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Professor KIM THOMAS's Outputs (11)

A programme of research to set priorities and reduce uncertainties for the prevention and treatment of skin disease (2016)
Journal Article
Thomas, K. S., Batchelor, J. M., Bath-Hextall, F., Chalmers, J., Clarke, T., Crowe, S., Delamere, F. M., Eleftheriadou, V., Evans, N., Firkins, L., Greenlaw, N., Lansbury, L. E., Lawton, S., Layfield, C., Leonardi-Bee, J., Mason, J., Mitchell, E., Nankervis, H., Norrie, J., Nunn, A., …Williams, H. C. (2016). A programme of research to set priorities and reduce uncertainties for the prevention and treatment of skin disease. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 4(18),


Skin diseases are very common and can have a large impact on the quality of life of patients and caregivers. This programme addressed four diseases: (1) eczema, (2) vitiligo, (3) squamous cell skin cancer (SCC) and (4) pyoderma gangreno... Read More about A programme of research to set priorities and reduce uncertainties for the prevention and treatment of skin disease.

What's new in atopic eczema? An analysis of systematic reviews published in 2014. Part 2. Treatment and prevention (2016)
Journal Article
Lloyd-Lavery, A., Rogers, N. K., Hatfield, S. J., Grindlay, D., Barnett, R., & Thomas, K. S. (2017). What's new in atopic eczema? An analysis of systematic reviews published in 2014. Part 2. Treatment and prevention. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 42(1), 3-7.

This review forms part of a series of annual updates that summarize the evidence base for atopic eczema (AE). It provides a summary of key findings from 12 systematic reviews (SRs) that were published or indexed during 2014, and focuses on the treatm... Read More about What's new in atopic eczema? An analysis of systematic reviews published in 2014. Part 2. Treatment and prevention.

Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM), a core instrument to measure symptoms in clinical trials: a Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) statement (2016)
Journal Article
Spuls, P., Gerbens, L., Simpson, E., Apfelbacher, C., Chalmers, J., Thomas, K., Prinsen, C., Kobyletzki, L. V., Singh, J., Williams, H. C., & Schmitt, J. (2017). Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM), a core instrument to measure symptoms in clinical trials: a Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) statement. British Journal of Dermatology, 176(4), 979-984.

Background: The Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative has defined four core outcome domains for a core outcome set (COS) to be measured in all atopic eczema (AE) trials to ensure cross-trial comparison: clinical signs, symptoms, q... Read More about Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM), a core instrument to measure symptoms in clinical trials: a Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) statement.

What's new in atopic eczema? An analysis of systematic reviews published in 2014. Part 1. Epidemiology, risk factors and outcomes (2016)
Journal Article
Hatfield, S. J., Rogers, N. K., Lloyd-Lavery, A., Grindlay, D., Barnett, R., & Thomas, K. S. (2016). What's new in atopic eczema? An analysis of systematic reviews published in 2014. Part 1. Epidemiology, risk factors and outcomes. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 41(8), 843-846.

This review summarizes key findings from nine systematic reviews on atopic eczema (AE) published or first indexed in 2014. It focuses on epidemiology, disease processes and methodological issues. There is reasonable evidence to conclude that high bir... Read More about What's new in atopic eczema? An analysis of systematic reviews published in 2014. Part 1. Epidemiology, risk factors and outcomes.

Is speed of healing a good predictor of eventual healing of pyoderma gangrenosum? (2016)
Journal Article
Wilkes, S. R., Williams, H. C., Ormerod, A. D., Craig, F. E., Greenlaw, N., Norrie, J., Mitchell, E., Mason, J. M., & Thomas, K. S. (2016). Is speed of healing a good predictor of eventual healing of pyoderma gangrenosum?. Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology, 75(6), 1216-1220.e2.

Background: Pyoderma gangrenosum is a rare inflammatory skin condition. The STOPGAP studies compared treatments for pyoderma gangrenosum using a primary outcome of healing speed at 6 weeks.
Objective: Using data from both studies we assessed the pre... Read More about Is speed of healing a good predictor of eventual healing of pyoderma gangrenosum?.

