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Dr NICOLA WRIGHT's Outputs (37)

Triple Threats: Co-ordinated and collective actions to address health, work and climate concerns (2025)
Ahmed, S., Ayangunna, R., Barrow, J., Jackson, B., Ojo, T., Ojo, K., Parker, P., West, P., & Wright, N. (2025). Triple Threats: Co-ordinated and collective actions to address health, work and climate concerns. Rights Lab Survivor Research Advisory Board, University of Nottingham

The paper explores three priority threats upon health and work, resulting from climate change identified through a series of collaborative workshops with lived experience survivors of modern slavery. Areas highlighted which require collaborative acti... Read More about Triple Threats: Co-ordinated and collective actions to address health, work and climate concerns.

Cognitive impairment and exploitation: connecting fragments of a bigger picture through data (2024)
Journal Article
Abubakar, A. M., Seymour, R. G., Gardner, A., Lambert, I., Fyson, R., & Wright, N. (2024). Cognitive impairment and exploitation: connecting fragments of a bigger picture through data. Journal of Public Health, 46(4), 498-505.

Exploitation poses a significant public health concern. This paper highlights ‘jigsaw pieces’ of statistical evidence, indicating cognitive impairment as a pre- or co-existing factor in exploitation.

We reviewed English Safegu... Read More about Cognitive impairment and exploitation: connecting fragments of a bigger picture through data.

Cognitive Impairment as A Vulnerability for Exploitation: A Scoping Review (2024)
Journal Article
Lambert, I., Wright, N., Gardner, A., Fyson, R., Abubakar, A., & Clawson, R. (2024). Cognitive Impairment as A Vulnerability for Exploitation: A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse,

Exploitation is a form of abuse that occurs when one person unfairly manipulates another for profit or personal gain. Various individual and social characteristics have the potential to increase an individual’s risk of being exploited. Cognitive impa... Read More about Cognitive Impairment as A Vulnerability for Exploitation: A Scoping Review.

A rapid realist review of literature examining Co‐production in mental health services for youth (2024)
Journal Article
Jones, V. R., Waring, J., Wright, N., & Fenton, S. (in press). A rapid realist review of literature examining Co‐production in mental health services for youth. JCPP Advances, Article e12272.

Background: An overview of internationally published literature on what works for co‐production in youth mental health services is missing, despite a practice andpolicy context strongly recommending this approach. This rapid realist review develops a... Read More about A rapid realist review of literature examining Co‐production in mental health services for youth.

Applications of Grounded Theory Methodology to Investigate Hearing Loss: A Methodological Qualitative Systematic Review With Developed Guidelines (2024)
Journal Article
Ali, Y., Wright, N., Charnock, D., Henshaw, H., Morris, H., & Hoare, D. J. (2024). Applications of Grounded Theory Methodology to Investigate Hearing Loss: A Methodological Qualitative Systematic Review With Developed Guidelines. Ear and Hearing, 45(3), 550-562.

Qualitative methodologies are commonly adopted in hearing loss research. Grounded theory methodology is increasingly used to establish novel theories explaining experiences related to hearing loss. Establishing and improving the quality... Read More about Applications of Grounded Theory Methodology to Investigate Hearing Loss: A Methodological Qualitative Systematic Review With Developed Guidelines.

A house is not a home: housing disadvantage, homelessness, and modern slavery (2023)
Journal Article
Clare, N., Iafrati, S., Reeson, C., Wright, N., Gray, C., & Baptiste, H. (2023). A house is not a home: housing disadvantage, homelessness, and modern slavery. Journal of the British Academy, 11, 83-93.

This commentary focuses on the underexplored links between housing disadvantage, homelessness, and modern slavery. Despite significant anecdotal evidence, there is a pressing need for proper theorisation of the connections between housing situation a... Read More about A house is not a home: housing disadvantage, homelessness, and modern slavery.

The Risks and Harms Associated with Modern Slavery during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom: A Multi-Method Study (2023)
Journal Article
Such, E., Gardner, A., Dang, M., Wright, N., Bravo-Balsa, L., Brotherton, V., Browne, H., Esiovwa, N., Jiménez, E., Lucas, B., Wyman, E., & Trodd, Z. (in press). The Risks and Harms Associated with Modern Slavery during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom: A Multi-Method Study. Journal of Human Trafficking, 1-21.

