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Culture, tradition, and taboo: understanding the social shaping of fuel choices and cooking practices in Nigeria (2017)
Journal Article
Akintan, O., Jewitt, S., & Clifford, M. (2018). Culture, tradition, and taboo: understanding the social shaping of fuel choices and cooking practices in Nigeria. Energy Research and Social Science, 40,

Wood fuel remains the most widely used domestic fuel amongst resource poor groups in many low-income countries, despite the environmental and health problems associated with exposure to wood smoke. Studies on household air pollution concentrate predo... Read More about Culture, tradition, and taboo: understanding the social shaping of fuel choices and cooking practices in Nigeria.

From barriers to enablers: where next for Improved cookstoves? (2017)
Journal Article
Ray, C., Sesan, T., Clifford, M., & Jewitt, S. (2017). From barriers to enablers: where next for Improved cookstoves?. Boiling Point, 2-5

The 'Barriers to the introduction and uptake of improved cookstoves (ICS) in East and Southern Africa' is a three year research project funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Department for International Development... Read More about From barriers to enablers: where next for Improved cookstoves?.

What's for dinner? Gendered decision-making and energy efficient cookstoves in Benue State, North Central Nigeria (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Atagher, P., Clifford, M., Jewitt, S., & Ray, C. (2017, September). What's for dinner? Gendered decision-making and energy efficient cookstoves in Benue State, North Central Nigeria. Presented at 7th International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, Seville, Spain

Solid biomass collection such as firewood rests mostly on women and children in settings where traditional fuels dominates household energy choices. A 2015 World Health Organisation (WHO) report estimated that 3.5 million people globally rely on soli... Read More about What's for dinner? Gendered decision-making and energy efficient cookstoves in Benue State, North Central Nigeria.

Engineering education for sustainable development: using online learning to support the new paradigms (2017)
Journal Article
Sivapalan, S., Clifford, M. J., & Speight, S. (in press). Engineering education for sustainable development: using online learning to support the new paradigms. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education,

This paper explores the experiences of three academic members of the University of Nottingham Open Online Course (NOOC) and Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) team, comprising an engineer (tutor), an engineering education specialist (facilitator) and... Read More about Engineering education for sustainable development: using online learning to support the new paradigms.