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Professor DRAGOS AXINTE's Outputs (120)

Design and Control of a Multiple-Section Continuum Robot With a Hybrid Sensing System (2023)
Journal Article
Fang, Y., Dong, X., Mohammad, A., & Axinte, D. (2023). Design and Control of a Multiple-Section Continuum Robot With a Hybrid Sensing System. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 28(3), 1522-1533.

After decades of development, the technology of continuum robots continues to mature gradually and is used for various applications, e.g., inspection and repair in high-value-added industries such as aerospace & nuclear. However, such robots are inva... Read More about Design and Control of a Multiple-Section Continuum Robot With a Hybrid Sensing System.

Machining of long ceramic fibre reinforced metal matrix composites – How could temperature influence the cutting mechanisms? (2023)
Journal Article
Zan, S., Liao, Z., Robles-Linares, J. A., Garcia Luna, G., & Axinte, D. (2023). Machining of long ceramic fibre reinforced metal matrix composites – How could temperature influence the cutting mechanisms?. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 185, Article 103994.

Metal matrix composites (MMCs) offer a unique set of properties due to the ductile-brittle combination produced by the matrix and the reinforcements. Conventional MMCs are usually particle-reinforced, and their cutting mechanisms have been thoroughly... Read More about Machining of long ceramic fibre reinforced metal matrix composites – How could temperature influence the cutting mechanisms?.

Tasering Twin Soft Robot: A Multimodal Soft Robot Capable of Passive Flight and Wall Climbing (2022)
Journal Article
Sriratanasak, N., Axinte, D., Dong, X., Mohammad, A., Russo, M., & Raimondi, L. (2022). Tasering Twin Soft Robot: A Multimodal Soft Robot Capable of Passive Flight and Wall Climbing. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 4(12), Article 2200223.

The application of Soft Crawling Robots (SCRs) to real-world scenarios remains a grand challenge due to their limited deployment time to reach the target and accessibility to difficult-to-reach environments by any obstacles. To overcome these limitat... Read More about Tasering Twin Soft Robot: A Multimodal Soft Robot Capable of Passive Flight and Wall Climbing.

Touching the Sound: Audible Features Enable Haptics for Robot Control (2022)
Journal Article
Shi, H., Russo, M., de la Torre, J., Mohammad, A., Dong, X., & Axinte, D. (2023). Touching the Sound: Audible Features Enable Haptics for Robot Control. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 30(3), 56-68.

Haptic control interfaces can significantly improve the quality of teleoperation in robotic and mechatronic systems. However, the required force feedback introduces new challenges when highly constrained environments and systems hinder the use of con... Read More about Touching the Sound: Audible Features Enable Haptics for Robot Control.

A Continuum Robot for Remote Applications: From Industrial to Medical Surgery With Slender Continuum Robots (2022)
Journal Article
Troncoso, D. A., Robles-Linares, J. A., Russo, M., Elbanna, M. A., Wild, S., Dong, X., Mohammad, A., Kell, J., Norton, A. D., & Axinte, D. (2023). A Continuum Robot for Remote Applications: From Industrial to Medical Surgery With Slender Continuum Robots. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 30(3), 94-105.

The maintenance of critical industrial components is often hindered by limited access, tortuous passages, and complex geometries. In highly constrained environments, inspection tasks are currently performed with borescopes, but even skilled operators... Read More about A Continuum Robot for Remote Applications: From Industrial to Medical Surgery With Slender Continuum Robots.

What micro-mechanical testing can reveal about machining processes (2022)
Journal Article
Axinte, D., Huang, H., Yan, J., & Liao, Z. (2022). What micro-mechanical testing can reveal about machining processes. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 183, Article 103964.

For many years, the machining community has dedicated significant efforts to investigate the microscopic scale level phenomena during the material removal process. On one hand much research has been carried out in relation to workpiece surface integr... Read More about What micro-mechanical testing can reveal about machining processes.

On modelling coolant penetration into the microchannels at the tool-workpiece interface (2022)
Journal Article
Wei, W., Robles-Linares, J. A., Liao, Z., Wang, Z., Luna, G. G., Billingham, J., & Axinte, D. (2022). On modelling coolant penetration into the microchannels at the tool-workpiece interface. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 84, 43-54.

