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Professor JOEL FISCHER's Outputs (10)

Identifying interaction types and functionality for automated vehicle virtual assistants: An exploratory study using speech acts cluster analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Clark, J. R., Large, D. R., Shaw, E., Nichele, E., Galvez Trigo, M. J., Fischer, J. E., Burnett, G., & Stanton, N. A. (2024). Identifying interaction types and functionality for automated vehicle virtual assistants: An exploratory study using speech acts cluster analysis. Applied Ergonomics, 114, Article 104152.

Onboard virtual assistants with the ability to converse with users are gaining favour in supporting effective human-machine interaction to meet safe standards of operation in automated vehicles (AVs). Previous studies have highlighted the need to com... Read More about Identifying interaction types and functionality for automated vehicle virtual assistants: An exploratory study using speech acts cluster analysis.

“They’re not going to do all the tasks we do”: Understanding Trust and Reassurance towards a UV-C Disinfection Robot (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Trigo, M. J. G., Reyes-Cruz, G., Maior, H. A., Pepper, C., Price, D., Leonard, P., Tochia, C., Hyde, R., Watson, N., & Fischer, J. E. (2023, August). “They’re not going to do all the tasks we do”: Understanding Trust and Reassurance towards a UV-C Disinfection Robot. Presented at IEEE RO-MAN 2023, Busan, South Korea

Increasingly, robots are adopted for routine tasks such as cleaning and disinfection of public spaces, raising questions about attitudes and trust of professional cleaners who might in future have robots as teammates, and whether the general public f... Read More about “They’re not going to do all the tasks we do”: Understanding Trust and Reassurance towards a UV-C Disinfection Robot.

RoboClean: Contextual Language Grounding for Human-Robot Interactions in Specialised Low-Resource Environments (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fuentes, C., Porcheron, M., & Fischer, J. E. (2023, July). RoboClean: Contextual Language Grounding for Human-Robot Interactions in Specialised Low-Resource Environments. Presented at CUI '23: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, Eindhoven Netherlands

Building effective voice interfaces for the instruction of service robots in specialised environments is difficult due to the local knowledge of workers, such as specific terminology for objects and space, leading to limited data to train language mo... Read More about RoboClean: Contextual Language Grounding for Human-Robot Interactions in Specialised Low-Resource Environments.

Generative AI Considered Harmful (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fischer, J. E. (2023, July). Generative AI Considered Harmful. Presented at CUI '23: ACM conference on Conversational User Interfaces, Eindhoven Netherlands

The recent months have seen an explosion of interest, hype, and concern about generative AI, driven by the release of ChatGPT. In this article I seek to explicate some potential and actual harms of the engineering and use of generative AI such as Cha... Read More about Generative AI Considered Harmful.

TAS for Cats: An Artist-led Exploration of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems for Companion Animals (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schneiders, E., Chamberlain, A., Fischer, J. E., Benford, S., Castle-Green, S., Ngo, V., Kucukyilmaz, A., Barnard, P., Row Farr, J., Adams, M., Tandavanitj, N., Devlin, K., Mancini, C., & Mills, D. (2023, July). TAS for Cats: An Artist-led Exploration of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems for Companion Animals. Presented at First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS 23), Edinburgh, UK

Cat Royale is an artist-led exploration of trustworthy autonomous systems (TAS) created by the TAS Hub's creative ambassadors Blast Theory. A small community of cats inhabits a purpose built 'cat utopia' at the centre of which a robot arm tries to en... Read More about TAS for Cats: An Artist-led Exploration of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems for Companion Animals.

Augmented Robotic Telepresence (ART): A Prototype for Enhancing Remote Interaction and Participation (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Reyes-Cruz, G., Phypers, I., Boudouraki, A., Price, D., Fischer, J., Reeves, S., Galvez Trigo, M., & Maior, H. (2023, July). Augmented Robotic Telepresence (ART): A Prototype for Enhancing Remote Interaction and Participation. Presented at First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Mobile robotic telepresence (MRP) allows remote users' access and mobility in a range of local environments. MRP devices have been adopted in societally significant domains such as workplaces, museums, commerce, education, and healthcare, especially... Read More about Augmented Robotic Telepresence (ART): A Prototype for Enhancing Remote Interaction and Participation.

Your mileage may vary: Case study of a robotic telepresence pilot roll-out for a hybrid knowledge work organisation (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Boudouraki, A., Fischer, J. E., Reeves, S., & Rintel, S. (2023, April). Your mileage may vary: Case study of a robotic telepresence pilot roll-out for a hybrid knowledge work organisation. Presented at CHI '23: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Hamburg, Germany

Organisations wishing to maintain employee satisfaction for hybrid collaboration need to explore flexible solutions that provide value for both remote and on-site employees. In this case study, we report on the roll-out of a telepresence robot pilot... Read More about Your mileage may vary: Case study of a robotic telepresence pilot roll-out for a hybrid knowledge work organisation.

"Being in on the Action" in Mobile Robotic Telepresence: Rethinking Presence in Hybrid Participation (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Boudouraki, A., Fischer, J. E., Reeves, S., & Rintel, S. (2023, March). "Being in on the Action" in Mobile Robotic Telepresence: Rethinking Presence in Hybrid Participation. Presented at 18th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), Stockholm, Sweden

Mobile Robotic Telepresence (MRP) systems afford remote communication with an embodied physicality and autonomous mobility, which is thought to be useful for creating a sense of presence in hybrid activities. In this paper, drawing on phenomenology,... Read More about "Being in on the Action" in Mobile Robotic Telepresence: Rethinking Presence in Hybrid Participation.

Human-Robot Conversational Interaction (HRCI) (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McMillan, D., Jaber, R., Cowan, B. R., Fischer, J. E., Irfan, B., Cumbal, R., Zargham, N., & Lee, M. (2023, March). Human-Robot Conversational Interaction (HRCI). Presented at ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Stockholm, Sweden

Conversation is one of the primary methods of interaction between humans and robots. It provides a natural way of communication with the robot, thereby reducing the obstacles that can be faced through other interfaces (e.g., text or touch) that may c... Read More about Human-Robot Conversational Interaction (HRCI).

Revisiting the Digital Plumber: Modifying the Installation Process of an Established Commercial IoT Alarm System (2023)
Journal Article
Castle-Green, T., Reeves, S., Fischer, J. E., & Koleva, B. (2023). Revisiting the Digital Plumber: Modifying the Installation Process of an Established Commercial IoT Alarm System. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 32(3), 607-643.

The ‘digital plumber’ is a conceptualisation in ubicomp research that describes the work of installing and maintaining IoT devices. But an important and often understated element of commercial IoT solutions is their long-term socio-technical infrastr... Read More about Revisiting the Digital Plumber: Modifying the Installation Process of an Established Commercial IoT Alarm System.