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A facile one step route that introduces functionality to polymer powders for laser sintering (2024)
Journal Article
Krumins, E., Crawford, L. A., Rogers, D. M., Machado, F., Taresco, V., East, M., Irving, S. H., Fowler, H. R., Jiang, L., Starr, N., Parmenter, C. D., Kortsen, K., Cuzzucoli Crucitti, V., Avery, S. V., Tuck, C. J., & Howdle, S. M. (2024). A facile one step route that introduces functionality to polymer powders for laser sintering. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 3137.

Laser Sintering (LS) is a type of Additive Manufacturing (AM) exploiting laser processing of polymeric particles to produce 3D objects. Because of its ease of processability and thermo-physical properties, polyamide-12 (PA-12) represents ~95% of the... Read More about A facile one step route that introduces functionality to polymer powders for laser sintering.

Kerogen nanoscale structure and CO2 adsorption in shale micropores (2021)
Journal Article
Gonciaruk, A., Hall, M. R., Fay, M. W., Parmenter, C. D. J., Vane, C. H., Khlobystov, A. N., & Ripepi, N. (2021). Kerogen nanoscale structure and CO2 adsorption in shale micropores. Scientific Reports, 11, Article 3920.

Gas storage and recovery processes in shales critically depend on nano-scale porosity and chemical composition, but information about the nanoscale pore geometry and connectivity of kerogen, insoluble organic shale matter, is largely unavailable. Usi... Read More about Kerogen nanoscale structure and CO2 adsorption in shale micropores.

Clean Block Copolymer Microparticles from Supercritical CO 2 : Universal Templates for the Facile and Scalable Fabrication of Hierarchical Mesostructured Metal Oxides (2018)
Journal Article
Bennett, T. M., He, G., Larder, R. R., Fischer, M. G., Rance, G. A., Fay, M. W., Pearce, A. K., Parmenter, C. D. J., Steiner, U., & Howdle, S. M. (2018). Clean Block Copolymer Microparticles from Supercritical CO 2 : Universal Templates for the Facile and Scalable Fabrication of Hierarchical Mesostructured Metal Oxides. Nano Letters, 18(12), 7560-7569.

© 2018 American Chemical Society. Metal oxide microparticles with well-defined internal mesostructures are promising materials for a variety of different applications, but practical routes to such materials that allow the constituent structural leng... Read More about Clean Block Copolymer Microparticles from Supercritical CO 2 : Universal Templates for the Facile and Scalable Fabrication of Hierarchical Mesostructured Metal Oxides.

Rapid and accurate analysis of stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles with super resolution microscopy and live imaging (2018)
Journal Article
Nizamudeen, Z., Markus, R., Lodge, R., Parmenter, C., Platt, M., Chakrabarti, L., & Sottile, V. (2018). Rapid and accurate analysis of stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles with super resolution microscopy and live imaging. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 1865(12), 1891-1900.

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have prevalent roles in cancer biology and regenerative medicine. Conventional techniques for characterising EVs including electron microscopy (EM), nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) and tuneable resistive pulse sensin... Read More about Rapid and accurate analysis of stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles with super resolution microscopy and live imaging.

Additive manufacture of complex 3D Au-containing nanocomposites by simultaneous two-photon polymerisation and photoreduction (2017)
Journal Article
Parmenter, C. D. J., Hu, Q., Sun, X. Z., Parmenter, C. D., Fay, M. W., Smith, E. F., Rance, G. A., He, Y., Zhang, F., Liu, Y., Irvine, D., Tuck, C., Hague, R., & Wildman, R. (2017). Additive manufacture of complex 3D Au-containing nanocomposites by simultaneous two-photon polymerisation and photoreduction. Scientific Reports, 7(1), Article 17150.

© 2017 The Author(s). The fabrication of complex three-dimensional gold-containing nanocomposite structures by simultaneous two-photon polymerisation and photoreduction is demonstrated. Increased salt delivers reduced feature sizes down to line width... Read More about Additive manufacture of complex 3D Au-containing nanocomposites by simultaneous two-photon polymerisation and photoreduction.

Growth of single-layer boron nitride dome-shaped nanostructures catalysed by iron clusters (2016)
Journal Article
Torre, A. L., Åhlgren, E. H., Fay, M. W., Ben Romdhane, F., Skowron, S. T., Parmenter, C., Davies, A. J., Jouhannaud, J., Pourroy, G., Khlobystov, A. N., Brown, P. D., Besley, E., & Banhart, F. (2016). Growth of single-layer boron nitride dome-shaped nanostructures catalysed by iron clusters. Nanoscale, 8(32), 15079-15085.

© 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry. We report on the growth and formation of single-layer boron nitride dome-shaped nanostructures mediated by small iron clusters located on flakes of hexagonal boron nitride. The nanostructures were synthesized in... Read More about Growth of single-layer boron nitride dome-shaped nanostructures catalysed by iron clusters.