Combined total internal reflection AF spectral-imaging and Raman spectroscopy for fast assessment of surgical margins during breast cancer surgery
Journal Article
Lizio, M. G., Liao, Z., Shipp, D. W., Boitor, R., Mihai, R., Sharp, J. S., Russell, M., Khout, H., Rakha, E. A., & Notingher, I. (2021). Combined total internal reflection AF spectral-imaging and Raman spectroscopy for fast assessment of surgical margins during breast cancer surgery. Biomedical Optics Express, 12(2), 940-954.
The standard treatment for breast cancer is surgical removal mainly through breast conserving surgey (BCS). We developed a new technique based on auto-fluorescence (AF) spectral imaging and Raman spectroscopy for fast intraoperative assessment of exc... Read More about Combined total internal reflection AF spectral-imaging and Raman spectroscopy for fast assessment of surgical margins during breast cancer surgery.