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Professor KATHARINE REID's Outputs (14)

Time-resolved vacuum-ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy of the à ¹Aᵤ state of acetylene (2025)
Journal Article
Razmus, W. O., Prlj, A., Seifert, N. A., Bonanomi, M., Callegari, C., Danailov, M., Decleva, P., Demidovich, A., De Ninno, G., Devetta, M., Faccialà, D., Feifel, R., Giannessi, L., Piteša, T., Powis, I., Raimondi, L., Reid, K. L., Ribič, P. R., Spezzani, C., Squibb, R. J., …Pratt, S. T. (2025). Time-resolved vacuum-ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy of the à ¹Aᵤ state of acetylene. Journal of Chemical Physics, 162(5), Article 054310.

Ultrafast time-resolved photoelectron spectra are reported for the vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization of acetylene following excitation to the à ¹Aᵤ state via UV absorption at 200 nm. The excitation energy lies above the lowest dissociation thr... Read More about Time-resolved vacuum-ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy of the à ¹Aᵤ state of acetylene.

Quantitative analysis of aligned-molecule photoelectron angular distributions (2025)
Journal Article
Woodhouse, J. L., Thompson, J. O. F., Benda, J., Chapman, R. T., Hockett, P., Makhija, V., Mašín, Z., Reid, K. L., Springate, E., Wyatt, A. S., Zhang, Y., & Minns, R. S. (2025). Quantitative analysis of aligned-molecule photoelectron angular distributions. Physical Review A, 111(1), Article 012815.

Molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions (MFPADs) provide the full available detail of the photoionization process. Careful analysis of the evolving photoelectron angular distribution during the coherent rotation of a nonadiabatically alig... Read More about Quantitative analysis of aligned-molecule photoelectron angular distributions.

Influence of Vibrational Excitation and Nuclear Dynamics in Multiphoton Photoelectron Circular Dichroism of Fenchone (2021)
Journal Article
Singh, D. P., Thompson, J. O. F., Reid, K. L., & Powis, I. (2021). Influence of Vibrational Excitation and Nuclear Dynamics in Multiphoton Photoelectron Circular Dichroism of Fenchone. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12(46), 11438-11443.

We report photoelectron circular dichroism of S-(+)-fenchone enantiomers recorded with state-state vibrational level resolution using picosecond laser (2 + 1) resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization via 3s and 3p Rydberg intermediate states. The 3p... Read More about Influence of Vibrational Excitation and Nuclear Dynamics in Multiphoton Photoelectron Circular Dichroism of Fenchone.

Photoelectron angular distributions from resonant two-photon ionization of adiabatically aligned naphthalene and aniline molecules (2020)
Journal Article
Arlt, J., Singh, D. P., Thompson, J. O., Chatterley, A. S., Hockett, P., Stapelfeldt, H., & Reid, K. L. (2021). Photoelectron angular distributions from resonant two-photon ionization of adiabatically aligned naphthalene and aniline molecules. Molecular Physics, 119(1-2), Article e1836411.

Photoelectron images have been measured following the ionisation of aligned distributions of gas phase naphthalene and aniline molecules. Alignment in the adiabatic regime was achieved by interaction with a 100 ps infrared laser pulse, with ionisatio... Read More about Photoelectron angular distributions from resonant two-photon ionization of adiabatically aligned naphthalene and aniline molecules.

The role of the intermediate state in angle-resolved photoelectron studies using (2 + 1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization of the chiral terpenes, α-pinene and 3-carene (2020)
Journal Article
Ganjitabar, H., Singh, D. P., Chapman, R., Gardner, A., Minns, R. S., Powis, I., Reid, K. L., & Vredenborg, A. (2021). The role of the intermediate state in angle-resolved photoelectron studies using (2 + 1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization of the chiral terpenes, α-pinene and 3-carene. Molecular Physics, 119(1-2), Article e1808907.

Photoelectron angular distributions (PADs), ranging up to the maximum 6th order Legendre polynomial term set by the Yang theorem, have been recorded for the (2 + 1) resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) of two terpene isomers, 3-carene an... Read More about The role of the intermediate state in angle-resolved photoelectron studies using (2 + 1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization of the chiral terpenes, α-pinene and 3-carene.

Identifying complex Fermi resonances in p-difluorobenzene using zero-electron-kinetic-energy (ZEKE) spectroscopy (2018)
Journal Article
Kemp, D. J., Gardner, A. M., Tuttle, W. D., Midgley, J., Reid, K. L., & Wright, T. G. (2018). Identifying complex Fermi resonances in p-difluorobenzene using zero-electron-kinetic-energy (ZEKE) spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics, 149(9), 094301.

The vibrations of the ground state cation (X ̃2B2g) of para-difluorobenzene (pDFB) have been investigated using zero-electron-kinetic-energy (ZEKE) spectroscopy. A comprehensive set of ZEKE spectra were recorded via different vibrational levels of th... Read More about Identifying complex Fermi resonances in p-difluorobenzene using zero-electron-kinetic-energy (ZEKE) spectroscopy.

