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Professor RONALD CHALMERS's Outputs (5)

Identification of multiple binding sites for the THAP domain of the Galileo transposase in the long terminal inverted-repeats (2013)
Journal Article
Marzo, M., Liu, D., Ruiz, A., & Chalmers, R. (2013). Identification of multiple binding sites for the THAP domain of the Galileo transposase in the long terminal inverted-repeats. Gene, 525(1),

Galileo is a DNA transposon responsible for the generation of several chromosomal inversions in Drosophila. In contrast to other members of the P-element superfamily, it has unusually long terminal inverted-repeats (TIRs) that resemble those of Foldb... Read More about Identification of multiple binding sites for the THAP domain of the Galileo transposase in the long terminal inverted-repeats.

Hsmar1 transposition is sensitive to the topology of the transposon donor and the target (2013)
Journal Article
Claeys Bouuaert, C., & Chalmers, R. (2013). Hsmar1 transposition is sensitive to the topology of the transposon donor and the target. PLoS ONE, 8(1), Article 0053690.

Hsmar1 is a member of the Tc1-mariner superfamily of DNA transposons. These elements mobilize within the genome of their host by a cut-and-paste mechanism. We have exploited the in vitro reaction provided by Hsmar1 to investigate the effect of DNA su... Read More about Hsmar1 transposition is sensitive to the topology of the transposon donor and the target.

H-NS mediates the dissociation of a refractory protein–DNA complex during Tn10/IS10 transposition (2011)
Journal Article
Liu, D., Haniford, D. B., & Chalmers, R. (2011). H-NS mediates the dissociation of a refractory protein–DNA complex during Tn10/IS10 transposition. Nucleic Acids Research, 39(15),

Tn10/IS10 transposition takes place in the context of a protein–DNA complex called a transpososome. During the reaction, the transpososome undergoes several conformational changes. The host proteins IHF and H-NS, which also are global regulators of g... Read More about H-NS mediates the dissociation of a refractory protein–DNA complex during Tn10/IS10 transposition.

The transposon-like correia elements encode numerous strong promoters and provide a potential new mechanism for phase variation in the meningococcus (2011)
Journal Article
Siddique, A., Buisine, N., & Chalmers, R. (2011). The transposon-like correia elements encode numerous strong promoters and provide a potential new mechanism for phase variation in the meningococcus. PLoS Genetics, 7(1), Article 13.

Neisseria meningitidis is the primary causative agent of bacterial meningitis. The genome is rich in repetitive DNA and almost 2% is occupied by a diminutive transposon called the Correia element. Here we report a bioinformatic analysis defining eigh... Read More about The transposon-like correia elements encode numerous strong promoters and provide a potential new mechanism for phase variation in the meningococcus.

Base flipping in Tn10 transposition: an active flip and capture mechanism (2009)
Journal Article
Bischerour, J., & Chalmers, R. (2009). Base flipping in Tn10 transposition: an active flip and capture mechanism. PLoS ONE, 4(7), Article e6201.

The bacterial Tn5 and Tn10 transposases have a single active site that cuts both strands of DNA at their respective transposon ends. This is achieved using a hairpin intermediate that requires the DNA to change conformation during the reaction. In Tn... Read More about Base flipping in Tn10 transposition: an active flip and capture mechanism.