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Dr NICOLA WRIGHT's Outputs (4)

“I Need Help”: A Study of Spiritual Distress Among People Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder in Malaysia (2022)
Journal Article
Shariff, N., Wright, N., & Crawford, P. (2022). “I Need Help”: A Study of Spiritual Distress Among People Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 18(Supplement 19), 38-42.

Introduction: Little is known about spiritual distress in people with bipolar disorder, where they are inclined to maladaptive coping. Given the contextual influence of religion towards Malaysians, this study is aimed at exploring the phenomenon of s... Read More about “I Need Help”: A Study of Spiritual Distress Among People Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder in Malaysia.

The Mental Health Benefits of Religion and Spirituality in People Living With Bipolar Disorder in Malaysia (2022)
Journal Article
Shariff, N., Wright, N., & Crawford, P. (2022). The Mental Health Benefits of Religion and Spirituality in People Living With Bipolar Disorder in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 18(Supplement 19), 55-59.

Introduction: The taxonomy of spirituality is fraught with complexities in relation to mental health studies, due to contextual variables such as religion. While positive mental health outcomes have been reported by many studies in relation to spirit... Read More about The Mental Health Benefits of Religion and Spirituality in People Living With Bipolar Disorder in Malaysia.

The unequal impact of Covid‐19 on the lives and rights of the children of modern slavery survivors, children in exploitation and children at risk of entering exploitation (2022)
Journal Article
Jiménez, E., Brotherton, V., Gardner, A., Wright, N., Browne, H., Esiovwa, N., Dang, M., Wyman, E., Bravo‐Balsa, L., Lucas, B., Gul, M., Such, E., & Trodd, Z. (2023). The unequal impact of Covid‐19 on the lives and rights of the children of modern slavery survivors, children in exploitation and children at risk of entering exploitation. Children & Society, 37(1), 216-234.

This article discusses the unequal impact of Covid-19 on the lives of the children of survivors of modern slavery, child victims of exploitation and children at risk of exploitation in the UK. It draws on research that has analysed the risks and impa... Read More about The unequal impact of Covid‐19 on the lives and rights of the children of modern slavery survivors, children in exploitation and children at risk of entering exploitation.

Mental Healthcare for Survivors of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking: A Single Point-in-Time, Internet-Based Scoping Study of Third Sector Provision (2022)
Journal Article
Lazzarino, R., Wright, N., & Jordan, M. (2024). Mental Healthcare for Survivors of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking: A Single Point-in-Time, Internet-Based Scoping Study of Third Sector Provision. Journal of Human Trafficking, 10(3), 479-496.

In response to extreme violence and psychological abuse, survivors of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking can experience complex mental health problems. Despite being a major public health issue, the evidence base for post-slavery mental health supp... Read More about Mental Healthcare for Survivors of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking: A Single Point-in-Time, Internet-Based Scoping Study of Third Sector Provision.