The COVID-19 pandemic has considerably affected global economies and societies, exacerbating existing social inequalities. This “syndemic” pandemic has placed people and communities affected by modern slavery and human trafficking at elevated risk of... Read More about The Risks and Harms Associated with Modern Slavery during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom: A Multi-Method Study.

The Mental Health Benefits of Religion and Spirituality in People Living With Bipolar Disorder in Malaysia (2022)
Journal Article
Shariff, N., Wright, N., & Crawford, P. (2022). The Mental Health Benefits of Religion and Spirituality in People Living With Bipolar Disorder in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 18(Supplement 19), 55-59.

Introduction: The taxonomy of spirituality is fraught with complexities in relation to mental health studies, due to contextual variables such as religion. While positive mental health outcomes have been reported by many studies in relation to spirit... Read More about The Mental Health Benefits of Religion and Spirituality in People Living With Bipolar Disorder in Malaysia.

“I Need Help”: A Study of Spiritual Distress Among People Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder in Malaysia (2022)
Journal Article
Shariff, N., Wright, N., & Crawford, P. (2022). “I Need Help”: A Study of Spiritual Distress Among People Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 18(Supplement 19), 38-42.

Introduction: Little is known about spiritual distress in people with bipolar disorder, where they are inclined to maladaptive coping. Given the contextual influence of religion towards Malaysians, this study is aimed at exploring the phenomenon of s... Read More about “I Need Help”: A Study of Spiritual Distress Among People Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder in Malaysia.

The unequal impact of Covid‐19 on the lives and rights of the children of modern slavery survivors, children in exploitation and children at risk of entering exploitation (2022)
Journal Article
Jiménez, E., Brotherton, V., Gardner, A., Wright, N., Browne, H., Esiovwa, N., Dang, M., Wyman, E., Bravo‐Balsa, L., Lucas, B., Gul, M., Such, E., & Trodd, Z. (2023). The unequal impact of Covid‐19 on the lives and rights of the children of modern slavery survivors, children in exploitation and children at risk of entering exploitation. Children & Society, 37(1), 216-234.

This article discusses the unequal impact of Covid-19 on the lives of the children of survivors of modern slavery, child victims of exploitation and children at risk of exploitation in the UK. It draws on research that has analysed the risks and impa... Read More about The unequal impact of Covid‐19 on the lives and rights of the children of modern slavery survivors, children in exploitation and children at risk of entering exploitation.

Mental Healthcare for Survivors of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking: A Single Point-in-Time, Internet-Based Scoping Study of Third Sector Provision (2022)
Journal Article
Lazzarino, R., Wright, N., & Jordan, M. (2024). Mental Healthcare for Survivors of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking: A Single Point-in-Time, Internet-Based Scoping Study of Third Sector Provision. Journal of Human Trafficking, 10(3), 479-496.

In response to extreme violence and psychological abuse, survivors of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking can experience complex mental health problems. Despite being a major public health issue, the evidence base for post-slavery mental health supp... Read More about Mental Healthcare for Survivors of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking: A Single Point-in-Time, Internet-Based Scoping Study of Third Sector Provision.

Interventions to support the mental health of survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking: A systematic review (2021)
Journal Article
Wright, N., Jordan, M., & Lazzarino, R. (2021). Interventions to support the mental health of survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking: A systematic review. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 67(8), 1026-1034.

Background: Modern slavery is a term which incorporates a range of exploitative situations that involve the violation of human rights and the subjugation of individuals. It presents a significant public health concern. Post-release, survivors of mode... Read More about Interventions to support the mental health of survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking: A systematic review.

What does safety in mental health care transitions mean for service users and other stakeholder groups?: An open-ended questionnaire study (2021)
Journal Article
Tyler, N., Wright, N., Panagiotti, M., Grundy, A., & Waring, J. (2021). What does safety in mental health care transitions mean for service users and other stakeholder groups?: An open-ended questionnaire study. Health Expectations, 24(51), 185-194.

Historically, safety mental health research has tended to focus on risks of homicide, suicide, and deaths. Although wider safety issues are now recognised in regards to mental health services, the safety of mental health transitions, a ke... Read More about What does safety in mental health care transitions mean for service users and other stakeholder groups?: An open-ended questionnaire study.

Mental health recovery for survivors of modern slavery: grounded theory study protocol (2020)
Journal Article
Wright, N., Hadziosmanovic, E., Dang, M., Bales, K., Brookes, C., Jordan, M., Slade, M., & Lived Experience Research Advisory Board. (2020). Mental health recovery for survivors of modern slavery: grounded theory study protocol. BMJ Open, 10(11), Article e038583.

