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Professor ANDREW SMITH's Outputs (14)

Predicting Healthy Start Scheme Uptake using Deprivation and Food Insecurity Measures (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Makokoro, K., Long, G., Harvey, J., Smith, A., Welham, S., Mansilla, R., Lukinova, E., & Goulding, J. (2024, May). Predicting Healthy Start Scheme Uptake using Deprivation and Food Insecurity Measures. Presented at 2nd Digital Footprints Conference: Linking Digital Data for Social Impact, Bristol, UK

Detecting iodine deficiency risks from dietary transitions using shopping data (2024)
Journal Article
Mansilla, R., Long, G., Welham, S., Harvey, J., Lukinova, E., Nica-Avram, G., Smith, G., Salt, D., Smith, A., & Goulding, J. (2024). Detecting iodine deficiency risks from dietary transitions using shopping data. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 1017.

Plant-based product replacements are gaining popularity. However, the long-term health implications remain poorly understood, and available methods, though accurate, are expensive and burdensome, impeding the study of sufficiently large cohorts. To i... Read More about Detecting iodine deficiency risks from dietary transitions using shopping data.

Bundle entropy as an optimized measure of consumers' systematic product choice combinations in mass transactional data (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mansilla, R., Smith, G., Smith, A., & Goulding, J. (2022, December). Bundle entropy as an optimized measure of consumers' systematic product choice combinations in mass transactional data. Presented at 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Osaka, Japan

Understanding and measuring the predictability of consumer purchasing (basket) behaviour is of significant value. While predictability measures such as entropy have been well studied and leveraged in other sectors, their development and application t... Read More about Bundle entropy as an optimized measure of consumers' systematic product choice combinations in mass transactional data.

Exogenous cognition and cognitive state theory: The plexus of consumer analytics and decision-making (2020)
Journal Article
Smith, A., Harvey, J., Goulding, J., Smith, G., & Sparks, L. (2020). Exogenous cognition and cognitive state theory: The plexus of consumer analytics and decision-making. Marketing Theory, 21(1), 53-74.

We develop the concept of exogenous cognition (ExC) as a specific manifestation of an external cognitive system (ECS). Exogenous cognition describes the technological and algorithmic extension of (and annexation of) cognition in a consumption context... Read More about Exogenous cognition and cognitive state theory: The plexus of consumer analytics and decision-making.

Identifying food insecurity in food sharing networks via machine learning (2020)
Journal Article
Nica-Avram, G., Harvey, J., Smith, G., Smith, A., & Goulding, J. (2021). Identifying food insecurity in food sharing networks via machine learning. Journal of Business Research, 131, 469-484.

© 2020 Elsevier Inc. Food insecurity in the UK has captured public attention. However, estimates of its prevalence are deeply contentious. The lack of precision on the volume of emergency food assistance currently provided to those in need is made ev... Read More about Identifying food insecurity in food sharing networks via machine learning.

Prosocial exchange systems: Nonreciprocal giving, lending, and skill-sharing (2020)
Journal Article
Harvey, J., Smith, A., Golightly, D., Goulding, J., & Gallage, H. S. (2020). Prosocial exchange systems: Nonreciprocal giving, lending, and skill-sharing. Computers in Human Behavior, 107, Article 106268.

Prosocial exchange systems support cooperation and exchange in support of more sustainable forms of consumption. While often assumed that exchanges within such systems are reciprocal, it remains unproven as to what extent reciprocity occurs. This stu... Read More about Prosocial exchange systems: Nonreciprocal giving, lending, and skill-sharing.

Food sharing, redistribution, and waste reduction via mobile applications: a social network analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Harvey, J., Smith, A., Goulding, J., & Branco-illodo, I. (2020). Food sharing, redistribution, and waste reduction via mobile applications: a social network analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 88, 437-448.

Food sharing mobile applications are becoming increasingly popular, but little is known about the new social configurations of people using them, particularly those applications that use consumers as voluntary intermediaries in supply chains. This ar... Read More about Food sharing, redistribution, and waste reduction via mobile applications: a social network analysis.

Online technology as a driver of sharing (2018)
Book Chapter
Harvey, J., Smith, A., & Golightly, D. (2018). Online technology as a driver of sharing. In P. A. Albinsson, B. Perera, & B. Yasanti (Eds.), The rise of the sharing economy : exploring the challenges and opportunities of collaborative consumption

Critical realism and economic anthropology (2017)
Journal Article
Harvey, J., Smith, A., & Golightly, D. (2017). Critical realism and economic anthropology. Journal of Critical Realism, 16(5), 431-450.

This paper discusses basic critical realism within the context of economic anthropology and develops an approach to studying material relations between people. A diachronic form of analysis, following the work of Bhaskar and Archer, is described as a... Read More about Critical realism and economic anthropology.

New insights into unethical counterfeit consumption (2016)
Journal Article
Bian, X., Wang, K.-Y., Smith, A., & Yannopoulou, N. (2016). New insights into unethical counterfeit consumption. Journal of Business Research, 69(10), 4249-4258.

Consumer demand for counterfeit luxury brands is unethical, but it is also robust and growing. The aim of this exploratory research, which employs in-depth interviews, is two-fold: 1) to identify the psychological and emotional insights that drive an... Read More about New insights into unethical counterfeit consumption.

Social power, product conspicuousness and the demand for luxury brand counterfeit products (2014)
Journal Article
Haque, S., Bian, X., & Smith, A. (2015). Social power, product conspicuousness and the demand for luxury brand counterfeit products. British Journal of Social Psychology, 54(1), 37-54.

The aim of this article is two-fold: 1) to achieve a better understanding of the psychological determinants of the demand for luxury brand counterfeit products (LBCP) through exploring the effects of social power; 2) to extend power literature by ide... Read More about Social power, product conspicuousness and the demand for luxury brand counterfeit products.

The role of hedonism in ethical tourism (2013)
Journal Article
Malone, S., Smith, A., & McCabe, S. (2014). The role of hedonism in ethical tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 44, 241-254.

This paper investigates the role of emotion in the ethical choice processes of tourists. Specifically, it explores how hedonism is experienced and the links between hedonic experiences and intentions for future ethical behaviour. It adopts an interpr... Read More about The role of hedonism in ethical tourism.