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Dr GEERT DE MAERE's Outputs (18)

Active learning-driven uncertainty reduction for in-flight particle characteristics of atmospheric plasma spraying of silicon (2023)
Journal Article
Memon, H., Gjerde, E., Lynam, A., Chowdhury, A., De Maere, G., Figueredo, G., & Hussain, T. (2024). Active learning-driven uncertainty reduction for in-flight particle characteristics of atmospheric plasma spraying of silicon. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 128, Article 107465.

The first-of-its-kind use of the active learning (AL) framework in thermal spray is adapted to enhance the prediction accuracy of the in-flight particle characteristics. The successful AL framework implementation via Bayesian Optimisation is benefici... Read More about Active learning-driven uncertainty reduction for in-flight particle characteristics of atmospheric plasma spraying of silicon.

2Zero project D5.1 Modelling And Simulation Report (2022)
Atkin, J., Karapetyan, D., De Maere, G., He, Y., Jackson, W., El Krari, M., & Siggs, T. 2Zero project D5.1 Modelling And Simulation Report. Innovate UK

This report summarises the work in the Modelling and Simulation Work Package, WP 2, of the 2Zero project (funded by Innovate UK, grant agreement number 74829) under UKRI’s Future Flight Challenge Fund. It discusses the simulation that was built, how... Read More about 2Zero project D5.1 Modelling And Simulation Report.

A brief overview on an air transportation system (ATS) (2020)
Preprint / Working Paper
Arif, S., Atkin, J., & De Maere, G. A brief overview on an air transportation system (ATS). Nottingham

The worldwide Air Transport System (ATS) has a huge impact on the global economy and is expected to grow annually in size and operational costs. This impact has led the ATS to attract the attention of researchers worldwide. This article aims to provi... Read More about A brief overview on an air transportation system (ATS).

Scheduling airline reserve crew using a probabilistic crew absence and recovery model (2019)
Journal Article
Bayliss, C., De Maere, G., Atkin, J. A., & Paelinck, M. (2020). Scheduling airline reserve crew using a probabilistic crew absence and recovery model. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 71(4), 543-565.

Airlines require reserve crew to replace delayed or absent crew, with the aim of preventing consequent flight cancellations. A reserve crew schedule specifies the duty periods for which different reserve crew will be on standby to replace any absent... Read More about Scheduling airline reserve crew using a probabilistic crew absence and recovery model.

Interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic systems - A comparative evaluation (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Eyoh, I., John, R., & De Maere, G. (2018, June). Interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic systems - A comparative evaluation. Presented at 17th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2018), Cádiz, Spain

Several fuzzy modeling techniques have been employed for handling uncertainties in data. This study presents a comparative evaluation of a new class of interval type-2 fuzzy logic system (IT2FLS) namely: interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic sys... Read More about Interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic systems - A comparative evaluation.

Human performance and strategies while solving an aircraft routing and sequencing problem: an experimental approach (2018)
Journal Article
Argyle, E. M., Houghton, R. J., Atkin, J., de Maere, G., Moore, T., & Morvan, H. (2018). Human performance and strategies while solving an aircraft routing and sequencing problem: an experimental approach. Cognition, Technology and Work, 20(3), 425–441.

As airport resources are stretched to meet increasing demand for services, effective use of ground infrastructure is increasingly critical for ensuring operational efficiency. Work in operations research has produced algorithms providing airport towe... Read More about Human performance and strategies while solving an aircraft routing and sequencing problem: an experimental approach.

Hybrid learning for interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic systems as applied to identification and prediction problems (2018)
Journal Article
Eyoh, I., John, R., de Maere, G., & Kayacan, E. (2018). Hybrid learning for interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic systems as applied to identification and prediction problems. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26(5), 2672-2685.

This paper presents a novel application of a hybrid learning approach to the optimisation of membership and non-membership functions of a newly developed interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic system (IT2 IFLS) of a Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy... Read More about Hybrid learning for interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic systems as applied to identification and prediction problems.

Extended Kalman filter-based learning of interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic system (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Eyoh, I., John, R., & De Maere, G. (2017, October). Extended Kalman filter-based learning of interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic system. Presented at 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Banff, AB, Canada

Fuzzy logic systems have been extensively applied for solving many real world application problems because they are found to be universal approximators and many methods, particularly, gradient descent (GD) methods have been widely adopted for the opt... Read More about Extended Kalman filter-based learning of interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic system.

Interval type-2 A-intuitionistic fuzzy logic for regression problems (2017)
Journal Article
Eyoh, I., John, R., & de Maere, G. (2018). Interval type-2 A-intuitionistic fuzzy logic for regression problems. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26(4), 2396-2408.