Strategies used for measuring long-term control in atopic dermatitis trials: A systematic review (2016)
Journal Article
Barbarot, S., Rogers, N. K., Abuabara, K., Aubert, H., Chalmers, J., Flohr, C., Hanfin, J., Naldi, L., Margolis, D. J., Paul, C., Ridd, M. J., Schuttelaar, M.-L. A., Simpson, E., Tauber, M., Volke, A., Weidinger, S., Wilkes, S. R., Wollenberg, A., & Thomas, K. S. (2016). Strategies used for measuring long-term control in atopic dermatitis trials: A systematic review. Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology, 75(5),

Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. There are no standardised methods for capturing long-term control of AD.

Objective: To identify how long-term control has been captured in published randomised controlled t... Read More about Strategies used for measuring long-term control in atopic dermatitis trials: A systematic review.

Clinical outcomes and response of patients applying topical therapy for pyoderma gangrenosum: A prospective cohort study (2016)
Journal Article
Thomas, K. S., Ormerod, A. D., Craig, F. E., Greenlaw, N., Norrie, J., Mitchell, E., Mason, J. M., Johnston, G. A., Wahie, S., & Williams, H. C. (2016). Clinical outcomes and response of patients applying topical therapy for pyoderma gangrenosum: A prospective cohort study. Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology, 75(5), 940-949.

Background: pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is an uncommon dermatosis with a limited evidence base for treatment.

Objective: to estimate the effectiveness of topical therapies in the treatment of PG.

Methods: prospective cohort study of UK secondary... Read More about Clinical outcomes and response of patients applying topical therapy for pyoderma gangrenosum: A prospective cohort study.

Report from the fourth international consensus meeting to harmonize core outcome measures for atopic eczema/dermatitis clinical trials (HOME initiative) (2016)
Journal Article
Chalmers, J., Simpson, E., Apfelbacher, C., Thomas, K., von Kobyletzki, L., Schmitt, J., Singh, J., Svensson, Å., Williams, H., Abuabara, K., Aoki, V., Ardeleanu, M., Awici-Rasmussen, M., Barbarot, S., Berents, T., Block, J., Bragg, A., Burton, T., Bjerring Clemmensen, K., Creswell-Melville, A., …Spuls, P. (2016). Report from the fourth international consensus meeting to harmonize core outcome measures for atopic eczema/dermatitis clinical trials (HOME initiative). British Journal of Dermatology, 175(1), 69-79.

This article is a report of the fourth meeting of the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative held in Malmö, Sweden on 23–24 April 2015 (HOME IV). The aim of the meeting was to achieve consensus over the preferred outcome instrument... Read More about Report from the fourth international consensus meeting to harmonize core outcome measures for atopic eczema/dermatitis clinical trials (HOME initiative).

The epidemiology of childhood psoriasis: a scoping review (2016)
Journal Article
Burden-Teh, E., Thomas, K. S., Ratib, S., Grindlay, D. J., Adaji, E., & Murphy, R. (2016). The epidemiology of childhood psoriasis: a scoping review. British Journal of Dermatology, 174(6), 1242-1257.

Psoriasis is an inflammatory noncommunicable skin disease that affects both adults and children. At present, the epidemiology and natural history of psoriasis are not widely understood. This scoping review aimed to map the existing literature on the... Read More about The epidemiology of childhood psoriasis: a scoping review.

Manipulation and reduction of paediatric fractures of the distal radius and forearm using intranasal diamorphine and 50% oxygen and nitrous oxide in the emergency department (2016)
Journal Article
Kurien, T., Price, K., Pearson, R. G., & Hunter, J. (in press). Manipulation and reduction of paediatric fractures of the distal radius and forearm using intranasal diamorphine and 50% oxygen and nitrous oxide in the emergency department. Bone and Joint Journal, 98B(1),

A retrospective study was performed in 100 children aged between two and 16 years, with a dorsally angulated stable fracture of the distal radius or forearm, who were treated with manipulation in the emergency department (ED) using intranasal diamorp... Read More about Manipulation and reduction of paediatric fractures of the distal radius and forearm using intranasal diamorphine and 50% oxygen and nitrous oxide in the emergency department.