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Professor STEPHEN ROBERTS's Outputs (15)

A large-scale and PCR-referenced vocal audio dataset for COVID-19 (2024)
Journal Article
Budd, J., Baker, K., Karoune, E., Coppock, H., Patel, S., Payne, R., Tendero Cañadas, A., Titcomb, A., Hurley, D., Egglestone, S., Butler, L., Mellor, J., Nicholson, G., Kiskin, I., Koutra, V., Jersakova, R., McKendry, R., Diggle, P., Richardson, S., Schuller, B., …Holmes, C. (2024). A large-scale and PCR-referenced vocal audio dataset for COVID-19. Scientific Data, 11, Article 700.

The UK COVID-19 Vocal Audio Dataset is designed for the training and evaluation of machine learning models that classify SARS-CoV-2 infection status or associated respiratory symptoms using vocal audio. The UK Health Security Agency recruited volunta... Read More about A large-scale and PCR-referenced vocal audio dataset for COVID-19.

Audio-based AI classifiers show no evidence of improved COVID-19 screening over simple symptoms checkers (2024)
Journal Article
Coppock, H., Nicholson, G., Kiskin, I., Koutra, V., Baker, K., Budd, J., Payne, R., Karoune, E., Hurley, D., Titcomb, A., Egglestone, S., Tendero Cañadas, A., Butler, L., Jersakova, R., Mellor, J., Patel, S., Thornley, T., Diggle, P., Richardson, S., Packham, J., …Holmes, C. (2024). Audio-based AI classifiers show no evidence of improved COVID-19 screening over simple symptoms checkers. Nature Machine Intelligence, 6, 229-242.

Recent work has reported that respiratory audio-trained AI classifiers can accurately predict SARS-CoV-2 infection status. However, it has not yet been determined whether such model performance is driven by latent audio biomarkers with true causal li... Read More about Audio-based AI classifiers show no evidence of improved COVID-19 screening over simple symptoms checkers.

Filosofía y literatura. De la generación finisecular a la generación de 1927: la figura del nuevo intelectual (2020)
Book Chapter
Roberts, S. (2020). Filosofía y literatura. De la generación finisecular a la generación de 1927: la figura del nuevo intelectual. In J. L. Mora García, & M. Sonlleva Velasco (Eds.), Educación, Cultura y Sociedad.: Génesis y desarrollo de un proyecto reformista (193-208). Real Academia de Historia y Arte de San Quirce

This chapter looks at the changing role of the intellectual in Spain between 1900 and 1931, focusing above all on the intellectual's relationship with education.

Unamuno’s press articles: the badge of identity of the Unamunian intellectual (2020)
Book Chapter
Roberts, S. (2020). Unamuno’s press articles: the badge of identity of the Unamunian intellectual. In L. Álvarez-Castro (Ed.), Approaches to teaching the works of Miguel de Unamuno (93-98). Modern Language Association

This chapter looks at the history of Unamuno's press articles and suggests ways in which these articles can be taught in university classrooms.

Úna ínsula para isleños, tierra adentro (2020)
Journal Article
Roberts, S., & Mora, J. L. (2020). Úna ínsula para isleños, tierra adentro. Insula, 886, 3-7

This article looks at the intellectual relationship between British Hispanists and Spanish intellectuals at the start of the 1970s.

¿Agonía o transformación? El carlismo en la literatura española, 1876-1912 (2020)
Roberts, S. ¿Agonía o transformación? El carlismo en la literatura española, 1876-1912. Gobierno de Navarra

This is the Catalogue that accompanied the exhibition of the same title that Stephen Roberts curated at the Museo del Carlismo in Estella (Navarra, Spain) between October 2019 and June 2020. Roberts wrote the introduction (44 pages) and the 30 panels... Read More about ¿Agonía o transformación? El carlismo en la literatura española, 1876-1912.

Miguel de Unamuno’s notion of public sphere (2019)
Book Chapter
Roberts, S. (2019). Miguel de Unamuno’s notion of public sphere. In D. Jiménez Torres, & L. Villamediana González (Eds.), The configuration of the Spanish public sphere: from the Enlightenment to the Indignados (174-191). Berghahn Books

This chapter analyses Unamuno's evolving notion of a public sphere in Spain between the 1890s and the 1930s.

Unacceptable failures: the final report of the Lancet Commission into liver disease in the UK (2019)
Journal Article
Rice, P., Williams, R., Newsome, P., Aithal, G., Morling, J., Alexander, G. J., Moriarty, K., Allison, M., McKee, M., Armstrong, I., MacGilchrist, A., Aspinall, R., McCloud, A., Baker, A., Mathews, M., Batterham, R., Kelly, D., Brown, K., Jarvis, H., Burton, R., …Yeoman, A. (2020). Unacceptable failures: the final report of the Lancet Commission into liver disease in the UK. Lancet, 395(10219), 226-239.

This final report of the Lancet Commission into liver disease in the UK stresses the continuing increase in burden of liver disease from excess alcohol consumption and obesity, with high levels of hospital admissions which are worsening in deprived a... Read More about Unacceptable failures: the final report of the Lancet Commission into liver disease in the UK.

‘¿Hacia un liberalismo socialista? Los intelectuales españoles de principios del siglo XX y su crítica del liberalismo decimonónico’ (2017)
Book Chapter
ROBERTS, S. (2017). ‘¿Hacia un liberalismo socialista? Los intelectuales españoles de principios del siglo XX y su crítica del liberalismo decimonónico’. In J. Novella Suárez, J. L. Mora García, & X. Agenjo Bullón (Eds.), Laberintos del Liberalismo. Libro de las XII Jornadas Internacionales de Hispanismo Filosófico (217-235). Fundación Ignacio Larramendi, Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de Murcia, Asociación de Hispanismo Filosófico

This chapter analyses the intellectual debates on the relationship between liberalism and socialism in early twentieth-century Spain.

Clowning and tragic clowning: Miguel de Unamuno as a funny writer (2016)
Journal Article
Roberts, S. G. (2016). Clowning and tragic clowning: Miguel de Unamuno as a funny writer. Romance Quarterly, 63(2), 53-62.

The present study considers the role and function that humour has in Unamuno’s intellectual and literary universe. It traces Unamuno’s attitude to humour to his reading of the Spanish character in En torno al casticismo (1895) and to his dialogue wit... Read More about Clowning and tragic clowning: Miguel de Unamuno as a funny writer.

Federico García Lorca y el cine (2015)
Journal Article
Roberts, S. G. (2015). Federico García Lorca y el cine. Europe -Paris- Revue Litteraire Mensuelle-, 93(1032), 170-185

This article analyses Federico García Lorca's relationship with cinema, taking into account not only his screenplays but also his incorporation into his drama and poetic works of techniques borrowed from cinema.

El retablo de Maese Federico: Lorca’s Romancero gitano as puppet theatre (2012)
Journal Article
Roberts, S. G. (2012). El retablo de Maese Federico: Lorca’s Romancero gitano as puppet theatre. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 17(2/3),

This article considers the profound influence that puppet theatre had on Federico García Lorca’s poetic vision and practice at the time that he was writing the poems that would eventually make up the Romancero gitano (1928). Taking the ‘Romance sonám... Read More about El retablo de Maese Federico: Lorca’s Romancero gitano as puppet theatre.