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Professor EDWARD LESTER's Outputs (84)

Bayesian deconvolution of vessel residence time distribution (2017)
Journal Article
Huddle, T., Langston, P., & Lester, E. (2018). Bayesian deconvolution of vessel residence time distribution. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 16(4),

Residence time distribution (RTD) within vessels is a critical aspect for the design and operation of continuous flow technologies, such as hydrothermal synthesis of nanomaterials (Cabanas, Darr et al. 2000). RTD affects product characteristics, such... Read More about Bayesian deconvolution of vessel residence time distribution.

Benefits of dry comminution of biomass pellets in a knife mill (2017)
Journal Article
Williams, O., Lester, E., Kingman, S., Giddings, D., Lormor, S., & Eastwick, C. (in press). Benefits of dry comminution of biomass pellets in a knife mill. Biosystems Engineering, 160,

The potential benefits of dry comminution in a knife mill for a diverse range of biomass 6 pellets are explored. The impact of dry comminution on energy consumption, particle size and shape, 7 is examined as well as the link between milling and mecha... Read More about Benefits of dry comminution of biomass pellets in a knife mill.

Continuous hydrothermal synthesis of Ca2Al-NO3 layered double hydroxides: the impact of reactor temperature, pressure and NaOH concentration on crystal characteristics (2017)
Journal Article
Clark, I., Dunne, P. W., Gomes, R. L., & Lester, E. (2017). Continuous hydrothermal synthesis of Ca2Al-NO3 layered double hydroxides: the impact of reactor temperature, pressure and NaOH concentration on crystal characteristics. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 504, Article 492-499.

Overcoming the caking phenomenon in olive mill wastes (2017)
Journal Article
Williams, O., Eastwick, C., Kingman, S., Giddings, D., Lormor, S., & Lester, E. (2017). Overcoming the caking phenomenon in olive mill wastes. Industrial Crops and Products, 101,

The use of olive mill wastes (orujillo) within coal fired power stations in the UK has led to unexpected difficulties with material caking within the fuel handling plant. This study replicated orujillo caking on a laboratory scale using a planetary b... Read More about Overcoming the caking phenomenon in olive mill wastes.

Improved quantification of curvature in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy lattice fringe micrographs of soots (2017)
Journal Article
Wang, C., Huddle, T., Huang, C.-H., Zhu, W., Vander Wal, R. L., Lester, E. H., & Mathews, J. P. (2017). Improved quantification of curvature in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy lattice fringe micrographs of soots. Carbon, 117, 174-181.

Soot affects climate change and human health. Its structure is influenced by fuel and combustion conditions. Image analysis of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy lattice fringes indicates curvature is common and impacts reactivity. Here... Read More about Improved quantification of curvature in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy lattice fringe micrographs of soots.

Assessing the life cycle environmental impacts of titania nanoparticle production by continuous flow solvo/hydrothermal synthesis (2017)
Journal Article
Caramazana-Gonzalez, P., Dunne, P. W., Gimeno-Fabra, M., Zilka, M., Ticha, M., Stieberova, B., Freiberg, F., McKechnie, J., & Lester, E. (in press). Assessing the life cycle environmental impacts of titania nanoparticle production by continuous flow solvo/hydrothermal synthesis. Green Chemistry, 19,

Continuous-flow hydrothermal and solvothermal syntheses offer substantial advantages over conventional processes, producing high quality materials from a wide range of precursors. In this study, we evaluate the “cradle-to-gate” life cycle environment... Read More about Assessing the life cycle environmental impacts of titania nanoparticle production by continuous flow solvo/hydrothermal synthesis.

Application of ZnO nanoparticles in a self-cleaning coating on a metal panel: an assessment of environmental benefits (2017)
Journal Article
Stieberova, B., Zilka, M., Ticha, M., Freiberg, F., Caramazana-Gonzalez, P., McKechnie, J., & Lester, E. (2017). Application of ZnO nanoparticles in a self-cleaning coating on a metal panel: an assessment of environmental benefits. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 5(3), 2493-2500.

