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Professor MATTHEW JONES's Outputs (39)

Regional versus local drivers of water quality in the Windermere catchment, Lake District, United Kingdom: The dominant influence of wastewater pollution over the past 200 years (2018)
Journal Article
Moorhouse, H. L., McGowan, S., Taranu, Z. E., Gregory-Eaves, I., Leavitt, P. R., Jones, M. D., Barker, P., & Brayshaw, S. A. (2018). Regional versus local drivers of water quality in the Windermere catchment, Lake District, United Kingdom: The dominant influence of wastewater pollution over the past 200 years. Global Change Biology, 24(9), 4009-4022.

© 2018 The Authors. Global Change Biology Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd Freshwater ecosystems are threatened by multiple anthropogenic stressors acting over different spatial and temporal scales, resulting in toxic algal blooms, reduced water... Read More about Regional versus local drivers of water quality in the Windermere catchment, Lake District, United Kingdom: The dominant influence of wastewater pollution over the past 200 years.

Lake Baikal isotope records of Holocene Central Asian precipitation (2018)
Journal Article
Swann, G. E., Mackay, A. W., Vologina, E., Jones, M. D., Panizzo, V., Leng, M. J., Sloane, H. J., Snelling, A. M., & Sturm, M. (2018). Lake Baikal isotope records of Holocene Central Asian precipitation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 189,

Climate models currently provide conflicting predictions of future climate change across Central Asia. With concern over the potential for a change in water availability to impact communities and ecosystems across the region, an understanding of hist... Read More about Lake Baikal isotope records of Holocene Central Asian precipitation.

Seasonality of Holocene hydroclimate in the Eastern Mediterranean reconstructed using the oxygen isotope composition of carbonates and diatoms from Lake Nar, central Turkey (2017)
Journal Article
Dean, J. R., Jones, M. D., Leng, M. J., Metcalfe, S. E., Sloane, H. J., Eastwood, W. J., & Roberts, C. N. (2018). Seasonality of Holocene hydroclimate in the Eastern Mediterranean reconstructed using the oxygen isotope composition of carbonates and diatoms from Lake Nar, central Turkey. Holocene, 28(2),

A positive shift in the oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) of lake carbonates in the Eastern Mediterranean from the early to late Holocene is usually interpreted as a change to drier (reduced P/E) conditions. However, it has also been suggested that c... Read More about Seasonality of Holocene hydroclimate in the Eastern Mediterranean reconstructed using the oxygen isotope composition of carbonates and diatoms from Lake Nar, central Turkey.

Deciphering long-term records of natural variability and human impact as recorded in lake sediments: a palaeolimnological puzzle (2016)
Journal Article
Mills, K., Schillereff, D., Saulnier-Talbot, É., Gell, P., Anderson, N. J., Arnaud, F., Dong, X., Jones, M., McGowan, S., Massaferro, J., Moorhouse, H., Perez, L., & Ryves, D. B. (2017). Deciphering long-term records of natural variability and human impact as recorded in lake sediments: a palaeolimnological puzzle. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 4(2), Article e1195.

Global aquatic ecosystems are under increasing threat from anthropogenic activity, as well as being exposed to past (and projected) climate change, however, the nature of how climate and human impacts are recorded in lake sediments is often ambiguous... Read More about Deciphering long-term records of natural variability and human impact as recorded in lake sediments: a palaeolimnological puzzle.

A tale of two lakes: a multi-proxy comparison of Lateglacial and Holocene environmental change in Cappadocia, Turkey (2016)
Journal Article
Roberts, N., Allcock, S. L., Arnaud, F., Dean, J. R., Eastwood, W. J., Jones, M. D., Leng, M. J., Metcalfe, S. E., Malet, E., Woodbridge, J., & Yiğitbaşıoğlu, H. (2016). A tale of two lakes: a multi-proxy comparison of Lateglacial and Holocene environmental change in Cappadocia, Turkey. Journal of Quaternary Science, 31(4),

Individual palaeoenvironmental records represent a combination of regional-scale (e.g. climatic) and site-specific local factors. Here we compare multiple climate proxies from two nearby maar lake records, assuming that common signals are due to regi... Read More about A tale of two lakes: a multi-proxy comparison of Lateglacial and Holocene environmental change in Cappadocia, Turkey.

