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Dr LISA WHITE's Outputs (2)

Nanofibrous scaffolds support a 3D in vitro permeability model of the human intestinal epitheleum (2019)
Journal Article
Patient, J. D., Hajiali, H., Harris, K., Abrahamsson, B., Tannergreen, C., White, L. J., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Williams, P. M., Roberts, C. J., & Rose, F. R. (2019). Nanofibrous scaffolds support a 3D in vitro permeability model of the human intestinal epitheleum. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 10, Article 456.

Advances in drug research not only depend on high throughput screening to evaluate large numbers of lead compounds but also on the development of in vitro models which can simulate human tissues in terms of drug permeability and functions. Potential... Read More about Nanofibrous scaffolds support a 3D in vitro permeability model of the human intestinal epitheleum.

Uniform cell colonization of porous 3-D scaffolds achieved using radial control of surface chemistry (2011)
Journal Article
Intranuovo, F., Howard, D., White, L. J., Johal, R. K., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Favia, P., Howdle, S. M., Shakesheff, K. M., & Alexander, M. R. (2011). Uniform cell colonization of porous 3-D scaffolds achieved using radial control of surface chemistry. Acta Biomaterialia, 7(9), 3336-3344.

Uniform cellular distribution is a prerequisite to forming tissue within porous scaffolds, but the seeding process often results in preferential adhesion of cells at the periphery. We develop a vapour phase coating strategy which is readily applicabl... Read More about Uniform cell colonization of porous 3-D scaffolds achieved using radial control of surface chemistry.