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Dr Liudmyla Sharipova's Outputs (5)

Kinship, property relations, and the survival of double monasteries in the Eastern Church (2019)
Journal Article
Sharipova, L. (2020). Kinship, property relations, and the survival of double monasteries in the Eastern Church. Historical Journal, 63(2), 267-289.

The article examines the enduring phenomenon of double monasticism, the type of religious organisation, whereby a single monastic unit combined a male and a female communities that followed the same rule, recognised the authority of the same superior... Read More about Kinship, property relations, and the survival of double monasteries in the Eastern Church.

Of meat, men and property: the troubled career of a convert nun in eighteenth-century Kiev (2017)
Journal Article
Sharipova, L. (2018). Of meat, men and property: the troubled career of a convert nun in eighteenth-century Kiev. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 69(2), 278-299.

The article is based on the case study of Sister Asklipiodata, a Jewish convert to Christianity, who became a member of the monastic community in one of Kiev’s Orthodox convents in the second half of the eighteenth century. It explores the ways in wh... Read More about Of meat, men and property: the troubled career of a convert nun in eighteenth-century Kiev.

Orthodox Reform in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (2015)
Book Chapter
Sharipova, L. (2015). Orthodox Reform in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In H. Louthan, & G. Murdock (Eds.), A companion to the Reformation in Central Europe (223-253). Brill Academic Publishers.

The chapter considers the modalities of religious reform in the Eastern Orthodox Church in Poland-Lithuania from the mid-sixteenth to the mid-seventeenth centuries, which were directly inspired by the parallel process of religious change in Western a... Read More about Orthodox Reform in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Spare Ribs? Early Modern Female Monasticism in the East Slavic Lands (2014)
Journal Article
Sharipova, L. (2014). Spare Ribs? Early Modern Female Monasticism in the East Slavic Lands. History Compass, 12(1), 51-61.

In contrast to the robust state of research on female Catholic monasticism in Central and Western Europe, Italy and the Iberian Peninsula, the history of Orthodox and Greek Catholic convents in the Balkans and Eastern Europe remains a largely unchart... Read More about Spare Ribs? Early Modern Female Monasticism in the East Slavic Lands.