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Human impact on the hydroenvironment of Lake Parishan, SW Iran, through the late-Holocene

Jones, Matthew D; Djamali, Morteza; Holmes, Jonathan; Weeks, Lloyd; Leng, Melanie J.; Lashkari, Arash; Alamdari, Kourosh; Noorollahi, Dariush; Thomas, Louise; Metcalfe, Sarah E

Human impact on the hydroenvironment of Lake Parishan, SW Iran, through the late-Holocene Thumbnail


Morteza Djamali

Jonathan Holmes

Lloyd Weeks

Arash Lashkari

Kourosh Alamdari

Dariush Noorollahi

Louise Thomas


A multiproxy record from Lake Parishan, SW Iran, shows human impact on the lake and its catchment over the last 4000 years. The Parishan record provides evidence of changes in lake hydrology, from ostracod, diatom and isotope analyses, that are directly linked to human activity in the catchment; recorded by pollen and charcoal and supported by regional archaeological and historical data. The lake ostracod fauna is particularly sensitive to human induced catchment alterations and allow us to identify changes in catchment hydrology that are due to more than a simple change in precipitation: evaporation state. Oxygen isotope data from endogenic carbonates follow these faunal changes but also displays a longer trend to more positive values through the period, coincident with regional patterns of water balance for the late Holocene in the eastern Mediterranean.


Jones, M. D., Djamali, M., Holmes, J., Weeks, L., Leng, M. J., Lashkari, A., Alamdari, K., Noorollahi, D., Thomas, L., & Metcalfe, S. E. (2015). Human impact on the hydroenvironment of Lake Parishan, SW Iran, through the late-Holocene. Holocene, 25(10), 1651-1661.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 25, 2015
Online Publication Date Jul 9, 2015
Publication Date 2015-10
Deposit Date Sep 21, 2015
Publicly Available Date Sep 21, 2015
Journal The Holocene
Print ISSN 0959-6836
Electronic ISSN 1477-0911
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 25
Issue 10
Pages 1651-1661
Keywords agriculture, Iran, lake, late-Holocene, ostracods, pollen
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Sep 21, 2015


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