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Dr ANDREW DENHAM's Outputs (5)

Tales of the unexpected: the selection of British party leaders since 1963 (2017)
Journal Article
Denham, A., & Dorey, P. (2018). Tales of the unexpected: the selection of British party leaders since 1963. British Politics, 13(2), 171–194.

Jeremy Corbyn’s election as Leader of the Labour Party in 2015 stunned observers and practitioners of British politics alike. In this article, we first outline a theoretical framework that purports to explain why political parties operating in parlia... Read More about Tales of the unexpected: the selection of British party leaders since 1963.

Choosing party leaders: Anglophone democracies, British parties and the limits of comparative politics (2016)
Journal Article
Denham, A. (2017). Choosing party leaders: Anglophone democracies, British parties and the limits of comparative politics. British Politics, 12(2), 250-266.

Since 1965, Britain’s major political parties have radically, and repeatedly, changed the ways in which they choose their leaders. Building on a recent comparative study of party leadership selection in the five principal Anglophone (‘Westminster’) p... Read More about Choosing party leaders: Anglophone democracies, British parties and the limits of comparative politics.

‘The longest suicide vote in history’: the Labour Party leadership election of 2015 (2016)
Journal Article
Dorey, P., & Denham, A. (in press). ‘The longest suicide vote in history’: the Labour Party leadership election of 2015. British Politics, 11(3),

The Labour leadership contest of 2015 resulted in the election of the veteran Left-wing backbencher, Jeremy Corbyn, who clearly defeated the early favourite, Andy Burnham. Yet Corbyn enjoyed very little support among Labour MPs, and his victory plung... Read More about ‘The longest suicide vote in history’: the Labour Party leadership election of 2015.