This article is focused on assessing environmental benefits of a self-cleaning coating (SCCs) containing nanoparticles (NPs) applied on metal panels. ZnO NPs are incorporated in the coating to enhance the level of hydrophobicity, which enables a dram... Read More about Application of ZnO nanoparticles in a self-cleaning coating on a metal panel: an assessment of environmental benefits.

Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from spontaneous combustion/fire of coal in opencast mines – Indian context (2016)
Journal Article
Mohalik, N., Lester, E., Lowndes, I., & Singh, V. (in press). Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from spontaneous combustion/fire of coal in opencast mines – Indian context. Carbon Management, 7(5-6),

There are a significant number of uncontrolled coal mine fires (primarily due to spontaneous combustion of coal), which are currently burning all over the world. These spontaneous combustion sources emit greenhouse gases (GHGs). A critical review rev... Read More about Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from spontaneous combustion/fire of coal in opencast mines – Indian context.

Review of experimental methods to determine spontaneous combustion susceptibility of coal – Indian context (2016)
Journal Article
Mohalik, N., Lester, E., & Lowndes, I. (in press). Review of experimental methods to determine spontaneous combustion susceptibility of coal – Indian context. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 31(5),

This paper presents a critical review of the different techniques developed to investigate the susceptibility of coal to spontaneous combustion and fire. These methods may be sub-classified into the two following areas: (1) Basic coal characterisatio... Read More about Review of experimental methods to determine spontaneous combustion susceptibility of coal – Indian context.

Influence of mill type on densified biomass comminution (2016)
Journal Article
Williams, O., Newbolt, G., Eastwick, C., Kingman, S. W., Giddings, D., Lormor, S., & Lester, E. (2016). Influence of mill type on densified biomass comminution. Applied Energy, 182, 219-231.

The impact of different mill fracture mechanisms were examined for a wide range of densified biomass pellets to provide a comprehensive analysis of biomass milling behaviour for pulverised fuel combustion. The milling behaviour of 7 woody, herbaceous... Read More about Influence of mill type on densified biomass comminution.

Understanding bottom-up continuous hydrothermal synthesis of nanoparticles using empirical measurement and computational simulation (2016)
Journal Article
Sierra-Pallares, J., Huddle, T., García-Serna, J., Alonso, E., Mato, F., Shvets, I., Luebben, O., Cocero, M. J., & Lester, E. (2016). Understanding bottom-up continuous hydrothermal synthesis of nanoparticles using empirical measurement and computational simulation. Nano Research, 9(11), 3377-3387.

Continuous hydrothermal synthesis was highlighted in a recent review as an enabling technology for the production of nanoparticles. In recent years, it has been shown to be a suitable reaction medium for the synthesis of a wide range of nanomaterials... Read More about Understanding bottom-up continuous hydrothermal synthesis of nanoparticles using empirical measurement and computational simulation.

Impact of mill type on biomass mill behavior (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Williams, O., Eastwick, C., Lester, E., Giddings, D., & Lormor, S. Impact of mill type on biomass mill behavior. Presented at 2015 ASABE Annual International Meeting

With increasing use of biomass in pulverized fuel coal fired power stations, the impact of mill type on biomass size and shape is fundamental in optimizing mill and burner performance. The impact of mill type on the energy consumption, particle size... Read More about Impact of mill type on biomass mill behavior.

Continuous synthesis of dispersant-coated hydroxyapatite plates (2015)
Journal Article
Gimeno-Fabra, M., Hild, F., Dunne, P., Walton, K., Grant, D., Irvine, D. J., & Lester, E. (2015). Continuous synthesis of dispersant-coated hydroxyapatite plates. CrystEngComm, 17(32), 6175-6182.

A continuous flow hydrothermal synthetic route which allows the direct “in situ” capping/coating of hydroxyapatite nanoplates with functional dispersants in a single stage is reported. The methodology induced crystallisation by rapid mixing of stream... Read More about Continuous synthesis of dispersant-coated hydroxyapatite plates.

Large-scale continuous hydrothermal production and activation of ZIF-8 (2015)
Journal Article
Munn, A., Dunne, P. W., Tang, S., & Lester, E. (2015). Large-scale continuous hydrothermal production and activation of ZIF-8. Chemical Communications, 51(64), 12811-12814.