Spatial patterns in the oxygen isotope composition of daily rainfall in the British Isles (2015)
Journal Article
Tyler, J. J., Jones, M. D., Arrowsmith, C., Allott, T., & Leng, M. J. (2016). Spatial patterns in the oxygen isotope composition of daily rainfall in the British Isles. Climate Dynamics, 47(5-6), 1971–1987.

Understanding the modern day relationship between climate and the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation (δ18OP) is crucial for obtaining rigorous palaeoclimate reconstructions from a variety of archives. To date, the majority of empirical stud... Read More about Spatial patterns in the oxygen isotope composition of daily rainfall in the British Isles.

The environmental setting of Epipalaeolithic aggregation site Kharaneh IV (2015)
Journal Article
Jones, M. D., Maher, L. A., Macdonald, D. A., Ryan, C., Rambeau, C., Black, S., & Richter, T. (2016). The environmental setting of Epipalaeolithic aggregation site Kharaneh IV. Quaternary International, 396,

The archaeological site of Kharaneh IV in Jordan’s Azraq Basin, and its relatively near neighbour Jilat 6 show evidence of sustained occupation of substantial size through the Early to Middle Epipalaeolithic (c. 24,000 – 15,000 cal BP). Here we revie... Read More about The environmental setting of Epipalaeolithic aggregation site Kharaneh IV.

Comparisons of observed and modelled lake δ18O variability (2015)
Journal Article
Jones, M. D., Cuthbert, M., Leng, M. J., McGowan, S., Mariethoz, G., Arrowsmith, C., Sloane, H. J., Humphrey, K., & Cross, I. (2016). Comparisons of observed and modelled lake δ18O variability. Quaternary Science Reviews, 131(B), 329-340.

With the substantial number of lake sediment δ18O records published in recent decades, a quantitative, process-based understanding of these systems can increase our understanding of past climate change. We test mass balance models of lake water δ18O... Read More about Comparisons of observed and modelled lake δ18O variability.

Occupying wide open spaces? Late Pleistocene hunter–gatherer activities in the Eastern Levant (2015)
Journal Article
Maher, L. A., Macdonald, D. A., Allentuck, A., Martin, L., Spyrou, A., & Jones, M. D. (2016). Occupying wide open spaces? Late Pleistocene hunter–gatherer activities in the Eastern Levant. Quaternary International, 396, 79-94.

With a specific focus on eastern Jordan, the Epipalaeolithic Foragers in Azraq Project explores changing hunter-gatherer strategies, behaviours and adaptations to this vast area throughout the Late Pleistocene. In particular, we examine how lifeways... Read More about Occupying wide open spaces? Late Pleistocene hunter–gatherer activities in the Eastern Levant.

Eastern Mediterranean hydroclimate over the late glacial and Holocene, reconstructed from the sediments of Nar lake, central Turkey, using stable isotopes and carbonate mineralogy (2015)
Journal Article
Dean, J. R., Jones, M. D., Leng, M. J., Noble, S. R., Metcalfe, S. E., Sloane, H. J., Sahy, D., Eastwood, W. J., & Roberts, C. N. (2015). Eastern Mediterranean hydroclimate over the late glacial and Holocene, reconstructed from the sediments of Nar lake, central Turkey, using stable isotopes and carbonate mineralogy. Quaternary Science Reviews, 124, 162-174.

There is a lack of high-resolution records of hydroclimate variability in the Eastern Mediterranean from the late glacial and early Holocene. More knowledge of the speed of climate shifts and the degree to which they were synchronous with changes in... Read More about Eastern Mediterranean hydroclimate over the late glacial and Holocene, reconstructed from the sediments of Nar lake, central Turkey, using stable isotopes and carbonate mineralogy.

Late Holocene climate reorganisation and the North American Monsoon (2015)
Journal Article
Jones, M. D., Metcalfe, S. E., Davies, S. J., & Noren, A. (2015). Late Holocene climate reorganisation and the North American Monsoon. Quaternary Science Reviews, 124, Article 290-295.

