment using herbal medicine in Vietnam: A cross-sectional study.

Willingness of Healthcare Students in Vietnam to Volunteer During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021)
Journal Article
Tran, V. D., Pham, D. T., Dao, T. N. P., Pham, K. A. T., Ngo, P. T., & Dewey, R. S. (2022). Willingness of Healthcare Students in Vietnam to Volunteer During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Community Health, 47(1), 108-117.

Healthcare students play an important role in volunteering activity, often addressing staff shortages. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the willingness of students to volunteer in contribution to the pandemic response, especially in Vietnam, ha... Read More about Willingness of Healthcare Students in Vietnam to Volunteer During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Association between socioeconomic factors and soft drink consumption among adults in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study (2021)
Journal Article
Laohasiriwong, W., Samphors, S., Chamroen, P., Pisey, V., & Dewey, R. S. (2021). Association between socioeconomic factors and soft drink consumption among adults in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study. F1000Research, 9, Article 708.

Background: Soft drinks are an attractive and popular drink, consumed by many people to fulfill their energy. However, soft drink consumption is an important risk factor for non-communicable diseases. This study aimed to investigate the association b... Read More about Association between socioeconomic factors and soft drink consumption among adults in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study.

Cochlear implant user perceptions of magnetic resonance imaging (2021)
Journal Article
Dewey, R. S., & Kitterick, P. T. (2022). Cochlear implant user perceptions of magnetic resonance imaging. Cochlear Implants International, 23(1), 11-20.


To characterise opinions about needing to undergo MRI within the population of current cochlear implant (CI) users.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of CI users is often associated with severe discomfort and magnet disp... Read More about Cochlear implant user perceptions of magnetic resonance imaging.

Parametric Assessment of the Effect of Cochlear Implant Positioning on Brain MRI Artefacts at 3 T (2021)
Journal Article
Dewey, R. S., Dineen, R. A., Clemence, M., Dick, O., Bowtell, R., & Kitterick, P. T. (2021). Parametric Assessment of the Effect of Cochlear Implant Positioning on Brain MRI Artefacts at 3 T. Otology and Neurotology, 42(10), e1449-e1456.

Background:Brain magnetic resonance imaging in patients with cochlear implants (CIs) is impacted by image artefacts.Hypothesis:The optimal positioning of the CI to minimize artefacts is unknown. This study aimed to characterize the dependence of the... Read More about Parametric Assessment of the Effect of Cochlear Implant Positioning on Brain MRI Artefacts at 3 T.

Comparison of continuous sampling with active noise cancellation and sparse sampling for cortical and subcortical auditory fMRI (2021)
Journal Article
Dewey, R. S., Hall, D. A., Plack, C. J., & Francis, S. T. (2021). Comparison of continuous sampling with active noise cancellation and sparse sampling for cortical and subcortical auditory fMRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 86(5), 2577-2588.

Detecting sound-related activity using functional MRI requires the auditory stimulus to be more salient than the intense background scanner acoustic noise. Various strategies can reduce the impact of scanner acoustic noise, including “sparse... Read More about Comparison of continuous sampling with active noise cancellation and sparse sampling for cortical and subcortical auditory fMRI.

Comparison of continuous sampling with active noise cancelation and sparse sampling for cortical and subcortical auditory functional MRI (2021)
Journal Article
Dewey, R. S., Hall, D. A., Plack, C. J., & Francis, S. T. (2021). Comparison of continuous sampling with active noise cancelation and sparse sampling for cortical and subcortical auditory functional MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 86(5), 2577-2588.

Detecting sound-related activity using functional MRI requires the auditory stimulus to be more salient than the intense background scanner acoustic noise. Various strategies can reduce the impact of scanner acoustic noise, including “sparse... Read More about Comparison of continuous sampling with active noise cancelation and sparse sampling for cortical and subcortical auditory functional MRI.

The Role of “Special Clinics” in Imparting Clinical Skills: Medical Education for Competence and Sophistication (2021)
Journal Article
Jain, S., & Dewey, R. S. (2021). The Role of “Special Clinics” in Imparting Clinical Skills: Medical Education for Competence and Sophistication. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, Volume 12, 513-518.