© The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015. A new method for the large-scale hydrothermal production and activation of ZIF-8 is presented in this communication. Activated ZIF-8 has been produced, at lab-scale and pilot-scale, at a rate of 27 g h-1 and 810... Read More about Large-scale continuous hydrothermal production and activation of ZIF-8.

Investigation into the applicability of Bond Work Index (BWI) and Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) tests for several biomasses compared to Colombian La Loma coal (2015)
Journal Article
Williams, O., Eastwick, C., Kingman, S., Giddings, D., Lormor, S., & Lester, E. (2015). Investigation into the applicability of Bond Work Index (BWI) and Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) tests for several biomasses compared to Colombian La Loma coal. Fuel, 158,

With increasing quantities of biomass being combusted in coal fired power stations, there is an urgent need to be able to predict the grindability of biomass in existing coal mills, but currently no standard biomass grindability test exists. In this... Read More about Investigation into the applicability of Bond Work Index (BWI) and Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) tests for several biomasses compared to Colombian La Loma coal.

The sequential continuous-flow hydrothermal synthesis of molybdenum disulphide (2015)
Journal Article
Dunne, P. W., Munn, A. S., Starkey, C. L., & Lester, E. H. (2015). The sequential continuous-flow hydrothermal synthesis of molybdenum disulphide. Chemical Communications, 51(19), 4048-4050.

Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) has been widely used as a catalyst and high temperature lubricant. It has been heavily researched recently as a graphene analogue and member of the so-called inorganic fullerenes. Here we report the first continuous flow... Read More about The sequential continuous-flow hydrothermal synthesis of molybdenum disulphide.

The impact of moisture on the milling behavior of different biomasses (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Williams, O., Eastwick, C., Lester, E., Giddings, D., & Byrne, N. The impact of moisture on the milling behavior of different biomasses. Presented at 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition

The aim of this study was to examine the impact of moisture content on the milling behaviour of four different biomasses commonly used in the power sector and characterise their milling behaviour in a laboratory scale planetary ball mill. As received... Read More about The impact of moisture on the milling behavior of different biomasses.

Factors affecting the microwave coking of coals and the implications on microwave cavity design (2014)
Journal Article
Binner, E., Medeira-Munoyerro, M., Huddle, T., Kingman, S., Dodds, C., Dimitrakis, G., Robinson, J., & Lester, E. (2014). Factors affecting the microwave coking of coals and the implications on microwave cavity design. Fuel Processing Technology, 125, 8-17.

The work carried out in this paper assessed how processing conditions and feedstock affect the quality of the coke produced during microwave coke making. The aim was to gather information that would support the development of an optimised microwave c... Read More about Factors affecting the microwave coking of coals and the implications on microwave cavity design.

Investigation into the mechanisms by which microwave heating enhances separation of water-in-oil emulsions (2014)
Journal Article
Binner, E., Robinson, J. P., Silvester, S., Kingman, S., & Lester, E. (2014). Investigation into the mechanisms by which microwave heating enhances separation of water-in-oil emulsions. Fuel, 116,

The separation of water-in-oil emulsions made with Azeri crude was investigated using natural gravity settling and microwave heating techniques. Separation times could be reduced by an order of magnitude compared with untreated emulsions. Increasing... Read More about Investigation into the mechanisms by which microwave heating enhances separation of water-in-oil emulsions.

The rapid size- and shape-controlled continuous hydrothermal synthesis of metal sulphide nanomaterials (2014)
Journal Article
Dunne, P. W., Starkey, C. L., Gimeno-Fabra, M., & Lester, E. (2014). The rapid size- and shape-controlled continuous hydrothermal synthesis of metal sulphide nanomaterials. Nanoscale, 6(4), 2406-2418.

Continuous flow hydrothermal synthesis offers a cheap, green and highly scalable route for the preparation of inorganic nanomaterials which has predominantly been applied to metal oxide based materials. In this work we report the first continuous flo... Read More about The rapid size- and shape-controlled continuous hydrothermal synthesis of metal sulphide nanomaterials.