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Professor HOLLY BLAKE's Outputs (191)

Predictors of physical activity and barriers to exercise in nursing and medical students (2016)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Stanulewicz, N., & McGill, F. (2017). Predictors of physical activity and barriers to exercise in nursing and medical students. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(4), 917-929.


To investigate physical activity levels of nursing and medicine students; examine predictors of physical activity level; and examine the most influential benefits and barriers to exercise.

Healthcare professionals have low leve... Read More about Predictors of physical activity and barriers to exercise in nursing and medical students.

Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural therapy on glycaemic control and psychological outcomes in adults with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (2016)
Journal Article
Uchendu, C., & Blake, H. (in press). Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural therapy on glycaemic control and psychological outcomes in adults with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Diabetic Medicine, 34(3),


Diabetes is a chronic progressive condition presenting physical, social and psychological challenges that increase the risk of comorbid mental health problems. Cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) is effective in treating a variety of psycholog... Read More about Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural therapy on glycaemic control and psychological outcomes in adults with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Developing a mHealth intervention to promote uptake of HIV testing among African communities in the UK: a qualitative study (2016)
Journal Article
Evans, C., Turner, K., Suggs, L., Occa, A., Juma, A., & Blake, H. (2016). Developing a mHealth intervention to promote uptake of HIV testing among African communities in the UK: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 16, Article 656.

Background: HIV-related mHealth interventions have demonstrable efficacy in supporting treatment adherence, although the evidence base for promoting HIV testing is inconclusive. Progress is constrained by a limited understanding of processes used to... Read More about Developing a mHealth intervention to promote uptake of HIV testing among African communities in the UK: a qualitative study.

Behavioural intervention to increase physical activity in adults with coronary heart disease in Jordan (2016)
Journal Article
Alsaleh, E., Windle, R., & Blake, H. (in press). Behavioural intervention to increase physical activity in adults with coronary heart disease in Jordan. BMC Public Health, 16(643),

Background: Patients with coronary heart disease often do not follow prescribed physical activity recommendations. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of a behavioural intervention to increase physical activity in patients with coronary... Read More about Behavioural intervention to increase physical activity in adults with coronary heart disease in Jordan.

Workplace wellness using online learning tools in a healthcare setting (2016)
Journal Article
Blake, H., & Gartshore, E. (2016). Workplace wellness using online learning tools in a healthcare setting. Nurse Education in Practice, 20,

The aim was to develop and evaluate an online learning tool for use with UK healthcare employees, healthcare educators and healthcare students, to increase knowledge of workplace wellness as an important public health issue. A ‘Workplace Wellness’ e-... Read More about Workplace wellness using online learning tools in a healthcare setting.

Predictors of self-management in patients with chronic low back pain: a longitudinal cohort study protocol (2016)
Journal Article
Banerjee, A., Hendrick, P., & Blake, H. (2016). Predictors of self-management in patients with chronic low back pain: a longitudinal cohort study protocol

Studies on self-management (SM) support programmes in chronic low back pain (CLBP) have failed to show clinically meaningful treatment benefit, which potentially highlights lack of research on predictors of effective SM. The purpose of this multi-cen... Read More about Predictors of self-management in patients with chronic low back pain: a longitudinal cohort study protocol.

“We don’t worry about diabetes that much”: a qualitative study exploring perceptions of physical activity among children with Type 1 Diabetes (2016)
Journal Article
Quirk, H., Glazebrook, C., Martin, R., & Blake, H. (2016). “We don’t worry about diabetes that much”: a qualitative study exploring perceptions of physical activity among children with Type 1 Diabetes. Advances in Pediatric Research,

Background: Despite the health benefits of physical activity, children across the population are insufficiently active. Physical activity is essential in the management of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM), therefore its promotion should be a priority,... Read More about “We don’t worry about diabetes that much”: a qualitative study exploring perceptions of physical activity among children with Type 1 Diabetes.

Motive8!: feasibility of a text messaging intervention to promote physical activity in knee osteoarthritis (2015)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Roberts, A. L., Batt, M. E., & Moses, J. P. (2015). Motive8!: feasibility of a text messaging intervention to promote physical activity in knee osteoarthritis

Aim: To develop and test the feasibility of using a SMS text messaging intervention to promote physical activity in patients with knee OA.

Methods: 27 people (6 male, 21 female; aged 25-81 years) with knee osteoarthritis received 4 text messages... Read More about Motive8!: feasibility of a text messaging intervention to promote physical activity in knee osteoarthritis.