The North America Monsoon (NAM) provides the majority of rainfall for central and northern Mexico as well as parts of the south west USA. The controls over the strength of the NAM in a given year are complex, and include both Pacific and Atlantic sys... Read More about Late Holocene climate reorganisation and the North American Monsoon.

Human impact on the hydroenvironment of Lake Parishan, SW Iran, through the late-Holocene (2015)
Journal Article
Jones, M. D., Djamali, M., Holmes, J., Weeks, L., Leng, M. J., Lashkari, A., Alamdari, K., Noorollahi, D., Thomas, L., & Metcalfe, S. E. (2015). Human impact on the hydroenvironment of Lake Parishan, SW Iran, through the late-Holocene. Holocene, 25(10), 1651-1661.

A multiproxy record from Lake Parishan, SW Iran, shows human impact on the lake and its catchment over the last 4000 years. The Parishan record provides evidence of changes in lake hydrology, from ostracod, diatom and isotope analyses, that are direc... Read More about Human impact on the hydroenvironment of Lake Parishan, SW Iran, through the late-Holocene.

Tracking the hydro-climatic signal from lake to sediment: a field study from central Turkey (2014)
Journal Article
Dean, J. R., Eastwood, W. J., Roberts, N., Jones, M. D., Yiğitbaşıoğlu, H., Allcock, S. L., Woodbridge, J., Metcalfe, S. E., & Leng, M. J. (2015). Tracking the hydro-climatic signal from lake to sediment: a field study from central Turkey. Journal of Hydrology, 529(2), 608-621.

Palaeo-hydrological interpretations of lake sediment proxies can benefit from a robust understanding of the modern lake environment. In this study, we use Nar Gölü, a non-outlet, monomictic maar lake in central Turkey, as a field site for a natural e... Read More about Tracking the hydro-climatic signal from lake to sediment: a field study from central Turkey.

What do we mean by wet? Geoarchaeology and the reconstruction of water availability (2012)
Journal Article
Jones, M. D. (2013). What do we mean by wet? Geoarchaeology and the reconstruction of water availability. Quaternary International, 308-309, 76-79.

Geoarchaeology has a key role to play in the human-climate-environment debate, including research into the controls and variability of water availability. However its interdisciplinarity can cause complications as well as advantages and leads to conf... Read More about What do we mean by wet? Geoarchaeology and the reconstruction of water availability.

Interpreting lake isotope records of Holocene environmental change in the Eastern Mediterranean (2007)
Journal Article
Jones, M. D., & Roberts, C. N. (2008). Interpreting lake isotope records of Holocene environmental change in the Eastern Mediterranean. Quaternary International, 181(1), 32-38.

Oxygen isotope records from lake sediment archives are becoming an increasingly common tool for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. We discuss their interpretation in the Eastern Mediterranean region with particular reference to three records, Zeriba... Read More about Interpreting lake isotope records of Holocene environmental change in the Eastern Mediterranean.

A high-resolution late Holocene lake isotope record from Turkey and links to North Atlantic and monsoon climate (2006)
Journal Article
Jones, M. D., Roberts, C. N., Leng, M. J., & Türkeş, M. (2006). A high-resolution late Holocene lake isotope record from Turkey and links to North Atlantic and monsoon climate. Geology, 34(5), 361-364.

A high resolution proxy record of precipitation and evaporation variability through the past 1700 yr from δ18O analysis of a varved lake sequence from central Turkey shows rapid shifts between dry periods (AD 300–500 and AD 1400–1950) and wetter inte... Read More about A high-resolution late Holocene lake isotope record from Turkey and links to North Atlantic and monsoon climate.

A coupled calibration and modelling approach to the understanding of dry-land lake oxygen isotope records (2005)
Journal Article
Jones, M. D., Leng, M. J., Roberts, C. N., Turkes, M., & Moyeed, R. (2005). A coupled calibration and modelling approach to the understanding of dry-land lake oxygen isotope records. Journal of Paleolimnology, 34(3), 391–411.

Comparisons between climate proxies and instrumental records through the last two centuries are often used to understand better the controls on palaeoarchives and to find relationships that can be used to quantify changes in pre-instrumental climate.... Read More about A coupled calibration and modelling approach to the understanding of dry-land lake oxygen isotope records.