A network of microchannels is formed at the interface between the cutting tool and the workpiece during machining due to their rough surface structures. The penetration of coolant into these microchannels has a great effect on the machined surface qu... Read More about On modelling coolant penetration into the microchannels at the tool-workpiece interface.

Reconfigurable Soft Robots by Building Blocks (2022)
Journal Article
Atia, M. G., Mohammad, A., Gameros, A., Axinte, D., & Wright, I. (2022). Reconfigurable Soft Robots by Building Blocks. Advanced Science, Article 2203217.

Soft robots are of increasing interest as they can cope with challenges that are poorly addressed by conventional rigid-body robots (e.g., limited flexibility). However, due to their flexible nature, the soft robots can be particularly prone to explo... Read More about Reconfigurable Soft Robots by Building Blocks.

Novel Reconfigurable Walking Machine Tool Enables Symmetric and Nonsymmetric Walking Configurations (2022)
Journal Article
Camacho-Arreguin, J. I., Wang, M., Russo, M., Dong, X., & Axinte, D. (2022). Novel Reconfigurable Walking Machine Tool Enables Symmetric and Nonsymmetric Walking Configurations. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,

Current research on walking robots strives to achieve a higher efficiency, a better load capacity, and an increased adaptability. Parallel kinematic manipulators (PKMs) are characterized by high payload and accuracy, but conventional PKMs with fixed... Read More about Novel Reconfigurable Walking Machine Tool Enables Symmetric and Nonsymmetric Walking Configurations.

The effect of interstitial fluid on the machining behaviour of cortical bone (2022)
Journal Article
Robles-Linares, J. A., Liao, Z., Axinte, D., & Gameros, A. (2022). The effect of interstitial fluid on the machining behaviour of cortical bone. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 307, Article 117697.

Bone machining research is usually conducted ex-vivo with standard laboratory equipment, implying mostly that the cutting process takes place in dry state. While these studies are useful for understanding the bone cutting process, they cannot represe... Read More about The effect of interstitial fluid on the machining behaviour of cortical bone.

A Novel Underactuated Continuum Robot With Shape Memory Alloy Clutches (2022)
Journal Article
Bishop, C., Russo, M., Dong, X., & Axinte, D. (2022). A Novel Underactuated Continuum Robot With Shape Memory Alloy Clutches. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 27(6), 5339-5350.

The many degrees of freedom of continuum robots (CRs) enable unique applications in the search and rescue, medical and aerospace industries. However, the many motors required result in unwieldy external actuation packs and additional weight. Underact... Read More about A Novel Underactuated Continuum Robot With Shape Memory Alloy Clutches.

On the importance of interface stability in cellular automata models: Planar and dendritic solidification in laser melted YSZ (2022)
Journal Article
Ushmaev, D., Liao, Z., Notron, A., & Axinte, D. (2022). On the importance of interface stability in cellular automata models: Planar and dendritic solidification in laser melted YSZ. Materials and Design, 219, Article 110823.

Laser-processing technologies are often applied to enhance the properties of ceramics, such as laser glazing of Yttria Stabilised Zirconia (YSZ). However, very limited attention was paid to the solidification phenomena and mechanisms of YSZ. In this... Read More about On the importance of interface stability in cellular automata models: Planar and dendritic solidification in laser melted YSZ.

Temperature-dependent shear localisation and microstructural evolution in machining of nickel-base superalloys (2022)
Journal Article
la Monaca, A., Axinte, D. A., Liao, Z., M'Saoubi, R., & Hardy, M. C. (2022). Temperature-dependent shear localisation and microstructural evolution in machining of nickel-base superalloys. Materials and Design, 219, Article 110792.

Understanding the microstructural evolution mechanisms in machining of advanced materials is essential to achieve excellent surface integrity levels within the manufacture of safety–critical components. However, as thermal and mechanical effects are... Read More about Temperature-dependent shear localisation and microstructural evolution in machining of nickel-base superalloys.

Can higher cutting speeds and temperatures improve the microstructural surface integrity of advanced Ni-base superalloys? (2022)
Journal Article
la Monaca, A., Liao, Z., Axinte, D. A., M'Saoubi, R., & Hardy, M. C. (2022). Can higher cutting speeds and temperatures improve the microstructural surface integrity of advanced Ni-base superalloys?. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 71(1), 113-116.