Purpose: Advanced methodical learning and optimised learning leads to better-trained doctors. Such teaching typically comprises the illustration of features and access to facilities. This article explores the role of “Special clinics” in medical educ... Read More about The Role of “Special Clinics” in Imparting Clinical Skills: Medical Education for Competence and Sophistication.

Talk to us! Communication is a key factor in improving the comfort of MRI research participants (2021)
Journal Article
Dewey, R., Ward, C., Junor, A., & Horobin, A. (2021). Talk to us! Communication is a key factor in improving the comfort of MRI research participants. Health Expectations, 24(4), 1137-1144.

Context: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an invaluable diagnostic and research tool. Having an MRI scan is not always comfortable and may deter people from taking part in MRI research. Maximising comfort during scanning will improve participants'... Read More about Talk to us! Communication is a key factor in improving the comfort of MRI research participants.

Use of and attitudes towards herbal medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in Vietnam (2021)
Journal Article
Nguyen, P. H., De Tran, V., Pham, D. T., Dao, T. N. P., & Dewey, R. S. (2021). Use of and attitudes towards herbal medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in Vietnam. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 44, Article 101328.


Herbal medicine has a long and rich history of practice in Vietnam. However, research on this topic is limited, especially in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to explore (1) the prevalence and indication for herbal... Read More about Use of and attitudes towards herbal medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in Vietnam.

Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of universal hepatitis B virus vaccination in Iran: a Markov model analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Mokhtari, A. M., Barouni, M., Moghadami, M., Hassanzadeh, J., Dewey, R. S., & Mirahmadizadeh, A. (2021). Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of universal hepatitis B virus vaccination in Iran: a Markov model analysis. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, 17(6), 1825-1833.

Vaccination is an essential way to prevent the transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV). Various studies have been published on the cost-effectiveness of HBV vaccination, but since the results vary according to the target population and related health... Read More about Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of universal hepatitis B virus vaccination in Iran: a Markov model analysis.

Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in a high infection-rate country: a cross-sectional study in Russia (2021)
Journal Article
Tran, V. D., Pak, T. V., Gribkova, E. I., Galkina, G. A., Loskutova, E. E., Dorofeeva, V. V., …Pham, D. T. (2021). Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in a high infection-rate country: a cross-sectional study in Russia. Pharmacy Practice, 19(1), Article 2276.

Background: COVID-19 vaccine development is proceeding at an unprecedented pace. Once COVID-19 vaccines become widely available, it will be necessary to maximize public vaccine acceptance and coverage.

Objective: This research aimed to analyze the... Read More about Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in a high infection-rate country: a cross-sectional study in Russia.

Mental health status and quality of life among Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand (2020)
Journal Article
Laohasiriwong, W., Chamroen, P., Samphors, S., Rachutorn, T., S. Dewey, R., & Pisey, V. (2020). Mental health status and quality of life among Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand. F1000Research, 9, Article 1138.

Background: Migrant workers have become a major issue for Thailand. Most of the migrants are from Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos. Most are employed in jobs referred to as the “3 Ds”; difficult, dangerous and dirty. However, little is known concerning t... Read More about Mental health status and quality of life among Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand.

Socio-demographic and lifestyle factors associated with understanding fast food consumption among adults in Cambodia (2020)
Journal Article
Samphors, S., Chamroen, P., S. Dewey, R., Rachutorn, T., & Pisey, V. (2020). Socio-demographic and lifestyle factors associated with understanding fast food consumption among adults in Cambodia. F1000Research, 9, Article 1121.

Background: Over the past decades, fast food has been rapidly gaining popularity and availability worldwide. Its consequential impact on human health is among the highest in terms of non-communicable diseases. Therefore, this study aimed to investiga... Read More about Socio-demographic and lifestyle factors associated with understanding fast food consumption among adults in Cambodia.

Association between socioeconomic factors and soft drink consumption among adults in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study (2020)
Journal Article
Sim, S., Pisey, V., & Dewey, R. S. (2020). Association between socioeconomic factors and soft drink consumption among adults in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study. F1000Research, 9, Article 708.

Background: Soft drinks are an attractive and popular drink, consumed by many people to fulfill their energy. However, soft drink consumption is an important risk factor for non-communicable diseases. This study aimed to investigate the association b... Read More about Association between socioeconomic factors and soft drink consumption among adults in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study.

Pandemic preparedness of community pharmacies for COVID-19 (2020)
Journal Article
Bahlol, M., & Dewey, R. S. (2021). Pandemic preparedness of community pharmacies for COVID-19. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 17(1), 1888-1896.

