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Dr SEAN MAYES's Outputs (3)

The Winged Bean Genome: Winged Bean—One Species Supermarket (2022)
Book Chapter
Tsoutsoura, N., Chong, Y. T., Ho, W. K., Chai, H. H., Tanzi, A. S., Salazar-Licea, L., Massawe, F., Brameld, J., Salter, A., & Mayes, S. (2022). The Winged Bean Genome: Winged Bean—One Species Supermarket. In M. A. Chapman (Ed.), Underutilised Crop Genomes (315-336). Springer International Publishing.

Climate change, population growth and increasingly homogenised diets are a threat to food security and human nutritional status. There is an urgent need to incorporate highly nutritious crops into the human diet to provide new sources of nutrition, t... Read More about The Winged Bean Genome: Winged Bean—One Species Supermarket.

Crop Diversification Through a Wider Use of Underutilised Crops: A Strategy to Ensure Food and Nutrition Security in the Face of Climate Change (2019)
Book Chapter
Mustafa, M. A., Mayes, S., & Massawe, F. (2019). Crop Diversification Through a Wider Use of Underutilised Crops: A Strategy to Ensure Food and Nutrition Security in the Face of Climate Change. In A. Sarkar, S. Sensarma, & G. vanLoon (Eds.), Sustainable Solutions for Food Security: Combating Climate Change by Adaptation (125-149). Springer.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. Global dependence on only a few crops for food and non-food uses is risky due to the multifaceted challenges that crop production faces. One such challenge is climate change and its effects on food production. E... Read More about Crop Diversification Through a Wider Use of Underutilised Crops: A Strategy to Ensure Food and Nutrition Security in the Face of Climate Change.

Bambara Groundnut is a Climate-Resilient Crop: How Could a Drought-Tolerant and Nutritious Legume Improve Community Resilience in the Face of Climate Change? (2019)
Book Chapter
Feldman, A., Ho, W. K., Massawe, F., & Mayes, S. (2019). Bambara Groundnut is a Climate-Resilient Crop: How Could a Drought-Tolerant and Nutritious Legume Improve Community Resilience in the Face of Climate Change?. In A. Sarkar, S. Sensarma, & G. vanLoon (Eds.), Sustainable Solutions for Food Security: Combating Climate Change by Adaptation (150-167). Springer.

Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.; is a crop similar in morphology and growth habit to groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). It was also historically largely displaced by groundnut upon the latter’s introduction to sub-Sah... Read More about Bambara Groundnut is a Climate-Resilient Crop: How Could a Drought-Tolerant and Nutritious Legume Improve Community Resilience in the Face of Climate Change?.