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Professor LAILA TATA's Outputs (3)

Two measures of systemic inflammation are positively associated with haemoglobin levels in adolescent girls living in rural India: a cross-sectional study (2020)
Journal Article
Ahankari, A., Kabra, P., Tata, L., Hayter, M., & Fogarty, A. (2021). Two measures of systemic inflammation are positively associated with haemoglobin levels in adolescent girls living in rural India: a cross-sectional study. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 26(3), 327-334.

Objective: This study tested the hypothesis that systemic inflammation is inversely associated with haemoglobin levels in adolescent girls in India. Methods: The study population consisted of adolescent girls aged between 10 and 19years living in a r... Read More about Two measures of systemic inflammation are positively associated with haemoglobin levels in adolescent girls living in rural India: a cross-sectional study.

Outcomes of a public health campaign and automated randomised controlled trial of a direct to public peer support programme (Big White Wall) versus web-based information to aid self-management of depression and anxiety (The REBOOT study) (2020)
Preprint / Working Paper
Morriss, R., Kaylor-Hughes, C., Rawsthorne, M., Coulson, N., Simpson, S., Guo, B., James, M., Lathe, J., Moran, P., Tata, L., & Williams, L. Outcomes of a public health campaign and automated randomised controlled trial of a direct to public peer support programme (Big White Wall) versus web-based information to aid self-management of depression and anxiety (The REBOOT study)

Effective help for depression and anxiety only reaches a small proportion of those who might benefit from it. The scale of the problem suggests a role for effective, safe public health online services delivered directly to the public. On... Read More about Outcomes of a public health campaign and automated randomised controlled trial of a direct to public peer support programme (Big White Wall) versus web-based information to aid self-management of depression and anxiety (The REBOOT study).

Do working practices of cancer nurse specialists improve clinical outcomes? Retrospective cohort analysis from the English National Lung Cancer Audit (2020)
Journal Article
Stewart, I., Leary, A., Khakwani, A., Borthwick, D., Tod, A., Hubbard, R., Beckett, P., & Tata, L. J. (2021). Do working practices of cancer nurse specialists improve clinical outcomes? Retrospective cohort analysis from the English National Lung Cancer Audit. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 118, Article 103718.

Cancer nurse specialists are advanced practitioners who offer continuity of care and expert support for people diagnosed with specific cancers. Health Education England's Cancer Workforce Plan prioritises expansion of cancer nurse special... Read More about Do working practices of cancer nurse specialists improve clinical outcomes? Retrospective cohort analysis from the English National Lung Cancer Audit.