Active8! Technology-based intervention to promote physical activity in hospital employees (2015)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Suggs, L. S., Coman, E., Aguirre, L., & Batt, M. E. (2017). Active8! Technology-based intervention to promote physical activity in hospital employees. American Journal of Health Promotion, 31(2),

Purpose: Increase physical activity in healthcare employees using health messaging, and compare email with mobile phone short-message service (SMS) as delivery channels.
Design: Randomised controlled trial
Setting: UK hospital workplace
Subjects:... Read More about Active8! Technology-based intervention to promote physical activity in hospital employees.

“Having diabetes shouldn’t stop them”: healthcare professionals’ perceptions of physical activity in children with Type 1 diabetes (2015)
Journal Article
Quirk, H., Blake, H., Dee, B., & Glazebrook, C. (2015). “Having diabetes shouldn’t stop them”: healthcare professionals’ perceptions of physical activity in children with Type 1 diabetes. BMC Pediatrics, 15(1),


Healthcare professionals (HCP) working with children who have Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) have an important role in advising about and supporting the control of blood glucose level in relation to physical activity. Regular physical... Read More about “Having diabetes shouldn’t stop them”: healthcare professionals’ perceptions of physical activity in children with Type 1 diabetes.

Text messaging to encourage uptake of HIV testing amongst African communities: findings from a theory based feasibility study (2015)
Journal Article
Evans, C., Turner, K., Blake, H., Juma, A., Suggs, S., & Occa, A. (in press). Text messaging to encourage uptake of HIV testing amongst African communities: findings from a theory based feasibility study. HIV Medicine, 16(S2),

Background: There is a public health need to tackle high levels of undiagnosed (or late diagnosed) HIV amongst the UK's African communities. This research aimed to assess the feasibility and acceptability of using a text messaging intervention to enc... Read More about Text messaging to encourage uptake of HIV testing amongst African communities: findings from a theory based feasibility study.

Prescribing opioid analgesics for chronic non-malignant pain in general practice - a survey of attitudes and practice (2015)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Leighton, P., van der Walt, G., & Ravenscroft, A. (2015). Prescribing opioid analgesics for chronic non-malignant pain in general practice - a survey of attitudes and practice. British Journal of Pain, 9(4),

Background: This study replicates a previous postal survey of general practitioners (GPs) to explore whether attitudes to opioid prescribing have changed at a time when the number of opioid prescriptions issued in primary care has increased.

Metho... Read More about Prescribing opioid analgesics for chronic non-malignant pain in general practice - a survey of attitudes and practice.

Paediatric nurses' attitudes towards the promotion of healthy eating (2015)
Journal Article
Blake, H., & Patterson, J. (in press). Paediatric nurses' attitudes towards the promotion of healthy eating. British Journal of Nursing, 24(2),

This study assessed paediatric nurses' attitudes towards promoting healthy eating and their opinions regarding nurses as role models for health. In all, 67 nurses from 14 wards at an acute hospital trust completed questionnaires on weight, diet, phys... Read More about Paediatric nurses' attitudes towards the promotion of healthy eating.

“You can’t just jump on a bike and go”: a qualitative study exploring parents’ perceptions of physical activity in children with type 1 diabetes (2014)
Journal Article
Quirk, H., Blake, H., Dee, B., & Glazebrook, C. (2014). “You can’t just jump on a bike and go”: a qualitative study exploring parents’ perceptions of physical activity in children with type 1 diabetes. BMC Pediatrics, 14(1),


Parents of children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) have an important role in supporting diabetes management behaviours and helping to maintain their child’s healthy lifestyle. Physical activity has known benefits for children with... Read More about “You can’t just jump on a bike and go”: a qualitative study exploring parents’ perceptions of physical activity in children with type 1 diabetes.

School-based educational intervention to improve children’s oral health-related knowledge (2014)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Dawett, B., Leighton, P., Rose-Brady, L., & Deery, C. (2015). School-based educational intervention to improve children’s oral health-related knowledge. Health Promotion Practice, 16(4), 571-582.

Objective. To evaluate a brief oral health promotion intervention delivered in schools by a primary care dental practice, aimed at changing oral health care knowledge and oral health–related behaviors in children. Design. Cohort study with pretest–po... Read More about School-based educational intervention to improve children’s oral health-related knowledge.

Reasons for participating and not participating in a e-health workplace physical activity intervention (2014)
Journal Article
Bardus, M., Blake, H., Lloyd, S., & Suzanne Suggs, L. (2014). Reasons for participating and not participating in a e-health workplace physical activity intervention. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 7(4),

– The purpose of this paper is to investigate the reasons for participating and not participating in an e-health workplace physical activity (PA) intervention.

– Semi-structured interviews and two focus groups... Read More about Reasons for participating and not participating in a e-health workplace physical activity intervention.