This paper presents an approach to prediction based on a new interval type-2 Atanassov-intuitionistic fuzzy logic system (IT2AIFLS) of Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy inference with neural network learning capability. The gradient descent (GD) algorit... Read More about Interval type-2 A-intuitionistic fuzzy logic for regression problems.

Pruning Rules for Optimal Runway Sequencing (2017)
Journal Article
De Maere, G., Atkin, J. A. D., & Burke, E. K. (2018). Pruning Rules for Optimal Runway Sequencing. Transportation Science, 52(4), 739-1034.

This paper investigates runway sequencing for real world scenarios at one of the world's busiest airports, London Heathrow. Several pruning principles are introduced that enable significant reductions of the problem's average complexity, without comp... Read More about Pruning Rules for Optimal Runway Sequencing.

Time series forecasting with interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic systems (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Eyoh, I., John, R., & de Maere, G. Time series forecasting with interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic systems. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2017)

Conventional fuzzy time series approaches make use of type-1 or type-2 fuzzy models. Type-1 models with one index (membership grade) cannot fully handle the level of uncertainty inherent in many real world applications. The type-2 models with upper a... Read More about Time series forecasting with interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic systems.

Examples of user algorithms implementing ARAIM techniques for integrity performance prediction, procedures development and pre-flight operations (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Paternostro, S., Moore, T., Hill, C., Atkin, J., De Maere, G., & Morvan, H. (2016, December). Examples of user algorithms implementing ARAIM techniques for integrity performance prediction, procedures development and pre-flight operations. Presented at 2016 8th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing, NAVITEC 2016, Noordwijk, Netherlands

Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (ARAIM) is a new Aircraft Based Augmentation System (ABAS) technique, firstly presented in the two reports of the GNSS Evolutionary Architecture Study (GEAS). The ARAIM technique offers the opportunit... Read More about Examples of user algorithms implementing ARAIM techniques for integrity performance prediction, procedures development and pre-flight operations.

Integration of an ARAIM algorithm in the development of an instrument approach procedure and for pre-flight operational briefing (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Paternostro, S., Moore, T., Hill, C., Atkin, J., de Maere, G., & Morvan, H. (2016, November). Integration of an ARAIM algorithm in the development of an instrument approach procedure and for pre-flight operational briefing. Paper presented at International Navigation Conference of the Royal Institute of Navigation (INC 16), Glasgow, UK

Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (ARAIM) offers the opportunity to enable Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers to serve as a primary means of navigation, worldwide, for precision approach down to Localizer Performance... Read More about Integration of an ARAIM algorithm in the development of an instrument approach procedure and for pre-flight operational briefing.

Interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic system for non-linear system prediction (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Eyoh, I., John, R., & de Maere, G. Interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic system for non-linear system prediction. Presented at 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2016)

This paper presents an approach to prediction based on a new interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic system (IT2IFLS) of Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy inference. The gradient descent algorithm (GDA) is used to adapt the parame- ters of the IT2IFL... Read More about Interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy logic system for non-linear system prediction.

A simulation scenario based mixed integer programming approach to airline reserve crew scheduling under uncertainty (2016)
Journal Article
Bayliss, C., De Maere, G., Atkin, J. A. D., & Paelinck, M. (2017). A simulation scenario based mixed integer programming approach to airline reserve crew scheduling under uncertainty. Annals of Operations Research, 252(2), 335-363.

© 2016, The Author(s). The environment in which airlines operate is uncertain for many reasons, for example due to the effects of weather, traffic or crew unavailability (due to delay or sickness). This work focuses on airline reserve crew scheduling... Read More about A simulation scenario based mixed integer programming approach to airline reserve crew scheduling under uncertainty.

A simulation scenario based mixed integer programming approach to airline reserve crew scheduling under uncertainty (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bayliss, C. D., de Maere, G., Atkin, J., & Paelinck, M. A simulation scenario based mixed integer programming approach to airline reserve crew scheduling under uncertainty. Presented at 10th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2014)

Airlines operate in an uncertain environment for many reasons, for example due to the efects of weather, traffic or crew unavailability (due to delay or sickness). This work focuses on airline reserve crew scheduling under crew absence and journey ti... Read More about A simulation scenario based mixed integer programming approach to airline reserve crew scheduling under uncertainty.

The Effects of the Planning Horizon on Heathrow TSAT Allocation (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
De Maere, G., Atkin, J., & Burke, E. (2014, August). The Effects of the Planning Horizon on Heathrow TSAT Allocation. Presented at 10th International Conference of the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, York, UK