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Professor SARAH LEWIS's Outputs (3)

Medical Crises in Older People: cohort study of older people attending acute medical units, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist geriatric medical intervention for high-risk older people; cohort study of older people with mental health problems admitted to hospital, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist medical and mental health unit for general hospital patients with delirium and dementia; and cohort study of residents of care homes and interview study of health-care provision to residents of care homes (2015)
Journal Article
Gladman, J., Harwood, R., Conroy, S., Logan, P., Elliott, R., Jones, R., Lewis, S., Dyas, J., Schneider, J., Porock, D., Pollock, K., Goldberg, S., Edmans, J., Gordon, A., Bradshaw, L., Franklin, M., Whittamore, K., Robbins, I., Dunphy, A., Spencer, K., …Frowd, N. (2015). Medical Crises in Older People: cohort study of older people attending acute medical units, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist geriatric medical intervention for high-risk older people; cohort study of older people with mental health problems admitted to hospital, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist medical and mental health unit for general hospital patients with delirium and dementia; and cohort study of residents of care homes and interview study of health-care provision to residents of care homes. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 3(4), 1-410.

This programme of research addressed shortcomings in the care of three groups of older patients: patients discharged from acute medical units (AMUs), patients with dementia and delirium admitted to general hospitals, and care home residen... Read More about Medical Crises in Older People: cohort study of older people attending acute medical units, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist geriatric medical intervention for high-risk older people; cohort study of older people with mental health problems admitted to hospital, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist medical and mental health unit for general hospital patients with delirium and dementia; and cohort study of residents of care homes and interview study of health-care provision to residents of care homes.

The role of nicotine replacement therapy for temporary abstinence in the home to protect children from environmental tobacco smoke exposure: a qualitative study with disadvantaged smokers (2013)
Journal Article
Atkinson, O., Coleman, T., McNeill, A., Lewis, S., & Jones, L. L. (2013). The role of nicotine replacement therapy for temporary abstinence in the home to protect children from environmental tobacco smoke exposure: a qualitative study with disadvantaged smokers. BMC Public Health, 13, Article 262.

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) has recently been licensed to help smokers to abstain from smoking for short time periods and recent studies have shown that 8-14% of smokers are regularly using NRT to cope when they cannot or are not a... Read More about The role of nicotine replacement therapy for temporary abstinence in the home to protect children from environmental tobacco smoke exposure: a qualitative study with disadvantaged smokers.

Final Protocol and Statistical Analysis Plan for the SNAP Trial - a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy
Coleman, T., Cooper, S., Thornton, J., Britton, J., Lewis, S., Watts, K., Coughtrie, M., Mannion, C., Marlow, N., Godfrey, C., & Grainge, M. J. Final Protocol and Statistical Analysis Plan for the SNAP Trial - a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy

This NIHR HTA-funded smoking, nicotine and pregnancy (SNAP) trial investigated whether or not nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is effective, cost-effective and safe when used for smoking cessation by pregnant women. We randomised 1050 women who wer... Read More about Final Protocol and Statistical Analysis Plan for the SNAP Trial - a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy.