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ResearcherID A-8191-2008
Scopus Author ID 13806563400
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics My research interest areas are summarised as follows

1. Salt reduction in foods through enhanced delivery rate (various model food systems)

We consume sodium to excess in our diet, therefore it is important to reduce our sodium intake; one approach is to increase the accessibility of sodium in the mouth by minimizing the chemical and physical interactions of sodium the bolus (chewed food material). Through the development of a true understanding of the physics and chemistry sodium-bolus interaction we can redesign of food materials to achieve this goal.

2. Aroma release from model, semi-model food systems

A true understanding of aroma perception in foods requires a mechanistic explanation of aroma release. Through the use of model and semi-model foods we can explain the impact of food structure, food chemistry, and processing on aroma release kinetics. This is achieved in real-time using high speed MS-NOSE2 technology to track the release of volatile organic compounds during processing and mastication.