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Dr KEN MELLITS's Outputs (3)

Viabilité et quantification d’une levure probiotique dans le système digestif du porc (2016)
Journal Article
Le Bon, M., Bravo de Laguna, F., Chevaux, E., & Mellits, K. H. (in press). Viabilité et quantification d’une levure probiotique dans le système digestif du porc. Journees de la Recherche Porcine en France, 48,

Viability and colonisation of a probiotic yeast in the digestive tract of piglets

Probiotics have been defined as « live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host» (WHO, 2001). This definition i... Read More about Viabilité et quantification d’une levure probiotique dans le système digestif du porc.

Efficiency of disinfectants against Rotavirus in the presence and absence of organic matter (2015)
Journal Article
Chandler-Bostock, R., & Mellits, K. (in press). Efficiency of disinfectants against Rotavirus in the presence and absence of organic matter. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 61(6),

Rotavirus is an enteric pathogen that causes morbidity and mortality in young mammals, including pigs. Outbreaks of rotavirus on commercial farms have a significant economic impact in terms of losses in production. Effective cleaning and disinfection... Read More about Efficiency of disinfectants against Rotavirus in the presence and absence of organic matter.

Genetic diversity of porcine group A rotavirus strains in the UK (2014)
Journal Article
Chandler-Bostock, R., Hancox, L. R., Nawaz, S., Watts, O., Iturriza-Gomara, M., & Mellits, K. M. (2014). Genetic diversity of porcine group A rotavirus strains in the UK. Veterinary Microbiology, 173(1-2),

Rotavirus is endemic in pig farms where it causes a loss in production. This study is the first to characterise porcine rotavirus circulating in UK pigs. Samples from diarrheic pigs with rotavirus enteritis obtained between 2010 and 2012 were genotyp... Read More about Genetic diversity of porcine group A rotavirus strains in the UK.