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Dr ANDREW TRENTIN's Outputs (2)

Study of a Silicon Carbide MOSFET Power Module to Establish the Benefits of Adding Anti-parallel Schottky Diodes (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Trentin, A., Hind, D., Degano, M., Tighe, C., Arevalo, S. L., Yang, L., Johnson, M., Wheeler, P., Gerada, C., Harris, A., & Packwood, M. (2018, September). Study of a Silicon Carbide MOSFET Power Module to Establish the Benefits of Adding Anti-parallel Schottky Diodes. Presented at 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Portland, OR, USA

The majority of commercial Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFET based power modules available on the market today also include SiC Schottky diodes placed in anti-parallel with the MOSFETs. Using an accurate electrical and thermal simulation model this paper... Read More about Study of a Silicon Carbide MOSFET Power Module to Establish the Benefits of Adding Anti-parallel Schottky Diodes.

Modulated predictive control for indirect matrix converter (2018)
Journal Article
Tarisciotti, L., Lei, J., Formentini, A., Trentin, A., Zanchetta, P., Wheeler, P., & Rivera, M. (in press). Modulated predictive control for indirect matrix converter. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,

Finite State Model Predictive Control (MPC) has been recently applied to several converter topologies as it can provide many advantages over other MPC techniques. The advantages of MPC include fast dynamics, multi-target control capability and relati... Read More about Modulated predictive control for indirect matrix converter.