Dismantling Narrative Modes: Authorial Revisions in the Opening of Mrs Dalloway
Book Chapter
Sotirova, V. (2016). Dismantling Narrative Modes: Authorial Revisions in the Opening of Mrs Dalloway. In A. Auer, V. González-Díaz, J. Hodson, & V. Sotirova (Eds.), Linguistics and Literary History: In Honour of Sylvia Adamson (171-194). John Benjamins Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1075/lal.25.10sot
This study examines Virginia Woolf ’s authorial revisions of the opening of Mrs Dalloway and their implications for narrative theory. I compare passages from the short story ‘Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street’ and the early drafts of ‘The Hours’ with the p... Read More about Dismantling Narrative Modes: Authorial Revisions in the Opening of Mrs Dalloway.