© 2020 Elsevier Inc. Background: Community pharmacies provide an important healthcare service, which is broadly established, and constitutes the preferred and initial contact for members of the community. The significant value of community pharmacies... Read More about Pandemic preparedness of community pharmacies for COVID-19.

The association between subcortical and cortical fMRI and lifetime noise exposure in listeners with normal hearing thresholds (2019)
Journal Article
Dewey, R. S., Francis, S. T., Guest, H., Prendergast, G., Millman, R. E., Plack, C. J., & Hall, D. A. (2020). The association between subcortical and cortical fMRI and lifetime noise exposure in listeners with normal hearing thresholds. NeuroImage, 204, Article 116239.

© 2019 In animal models, exposure to high noise levels can cause permanent damage to hair-cell synapses (cochlear synaptopathy) for high-threshold auditory nerve fibers without affecting sensitivity to quiet sounds. This has been confirmed in several... Read More about The association between subcortical and cortical fMRI and lifetime noise exposure in listeners with normal hearing thresholds.

The Noise Exposure Structured Interview (NESI): an instrument for the comprehensive estimation of lifetime noise exposure (2018)
Journal Article
Guest, H., Dewey, R. S., Plack, C. J., Couth, S., Prendergast, G., Bakay, W., & Hall, D. A. (2018). The Noise Exposure Structured Interview (NESI): an instrument for the comprehensive estimation of lifetime noise exposure. Trends in Hearing, 22, 1-10.

Lifetime noise exposure is generally quantified by self report. The accuracy of retrospective self report is limited by respondent recall, but is also bound to be influenced by reporting procedures. Such procedures are of variable quality in current... Read More about The Noise Exposure Structured Interview (NESI): an instrument for the comprehensive estimation of lifetime noise exposure.

The Physiological Bases of Hidden Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Protocol for a Functional Neuroimaging Study (Preprint) (2018)
Dewey, R. S., Hall, D. A., Guest, H., Prendergast, G., Plack, C. J., & Francis, S. T. (2018). The Physiological Bases of Hidden Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Protocol for a Functional Neuroimaging Study (Preprint)


Rodent studies indicate that noise exposure can cause permanent damage to synapses between inner hair cells and high-threshold auditory nerve fibers, without permanently altering threshold sensitivity. These demonstrations of what is c... Read More about The Physiological Bases of Hidden Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Protocol for a Functional Neuroimaging Study (Preprint).

The Physiological Bases of Hidden Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Protocol for a Functional Neuroimaging Study (2018)
Journal Article
Dewey, R. S., Hall, D. A., Guest, H., Prendergast, G., Plack, C. J., & Francis, S. T. (2018). The Physiological Bases of Hidden Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Protocol for a Functional Neuroimaging Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 7(3), Article e79.

Background: Rodent studies indicate that noise exposure can cause permanent damage to synapses between inner hair cells and high-threshold auditory nerve fibers, without permanently altering threshold sensitivity. These demonstrations of what is comm... Read More about The Physiological Bases of Hidden Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Protocol for a Functional Neuroimaging Study.

Effects of noise exposure on young adults with normal audiograms II: Behavioral measures (2017)
Journal Article
Prendergast, G., Millman, R. E., Guest, H., Munro, K. J., Kluk, K., Dewey, R. S., …Plack, C. J. (2017). Effects of noise exposure on young adults with normal audiograms II: Behavioral measures. Hearing Research, 356,

An estimate of lifetime noise exposure was used as the primary predictor of performance on a range of behavioral tasks: frequency and intensity difference limens, amplitude modulation detection, interaural phase discrimination, the digit triplet spee... Read More about Effects of noise exposure on young adults with normal audiograms II: Behavioral measures.

Cortical cross-modal plasticity following deafness measured using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (2015)
Journal Article
Hartley, D. E., & Dewey, R. S. (2015). Cortical cross-modal plasticity following deafness measured using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Hearing Research, 325, 55-63.

Evidence from functional neuroimaging studies suggests that the auditory cortex can become more responsive to visual and somatosensory stimulation following deafness, and that this occurs predominately in the right hemisphere. Extensive cross-modal p... Read More about Cortical cross-modal plasticity following deafness measured using functional near-infrared spectroscopy.