Integrating policies addressing modern slavery and climate change: Research Summary
Jackson, B., Weir, E., Brotherton, V., Mead, J., DiPreta, A., Tucker, M., Bengsten, P., Sebastian, M., Hutchison, K., Olatunbosun, J., Boyd, D., & Alexander, M. (2024). Integrating policies addressing modern slavery and climate change: Research Summary. Modern Slavery & Human Rights Policy & Evidence Centre
Professor DOREEN BOYD's Outputs (3)
Investigating the potential of radar interferometry for monitoring rural artisanal cobalt mines in the democratic republic of the congo (2020)
Journal Article
Brown, C., Daniels, A., Boyd, D. S., Sowter, A., Foody, G., & Kara, S. (2020). Investigating the potential of radar interferometry for monitoring rural artisanal cobalt mines in the democratic republic of the congo. Sustainability, 12(23), Article 9834.© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Greater awareness of the serious human rights abuses associated with the extraction and trade of cobalt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has applied increasing pressure for busine... Read More about Investigating the potential of radar interferometry for monitoring rural artisanal cobalt mines in the democratic republic of the congo.
Models of upland species’ distributions are improved by accounting for geodiversity (2018)
Journal Article
Bailey, J. J., Boyd, D. S., & Field, R. (2018). Models of upland species’ distributions are improved by accounting for geodiversity. Landscape Ecology, 33(12), 2071-2087. Recent research suggests that novel geodiversity data on landforms, hydrology and surface materials can improve biodiversity models at the landscape scale by quantifying abiotic variability more effectively than commonly used measures of spa... Read More about Models of upland species’ distributions are improved by accounting for geodiversity.