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Dr YING ZHANG's Outputs (3)

Improving gene transfer in Clostridium pasteurianum through the isolation of rare hypertransformable variants (2017)
Journal Article
Grosse-Honebrink, A., Schwarz, K., Wang, H., Minton, N. P., & Zhang, Y. (2017). Improving gene transfer in Clostridium pasteurianum through the isolation of rare hypertransformable variants. Anaerobe, 48,

Effective microbial metabolic engineering is reliant on efficient gene transfer. Here we present a simple screening strategy that may be deployed to isolate rare, hypertransformable variants. The procedure was used to increase the frequency of transf... Read More about Improving gene transfer in Clostridium pasteurianum through the isolation of rare hypertransformable variants.

Towards improved butanol production through targeted genetic modification of Clostridium pasteurianum (2017)
Journal Article
Schwarz, K., Grosse-Honebrink, A., Derecka, K., Rotta, C., Zhang, Y., & Minton, N. P. (2017). Towards improved butanol production through targeted genetic modification of Clostridium pasteurianum. Metabolic Engineering, 40, 124-137.

Declining fossil fuel reserves, coupled with environmental concerns over their continued extraction and exploitation have led to strenuous efforts to identify renewable routes to energy and fuels. One attractive option is to convert glycerol, a by-pr... Read More about Towards improved butanol production through targeted genetic modification of Clostridium pasteurianum.

Development and implementation of rapid metabolic engineering tools for chemical and fuel production in Geobacillus thermoglucosidasius NCIMB 11955 (2017)
Journal Article
Sheng, L., Kovács, K., Winzer, K., Zhang, Y., & Minton, N. P. (2017). Development and implementation of rapid metabolic engineering tools for chemical and fuel production in Geobacillus thermoglucosidasius NCIMB 11955. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 10(1), Article 5.


The thermophile Geobacillus thermoglucosidasius has considerable attraction as a chassis for the production of chemicals and fuels. It utilises a wide range of sugars and oligosaccharides typical of those derived from lignocellulose and... Read More about Development and implementation of rapid metabolic engineering tools for chemical and fuel production in Geobacillus thermoglucosidasius NCIMB 11955.