© 2020 Author(s). Published by BMJ. Introduction Slavery and human trafficking are crimes involving the violation of human rights and refer to exploitative situations where an individual cannot refuse or leave due to threats, coercion or abuse of pow... Read More about Mental health recovery for survivors of modern slavery: grounded theory study protocol.

The Acceptability and Usability of Digital Health Interventions for Adults with Depressive, Anxiety and Somatoform Disorders: A Qualitative Systematic Review and Meta-synthesis (2020)
Journal Article
Patel, S., Akhtar, A., Malins, S., Wright, N., Rowley, E., Young, E., Sampson, S., & Morriss, R. (2020). The Acceptability and Usability of Digital Health Interventions for Adults with Depressive, Anxiety and Somatoform Disorders: A Qualitative Systematic Review and Meta-synthesis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(7), Article e16228.

Background: The prevalence of mental health disorders continues to rise, with almost 4% of the world population having an anxiety disorder and almost 3.5% having depression in 2017. Despite the high prevalence, only one-third of people with depressio... Read More about The Acceptability and Usability of Digital Health Interventions for Adults with Depressive, Anxiety and Somatoform Disorders: A Qualitative Systematic Review and Meta-synthesis.

Developing a core outcome set for interventions to improve discharge from mental health inpatient services: a survey, Delphi and consensus meeting with key stakeholder groups (2020)
Journal Article
Tyler, N., Wright, N., Grundy, A., & Waring, J. (2020). Developing a core outcome set for interventions to improve discharge from mental health inpatient services: a survey, Delphi and consensus meeting with key stakeholder groups. BMJ Open, 10(5), e034215.

Codesigning a Mental Health Discharge and Transitions of Care Intervention: A Modified Nominal Group Technique (2020)
Journal Article
Tyler, N., Wright, N., Grundy, A., Gregoriou, K., Campbell, S., & Waring, J. (2020). Codesigning a Mental Health Discharge and Transitions of Care Intervention: A Modified Nominal Group Technique. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, Article 328.

Background: Discharge from acute mental health services has long been associated with mortality, risk, and related adverse outcomes for patients. Many of the interventions that currently aim to reduce adverse outcomes focus on a single group of healt... Read More about Codesigning a Mental Health Discharge and Transitions of Care Intervention: A Modified Nominal Group Technique.

Applications of qualitative grounded theory methodology to investigate hearing loss: protocol for a qualitative systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
Ali, Y. H., Wright, N., Charnock, D., Henshaw, H., & Hoare, D. (2020). Applications of qualitative grounded theory methodology to investigate hearing loss: protocol for a qualitative systematic review. BMJ Open, 10(4), Article e033537.

Introduction Hearing loss is a chronic condition affecting 12 million individuals in the UK. People with hearing loss regularly experience difficulties interacting in everyday conversations. These difficulties in communication can result in a person... Read More about Applications of qualitative grounded theory methodology to investigate hearing loss: protocol for a qualitative systematic review.

Interventions to Improve Discharge from Acute Adult Mental Health Inpatient Care to the Community: Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis (2019)
Journal Article
Tyler, N., Wright, N., & Waring, J. (2019). Interventions to Improve Discharge from Acute Adult Mental Health Inpatient Care to the Community: Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis. BMC Health Services Research, 19, Article 883.

Background: The transition from acute mental health inpatient to community care is often a vulnerable period in the pathway, where people can experience additional risks and anxiety. Researchers globally have developed and tested a number of interven... Read More about Interventions to Improve Discharge from Acute Adult Mental Health Inpatient Care to the Community: Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis.

Characteristics of mental health recovery narratives: systematic review and narrative synthesis (2019)
Journal Article
Llewellyn-Beardsley, J., Rennick-Egglestone, S., Callard, F., Crawford, P., Farkas, M., Hui, A., Manley, D., McGranahan, R., Pollock, K., Ramsay, A., Tore Sælør, K., Wright, N., & Slade, M. (2019). Characteristics of mental health recovery narratives: systematic review and narrative synthesis. PLoS ONE, 14(3), Article e0214678.


Narratives of recovery from mental health distress have played a central role in the establishment of the recovery paradigm within mental health policy and practice. As use of recovery narratives increases within services, it is critica... Read More about Characteristics of mental health recovery narratives: systematic review and narrative synthesis.