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Dr DENIS SCHLUPPECK's Outputs (16)

Two-Dimensional Population Receptive Field Mapping of Human Primary Somatosensory Cortex (2023)
Journal Article
Asghar, M., Sanchez-Panchuelo, R., Schluppeck, D., & Francis, S. (2023). Two-Dimensional Population Receptive Field Mapping of Human Primary Somatosensory Cortex. Brain Topography, 36, 816-834.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging can provide detailed maps of how sensory space is mapped in the human brain. Here, we use a novel 16 stimulator setup (a 4 × 4 grid) to measure two-dimensional sensory maps of between and within-digit (D2–D4) spa... Read More about Two-Dimensional Population Receptive Field Mapping of Human Primary Somatosensory Cortex.

fRAT: an interactive, Python-based tool forregion-of-interest summaries of functional imaging data (2023)
Journal Article
Howley, E., Francis, S., & Schluppeck, D. (2023). fRAT: an interactive, Python-based tool forregion-of-interest summaries of functional imaging data. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(85), Article 5200.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is widely used to address basic cognitive as well as clinical neuroscience questions. The specific choice of imaging sequence and parameters used for image acquisition can have a marked effect on the acqui... Read More about fRAT: an interactive, Python-based tool forregion-of-interest summaries of functional imaging data.

fMRI evidence that hyper-caricatured faces activate object-selective cortex (2023)
Journal Article
Elson, R., Schluppeck, D., & Johnston, A. (2023). fMRI evidence that hyper-caricatured faces activate object-selective cortex. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 1035524.

Many brain imaging studies have looked at the cortical responses to object categories and faces. A popular way to manipulate face stimuli is by using a “face space,” a high dimensional representation of individual face images, with the average face l... Read More about fMRI evidence that hyper-caricatured faces activate object-selective cortex.

The effects of simulated hemianopia on eye movements during text reading (2022)
Journal Article
Beh, A., McGraw, P. V., & Schluppeck, D. (2023). The effects of simulated hemianopia on eye movements during text reading. Vision Research, 204, Article 108163.

Vision loss is a common, devastating complication of cerebral strokes. In some cases the complete contra-lesional visual field is affected, leading to problems with routine tasks and, notably, the ability to read. Although visual information crucial... Read More about The effects of simulated hemianopia on eye movements during text reading.

Fast Event-Related Mapping of Population Fingertip Tuning Properties in Human Sensorimotor Cortex at 7T (2022)
Journal Article
Khalife, S., Francis, S. T., Schluppeck, D., Sánchez-Panchuelo, R. M., & Besle, J. (2022). Fast Event-Related Mapping of Population Fingertip Tuning Properties in Human Sensorimotor Cortex at 7T. eNeuro, 9(5), 1-18.

fMRI studies that investigate somatotopic tactile representations in the human cortex typically use either block or phase-encoded stimulation designs. Event-related (ER) designs allow for more flexible and unpredictable stimulation sequences than the... Read More about Fast Event-Related Mapping of Population Fingertip Tuning Properties in Human Sensorimotor Cortex at 7T.

Linking Multi-Modal MRI to Clinical Measures of Visual Field Loss After Stroke (2022)
Journal Article
Beh, A., McGraw, P. V., Webb, B. S., & Schluppeck, D. (2022). Linking Multi-Modal MRI to Clinical Measures of Visual Field Loss After Stroke. Frontiers in Neuroscience,

Loss of vision across large parts of the visual field is a common and devastating complication of cerebral strokes. In the clinic, this loss is quantified by measuring the sensitivity threshold across the field of vision using static perimetry. These... Read More about Linking Multi-Modal MRI to Clinical Measures of Visual Field Loss After Stroke.

A probabilistic atlas of finger dominance in the primary somatosensory cortex (2020)
Journal Article
O’Neill, G., Sengupta, A., Asghar, M., Barratt, E., Besle, J., Schluppeck, D., Francis, S. T., & Sanchez Panchuelo, R. (2020). A probabilistic atlas of finger dominance in the primary somatosensory cortex. NeuroImage, 217, Article 116880.

With the advent of ultra-high field (7T), high spatial resolution functional MRI (fMRI) has allowed the differentiation of the cortical representations of each of the digits at an individual-subject level in human primary somatosensory cortex (S1). H... Read More about A probabilistic atlas of finger dominance in the primary somatosensory cortex.

Somatotopy in the human somatosensory system (2018)
Journal Article
Sanchez Panchuelo, R., Besle, J., Schluppeck, D., Humberstone, M., & Francis, S. (2018). Somatotopy in the human somatosensory system. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, Article 235.

Previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have demonstrated digit somatotopy in primary somatosensory cortex (SI), and even shown that at high spatial resolution it is possible to resolve within-digit somatotopy. However, fMRI stu... Read More about Somatotopy in the human somatosensory system.

Exploring structure and function of sensory cortex with 7 T MRI (2017)
Journal Article
Schluppeck, D., Sánchez-Panchuelo, R.-M., & Francis, S. T. (2018). Exploring structure and function of sensory cortex with 7 T MRI. NeuroImage, 164,

In this paper, we present an overview of 7 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of the detailed function and anatomy of sensory areas of the human brain. We discuss the motivation for the studies, with particular emphasis on increasing the... Read More about Exploring structure and function of sensory cortex with 7 T MRI.

Do perceptual biases emerge early or late in visual processing? Decision-biases in motion perception (2016)
Journal Article
Zamboni, E., Ledgeway, T., McGraw, P. V., & Schluppeck, D. (2016). Do perceptual biases emerge early or late in visual processing? Decision-biases in motion perception. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283(1833), Article 20160263.

Visual perception is strongly influenced by contextual information. A good example is reference repulsion, where subjective reports about the direction of motion of a stimulus are significantly biased by the presence of an explicit reference. These p... Read More about Do perceptual biases emerge early or late in visual processing? Decision-biases in motion perception.

7 Tesla fMRI reveals systematic functional organization for binocular disparity in dorsal visual cortex (2015)
Journal Article
Sánchez-Panchuelo, R. M., Goncalves, N. R., Schluppeck, D., Ban, H., Sanchez-Panchuelo, R., Welchman, A. E., & Francis, S. T. (2015). 7 Tesla fMRI reveals systematic functional organization for binocular disparity in dorsal visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(7), 3056-3072.

© 2015 the authors. The binocular disparity between the views of the world registered by the left and right eyes provides a powerful signal about the depth structure of the environment. Despite increasing knowledge of the cortical areas that process... Read More about 7 Tesla fMRI reveals systematic functional organization for binocular disparity in dorsal visual cortex.

The influence of spatial pattern on visual short-term memory for contrast (2014)
Journal Article
Xing, Y., Ledgeway, T., McGraw, P. V., & Schluppeck, D. (2014). The influence of spatial pattern on visual short-term memory for contrast. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 76(7),

Several psychophysical studies of visual short-term memory (VSTM) have shown high-fidelity storage capacity for many properties of visual stimuli. On judgments of the spatial frequency of gratings, for example, discrimination performance does not dec... Read More about The influence of spatial pattern on visual short-term memory for contrast.

Event-related fMRI at 7T reveals overlapping cortical representations for adjacent fingertips in S1 of individual subjects (2013)
Journal Article
Besle, J., Sánchez-Panchuelo, R.-M., Bowtell, R., Francis, S., & Schluppeck, D. (2014). Event-related fMRI at 7T reveals overlapping cortical representations for adjacent fingertips in S1 of individual subjects. Human Brain Mapping, 35(5), 2027-2043.

Recent fMRI studies of the human primary somatosensory cortex have been able to differentiate the cortical representations of different fingertips at a single-subject level. These studies did not, however, investigate the expected overlap in cortical... Read More about Event-related fMRI at 7T reveals overlapping cortical representations for adjacent fingertips in S1 of individual subjects.

Decoding working memory of stimulus contrast in early visual cortex (2013)
Journal Article
Xing, Y., Ledgeway, T., McGraw, P. V., & Schluppeck, D. (2013). Decoding working memory of stimulus contrast in early visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(25),

Most studies of the early stages of visual analysis (V1-V3) have focused on the properties of neurons that support processing of elemental features of a visual stimulus or scene, such as local contrast, orientation, or direction of motion. Recent evi... Read More about Decoding working memory of stimulus contrast in early visual cortex.

Regional structural differences across functionally parcellated Brodmann areas of human primary somatosensory cortex (2013)
Journal Article
Sánchez-Panchuelo, R.-M., Besle, J., Mougin, O., Gowland, P., Bowtell, R., Schluppeck, D., & Francis, S. (2014). Regional structural differences across functionally parcellated Brodmann areas of human primary somatosensory cortex. NeuroImage, 93 Pt 2, 221-230.

Ultra-high-field (UHF) MRI is ideally suited for structural and functional imaging of the brain. High-resolution structural MRI can be used to map the anatomical boundaries between functional domains of the brain by identifying changes related to the... Read More about Regional structural differences across functionally parcellated Brodmann areas of human primary somatosensory cortex.