Accessing the molecular frame through strong-field alignment of distributions of gas phase molecules (2018)
Journal Article
Reid, K. L. (2018). Accessing the molecular frame through strong-field alignment of distributions of gas phase molecules. Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376(2115),

A rationale for creating highly aligned distributions of molecules is that it enables vector properties referenced to molecule-fixed axes (the molecular frame) to be determined. In the present work, the degree of alignment that is necessary in order... Read More about Accessing the molecular frame through strong-field alignment of distributions of gas phase molecules.

Circular dichroism in photoelectron images from aligned nitric oxide molecules (2017)
Journal Article
Sen, A., Pratt, S., & Reid, K. L. (2017). Circular dichroism in photoelectron images from aligned nitric oxide molecules. Journal of Chemical Physics, 147(1), Article 013927.

We have used velocity map photoelectron imaging to study circular dichroism of the photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) of nitric oxide following two-color resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization via selected rotational levels of the A ²∑⁺ , v... Read More about Circular dichroism in photoelectron images from aligned nitric oxide molecules.

Probing the origins of vibrational mode specificity in intramolecular dynamics through picosecond time-resolved photoelectron imaging studies (2017)
Journal Article
Davies, J. A., Whalley, L., & Reid, K. L. (2017). Probing the origins of vibrational mode specificity in intramolecular dynamics through picosecond time-resolved photoelectron imaging studies. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(7), 5051-5062.

We have studied the intramolecular dynamics induced by selective photoexcitation of two near-isoenergetic vibrational states in S1 p-fluorotoluene using picosecond time-resolved photoelectron imaging. We find that similar dynamics ensue following the... Read More about Probing the origins of vibrational mode specificity in intramolecular dynamics through picosecond time-resolved photoelectron imaging studies.

Effect of electronic angular momentum exchange on photoelectron anisotropy following the two-color ionization of krypton atoms (2016)
Journal Article
Saquet, N., Holland, D. M. P., Pratt, S. T., Cubaynes, D., Tang, X., Garcia, G. A., Nahon, L., & Reid, K. L. (2016). Effect of electronic angular momentum exchange on photoelectron anisotropy following the two-color ionization of krypton atoms. Physical Review A, 93(3), Article 033419.

We present photoelectron energy and angular distributions for resonant two-photon ionization via several low-lying Rydberg states of atomic Kr. The experiments were performed by using synchrotron radiation to pump the Rydberg states and a continuous... Read More about Effect of electronic angular momentum exchange on photoelectron anisotropy following the two-color ionization of krypton atoms.

Complex and sustained quantum beating patterns in a classic IVR system: the 3¹5¹ Level in S₁ p-difluorobenzene (2014)
Journal Article
Midgley, J., Davies, J. A., & Reid, K. L. (2014). Complex and sustained quantum beating patterns in a classic IVR system: the 3¹5¹ Level in S₁ p-difluorobenzene. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5(14),

Using picosecond time-resolved photoelectron imaging we have studied the intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR) dynamics that occur following the excitation of the 3151 level which lies 2068 cm-1 above the S1 origin in p difluorobenze... Read More about Complex and sustained quantum beating patterns in a classic IVR system: the 3¹5¹ Level in S₁ p-difluorobenzene.

The 700-1500 cm-1 region of the S1 (A1-B-2) state of toluene studied with resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI), zero-kinetic-energy (ZEKE) spectroscopy,and time-resolved slow-electron velocity-map imaging (tr-SEVI) spectroscopy (2014)
Journal Article
Gardner, A. M., Green, A. M., Tamé-Reyes, V. M., Reid, K. L., Davies, J. A., Parkes, V. H., & Wright, T. G. (2014). The 700-1500 cm-1 region of the S1 (A1-B-2) state of toluene studied with resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI), zero-kinetic-energy (ZEKE) spectroscopy,and time-resolved slow-electron velocity-map imaging (tr-SEVI) spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics, 140(11), Article 114308.

We report (nanosecond) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI), (nanosecond) zero-kinetic-energy (ZEKE) and (picosecond) time-resolved slow-electron velocity map imaging (tr-SEVI) spectra of fully hydrogenated toluene (Tol-h8) and the deute... Read More about The 700-1500 cm-1 region of the S1 (A1-B-2) state of toluene studied with resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI), zero-kinetic-energy (ZEKE) spectroscopy,and time-resolved slow-electron velocity-map imaging (tr-SEVI) spectroscopy.

A generic π* shape resonance observed in energy-dependent photoelectron angular distributions from two-colour, resonant multiphoton ionization of difluorobenzene isomers
Journal Article
Staniforth, M., Daly, S., Reid, K. L., & Powis, I. A generic π* shape resonance observed in energy-dependent photoelectron angular distributions from two-colour, resonant multiphoton ionization of difluorobenzene isomers. Journal of Chemical Physics, 139(6), Article 064304.

We present new evidence for the existence of a near threshold π* shape resonance as a common feature in the photoionization of each isomer of difluorobenzene. Experimentally this is revealed by significant changes in the anisotropy of the photoelectr... Read More about A generic π* shape resonance observed in energy-dependent photoelectron angular distributions from two-colour, resonant multiphoton ionization of difluorobenzene isomers.