Ant colony optimisation of a community pharmacy dispensing process using Coloured Petri-Net simulation and UK pharmacy in-field data
Journal Article
Naybour, M. T., Remenyte-Prescott, R., & Boyd, M. (2024). Ant colony optimisation of a community pharmacy dispensing process using Coloured Petri-Net simulation and UK pharmacy in-field data. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 238(1), 29-43.
There are 11,619 community pharmacies in England which dispense over 1 billion prescriptions each year, providing essential primary care to NHS (National Health Service) patients. These pharmacies are facing pressure from a number of sources includin... Read More about Ant colony optimisation of a community pharmacy dispensing process using Coloured Petri-Net simulation and UK pharmacy in-field data.