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Professor Kevin Amess' Outputs (2)

Corporate cash holdings: causes and consequences (2015)
Journal Article
Amess, K., Banerji, S., & Lampousis, A. (2015). Corporate cash holdings: causes and consequences. International Review of Financial Analysis, 42,

The considerable growth in corporate cash holdings around the world has prompted scholarly interest. Consequently, there is now a large academic literature examining cash holdings and their impact on corporate outcomes and firm values. This article r... Read More about Corporate cash holdings: causes and consequences.

The impact of private equity on firms׳ patenting activity (2015)
Journal Article
Amess, K., Stiebale, J., & Wright, M. The impact of private equity on firms׳ patenting activity. European Economic Review, 86,

The paper analyses the impact of private equity (PE) backed leveraged buyouts (LBOs) on innovative output (patenting). Using a sample of 407 UK deals we find that LBOs have a positive causal effect on patent stock and quality-adjusted patent stock. O... Read More about The impact of private equity on firms׳ patenting activity.