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Professor Elizabeth Orton's Outputs (5)

School-based education programmes for the prevention of unintentional injuries in children and young people. (2016)
Journal Article
Orton, E., Whitehead, J., Mhizha-Murira, J. R., Clarkson, M., Watson, M. C., Mulvaney, C. A., Staniforth, J. U., & Bhuchar, M. (2016). School-based education programmes for the prevention of unintentional injuries in children and young people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 12(CD0102),

Background: Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death in children aged four to 18 years and are a major cause of ill health. The school setting offers the opportunity to deliver preventive interventions to a large number of children and h... Read More about School-based education programmes for the prevention of unintentional injuries in children and young people..

Differing patterns in intentional and unintentional poisonings among young people in England, 1998-2014: a population based cohort study (2016)
Journal Article
Tyrrell, E. G., Orton, E., Sayal, K., Baker, R., & Kendrick, D. (2017). Differing patterns in intentional and unintentional poisonings among young people in England, 1998-2014: a population based cohort study. Journal of Public Health, 39(2), Article e1-e9.

Background Accurate and up to date data on changes in poisoning incidence among young people are lacking. Recent linkage of UK primary care, hospital and mortality data allows these to be quantified to inform service delivery.

Methods An open coh... Read More about Differing patterns in intentional and unintentional poisonings among young people in England, 1998-2014: a population based cohort study.

Differing patterns in thermal injury incidence and hospitalisations among 0–4 year old children from England (2016)
Journal Article
Baker, R., Tata, L. J., Kendrick, D., Burch, T., Kennedy, M., & Orton, E. (2016). Differing patterns in thermal injury incidence and hospitalisations among 0–4 year old children from England. Burns, 42(7), 1609-1616.

Objective: To describe patterns in thermal injury incidence and hospitalisations by age, sex, calendar year and socioeconomic status among 0-4 year olds in England for the period 1998-2013.

Participants: 708,050 children with linked primary care a... Read More about Differing patterns in thermal injury incidence and hospitalisations among 0–4 year old children from England.

Epidemiology of poisonings, fractures and burns among 0–24 year olds in England using linked health and mortality data (2016)
Journal Article
Baker, R., Orton, E., Tata, L. J., & Kendrick, D. (2016). Epidemiology of poisonings, fractures and burns among 0–24 year olds in England using linked health and mortality data. European Journal of Public Health, 26(6), 940-946.

Understanding patterns of injury in England is challenging due to a lack of national injury surveillance data. Through recent linkage of a large primary care research database to hospitalization and mortality data, we describe the epide... Read More about Epidemiology of poisonings, fractures and burns among 0–24 year olds in England using linked health and mortality data.

Changes in poisonings among adolescents in the UK between 1992 and 2012: a population based cohort study (2016)
Journal Article
Tyrrell, E. G., Orton, E., & Tata, L. J. (2016). Changes in poisonings among adolescents in the UK between 1992 and 2012: a population based cohort study. Injury Prevention, 22(6), 400-406.

Background: Poisonings are a common cause of morbidity and mortality among adolescents. Yet surveillance data indicating current incidence rates (IRs) and time trends are lacking, making policy development and service planning difficult. We utilised... Read More about Changes in poisonings among adolescents in the UK between 1992 and 2012: a population based cohort study.