Future Ni-base superalloys are designed to deliver outstanding mechanical behaviour at high temperatures, which may translate in significant machining challenges. In this work, a paradigm is presented by which is proven how machining of these materia... Read More about Can higher cutting speeds and temperatures improve the microstructural surface integrity of advanced Ni-base superalloys?.

EyeGlove for Inspection and Measurement in Confined Environments (2022)
Journal Article
Sun, E., Axinte, D., Alatorre, D., & Dong, X. (2023). EyeGlove for Inspection and Measurement in Confined Environments. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 70(3), 2718-2728.

A novel wearable vision system is proposed in this article. The wearable system contains a vision glove (EyeGlove) and a wearable display unit, which assists operators with inspection and measurement in confined environments. Three microcameras and a... Read More about EyeGlove for Inspection and Measurement in Confined Environments.

A class of novel underactuated positioning systems for actuating/configuring the parallel manipulators (2022)
Journal Article
Ma, N., Dong, X., Arreguin, J. C., Bishop, C., & Axinte, D. (2022). A class of novel underactuated positioning systems for actuating/configuring the parallel manipulators. Robotica, 40(10), 3631-3650.

Parallel manipulators are increasingly utilized in extensive industrial applications due to their high accuracy, compact structure, and significant stiffness characteristics. However, most of the time, massive actuators are involved in constructing a... Read More about A class of novel underactuated positioning systems for actuating/configuring the parallel manipulators.

Overlapped wire-fed laser cladding on inclined surfaces: An analytical model considering gravity and a model application (2022)
Journal Article
Li, J., Li, H. N., Liao, Z., & Axinte, D. (2022). Overlapped wire-fed laser cladding on inclined surfaces: An analytical model considering gravity and a model application. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 304, Article 117559.

The controllable wire-fed laser cladding (WLC) on inclined surfaces is one of the most challenging issues to repair free-form surfaces of high-valued parts because of the gravity effect, and therefore has attracted substantial attentions. Numerical m... Read More about Overlapped wire-fed laser cladding on inclined surfaces: An analytical model considering gravity and a model application.

Continuum Robots Collaborate for Safe Manipulation of High-Temperature Flame to Enable Repairs in Challenging Environments (2022)
Journal Article
Dong, X., Wang, M., Mohammad, A. E. K., Ba, W., Russo, M., Norton, A., Kell, J., & Axinte, D. (2022). Continuum Robots Collaborate for Safe Manipulation of High-Temperature Flame to Enable Repairs in Challenging Environments. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 27(5), 4217-4220.

This letter presents two long continuum robots, inserted through small holes, and working collaboratively in a crammed space to manipulate an extreme-temperature (>2000 °C) flame for coating repair on aeroengines without the need of their disassembly... Read More about Continuum Robots Collaborate for Safe Manipulation of High-Temperature Flame to Enable Repairs in Challenging Environments.

Cooperative continuum robots: Enhancing individual continuum arms by reconfiguring into a parallel manipulator (2021)
Journal Article
Russo, M., Sriratanasak, N., Ba, W., Dong, X., Mohammad, A., & Axinte, D. (2022). Cooperative continuum robots: Enhancing individual continuum arms by reconfiguring into a parallel manipulator. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(2), 1558-1565.

Continuum robots are able of in-situ inspection tasks in cluttered environments and narrow passages, where conventional robots and human operators cannot intervene. However, such intervention often requires the robot to interact with the environment,... Read More about Cooperative continuum robots: Enhancing individual continuum arms by reconfiguring into a parallel manipulator.

Towards the understanding the effect of surface integrity on the fatigue performance of silicon carbide particle reinforced aluminium matrix composites (2021)
Journal Article
Han, X., Liao, Z., Luna, G. G., Li, H. N., & Axinte, D. (2022). Towards the understanding the effect of surface integrity on the fatigue performance of silicon carbide particle reinforced aluminium matrix composites. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 73, 518-530.

The fatigue performance of metal matrix composites (MMCs) is highly related to their surface integrity due to the intensive tool-particle interactions and metallographic alterations of matrix, especially under extreme cutting parameters, which could... Read More about Towards the understanding the effect of surface integrity on the fatigue performance of silicon carbide particle reinforced aluminium matrix composites.