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Dr NICOLA WRIGHT's Outputs (2)

A house is not a home: housing disadvantage, homelessness, and modern slavery (2023)
Journal Article
Clare, N., Iafrati, S., Reeson, C., Wright, N., Gray, C., & Baptiste, H. (2023). A house is not a home: housing disadvantage, homelessness, and modern slavery. Journal of the British Academy, 11, 83-93.

This commentary focuses on the underexplored links between housing disadvantage, homelessness, and modern slavery. Despite significant anecdotal evidence, there is a pressing need for proper theorisation of the connections between housing situation a... Read More about A house is not a home: housing disadvantage, homelessness, and modern slavery.

The Risks and Harms Associated with Modern Slavery during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom: A Multi-Method Study (2023)
Journal Article
Such, E., Gardner, A., Dang, M., Wright, N., Bravo-Balsa, L., Brotherton, V., Browne, H., Esiovwa, N., Jiménez, E., Lucas, B., Wyman, E., & Trodd, Z. (in press). The Risks and Harms Associated with Modern Slavery during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom: A Multi-Method Study. Journal of Human Trafficking, 1-21.

The COVID-19 pandemic has considerably affected global economies and societies, exacerbating existing social inequalities. This “syndemic” pandemic has placed people and communities affected by modern slavery and human trafficking at elevated risk of... Read More about The Risks and Harms Associated with Modern Slavery during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom: A Multi-Method Study.