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Dr JON HOBMAN's Outputs (3)

Comparative genomics of bacteriophage of the genus Seuratvirus (2017)
Journal Article
Sazinas, P., Redgwell, T., Rihtman, B., Grigonyte, A., Michniewski, S., Scanlan, D. J., Hobman, J. L., & Millard, A. (in press). Comparative genomics of bacteriophage of the genus Seuratvirus. Genome Biology and Evolution, 10(1),

Despite being more abundant and having smaller genomes than their bacterial host, relatively few bacteriophages have had their genomes sequenced. Here, we isolated 14 bacteriophages from cattle slurry and performed de novo genome sequencing, assembly... Read More about Comparative genomics of bacteriophage of the genus Seuratvirus.

Metal Resistance and Its Association With Antibiotic Resistance (2017)
Book Chapter
Pal, C., Asiani, K. R., Arya, S., Rensing, C., Stekel, D. J., Larsson, D. J., & Hobman, J. L. (2017). Metal Resistance and Its Association With Antibiotic Resistance. In R. K. Poole (Ed.), Microbiology of metal ions (261-313). Academic Press.

Antibiotic resistance is recognised as a major global threat to public health by the World Health Organization. Currently, several hundred thousand deaths yearly can be attributed to infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The major driver for... Read More about Metal Resistance and Its Association With Antibiotic Resistance.

Bacterial resistance to arsenic protects against protist killing (2017)
Journal Article
Hao, X., Li, X., Pal, C., Hobman, J. L., Larsson, D. J., Saquib, Q., Alwathnani, H. A., Rosen, B. P., Zhu, Y.-G., & Rensing, C. (2017). Bacterial resistance to arsenic protects against protist killing. BioMetals, 30(2), 307-311.

Protists kill their bacterial prey using toxic metals such as copper. Here we hypothesize that the metalloid arsenic has a similar role. To test this hypothesis, we examined intracellular survival of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in the amoeba Dictyoste... Read More about Bacterial resistance to arsenic protects against protist killing.