Identificación y gestión de los riesgos psicosociales en entornos organizativos: diagnóstico, aplicación y evaluación
Book Chapter
Hassard, J., Thomson, L., & Blake, H. (2024). Identificación y gestión de los riesgos psicosociales en entornos organizativos: diagnóstico, aplicación y evaluación. In E. Ansoleaga, J. Yeves, & L. Godoy (Eds.), Proteger La Salud Mental En El Trabajo: Causas, contextos e intervenciones (157-186). RiL editores
Professor HOLLY BLAKE's Outputs (15)
Understanding and exploring the cost of poor mental health at work for organisations and society (2023)
Book Chapter
Hassard, J., Thomson, L., & Blake, H. (2024). Understanding and exploring the cost of poor mental health at work for organisations and society. In A. Day, & C. L. Cooper (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Mental Health at Work. RoutledgeThis chapter explores the cost of mental health at work from an employer and societal perspective. We aim to present and reflect on the available evidence of the economic burden and human cost posed by poor mental health at work. A fuller understandi... Read More about Understanding and exploring the cost of poor mental health at work for organisations and society.
Understanding the cost of mental health at work: an integrative framework (2021)
Book Chapter
Hassard, J., Teoh, K., Thomson, L., & Blake, H. (2021). Understanding the cost of mental health at work: an integrative framework. In T. Wall, C. Cooper, & P. Brough (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Organisational Wellbeing. SAGE PublicationsInternationally, there is growing recognition of the social and economic impact of work-related stress and mental ill-health; and, in turn, of the relative importance of promoting mental wellbeing and preventing the onset of mental disorders at work... Read More about Understanding the cost of mental health at work: an integrative framework.
The effects of aging and exercise on recollection and familiarity based memory processes (2015)
Book Chapter
Tunney, R. J., Allen, H. A., Bonardi, C., & Blake, H. (2015). The effects of aging and exercise on recollection and familiarity based memory processes. In D. Bruno (Ed.), . Psychology Press.
The effects of ageing and exercise on recollection and familiarity based memory processes (2015)
Book Chapter
Tunney, R. J., Allen, H. A., Bonardi, C., & Blake, H. (2015). The effects of ageing and exercise on recollection and familiarity based memory processes. In D. Bruno (Ed.), The Preservation of Memory: Theory and Practice for Clinical and Non-Clinical Populations (139-151). RoutledgeIn the UK’s 2011 census there were high proportions of people between 20 and 49 years-old, with each 5-year band containing at least 4 million. Thus between 2022 and 2051 we can expect large numbers of people to enter their 60s, around 2 billion glob... Read More about The effects of ageing and exercise on recollection and familiarity based memory processes.
Physical activity and cancer (2012)
Book Chapter
Blake, H., & Tennyson, R. (2012). Physical activity and cancer. In N. L. Hicks, & R. E. Warren (Eds.), Psychology of cancer. Nova ScienceIt is widely accepted that physical activity is important for physical functioning and well-being, and as such the promotion of active lifestyles is becoming increasingly significant in public health policy both in the UK and worldwide. Sedentary lif... Read More about Physical activity and cancer.
Saliva testing as a practical tool for rapid HIV screening (2011)
Book Chapter
Blake, H., Leighton, P., & Sharma, S. (2011). Saliva testing as a practical tool for rapid HIV screening. In N. Dumais (Ed.), HIV and AIDS: updates on biology, immunology, epidemiology and treatment strategies. Intech.
Physical activity in traumatic brain injury rehabilitation (2010)
Book Chapter
Blake, H. (2010). Physical activity in traumatic brain injury rehabilitation. In Physical activity in rehabilitation and recovery (131-154). Nova Science PublishersTraumatic brain injury (TBI) can result in a range of physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioural problems. Exercise is increasingly advocated in brain injury rehabilitation since individuals with long-term conditions are at particular risk of dec... Read More about Physical activity in traumatic brain injury rehabilitation.
Editorial: Exercise in rehabilitation: towards a population-based promotion of physical activity (2010)
Book Chapter
Blake, H. (2010). Editorial: Exercise in rehabilitation: towards a population-based promotion of physical activity. In Physical activity in rehabilitation and recovery (1-4). Nova Science Publishers
Exercise interventions in the treatment of depression (2010)
Book Chapter
Malik, S., Kit Han Mo, P., & Blake, H. (2010). Exercise interventions in the treatment of depression. In H. Blake (Ed.), Physical activity in rehabilitation and recovery (279-312). Nova Science PublishersDepression is a common psychiatric problem affecting millions of people worldwide. Whilst conventional treatments for depression have involved the use of antidepressant medications or ‘talking’ therapies, in recent years the concept of exercise thera... Read More about Exercise interventions in the treatment of depression.
The PAVE study (Physical Activity Virtual Education): development of reusable learning objects (RLOs) to enhance nursing students' knowledge and understanding of physical activity (2010)
Book Chapter
Blake, H., & Wharrad, H. (2010). The PAVE study (Physical Activity Virtual Education): development of reusable learning objects (RLOs) to enhance nursing students' knowledge and understanding of physical activity. In G. Baker, J. Falk-Whynes, & A. Sidorovitch (Eds.), Teaching for integrative learning. University of Nottingham. Centre for Integrative LearningThe aim of this project was to design, build and test two sustainable reusable learning objects (RLOs) for physical activity (PA) and provide opportunities to assess changes in knowledge and self-reported behaviour following exposure. The RLOs develo... Read More about The PAVE study (Physical Activity Virtual Education): development of reusable learning objects (RLOs) to enhance nursing students' knowledge and understanding of physical activity.
Using technology in health promotion interventions (2008)
Book Chapter
Blake, H. (2008). Using technology in health promotion interventions. In Life style and health research (17-76). Nova Science PublishersImproving health in the general population is key to government policy and essential to address the increasing prevalence of non-communicable disease in our society. Whether aiming to improve health at the individual, community, regional or national... Read More about Using technology in health promotion interventions.
Practising what we preach: worksite wellness intervention for healthcare staff (2008)
Book Chapter
Blake, H. (2008). Practising what we preach: worksite wellness intervention for healthcare staff. In A. B. Turley, & G. C. Hofmann (Eds.), Life style and health research progress (1-4). Nova Science PublishersWith the rising prevalence of preventable disease, caused by our modern lifestyles, population approaches to health promotion are becoming an essential part of healthcare. Nursing is the largest occupational group within the National Health Service a... Read More about Practising what we preach: worksite wellness intervention for healthcare staff.
Practising what we preach: Worksite wellness intervention for healthcare employees (2008)
Book Chapter
Blake, H. (2008). Practising what we preach: Worksite wellness intervention for healthcare employees. In A. B. Turley, & G. C. Hofmann (Eds.), Lifestyle and Health Research Progress (1-4). Nova Science Publishers
Cognitive impairments following a stroke: the strain on caregivers (2005)
Book Chapter
Blake, H., & Lincoln, N. (2005). Cognitive impairments following a stroke: the strain on caregivers. In Stroke: therapy and rehabilitation (173-179)Objectives: The aim was to investigate the relation between cognitive impairment in stroke patients and strain in their spouses.
Setting: Hospital.
Methods: Patients were assessed for cognitive impairment on tests of general mental state, language,... Read More about Cognitive impairments following a stroke: the strain on caregivers.