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Dr ADAM BERRINGTON's Outputs (8)

Investigating Neurometabolite Changes in Response to Median Nerve Stimulation (2025)
Journal Article
Houlgreave, M. S., Dyke, K., Berrington, A., & Jackson, S. R. (2025). Investigating Neurometabolite Changes in Response to Median Nerve Stimulation. Brain and Behavior, 15(1), Article e70250.

Background: Rhythmic median nerve stimulation (MNS) at 10Hz has been shown to cause a substantial reduction in tic frequency in individuals with Tourette syndrome. The mechanism of action is currently unknown but is hypothesized to involve entrainmen... Read More about Investigating Neurometabolite Changes in Response to Median Nerve Stimulation.

tDCS induced GABA change is associated with the simulated electric field in M1, an effect mediated by grey matter volume in the MRS voxel (2022)
Journal Article
Nandi, T., Puonti, O., Clarke, W. T., Nettekoven, C., Barron, H. C., Kolasinski, J., Hanayik, T., Hinson, E. L., Berrington, A., Bachtiar, V., Johnstone, A., Winkler, A. M., Thielscher, A., Johansen-Berg, H., & Stagg, C. J. (2022). tDCS induced GABA change is associated with the simulated electric field in M1, an effect mediated by grey matter volume in the MRS voxel. Brain Stimulation, 15(5), 1153-1162.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has wide ranging applications in neuro-behavioural and physiological research, and in neurological rehabilitation. However, it is currently limited by substantial inter-subject... Read More about tDCS induced GABA change is associated with the simulated electric field in M1, an effect mediated by grey matter volume in the MRS voxel.

Connectivity-Guided Theta Burst Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Versus Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Moderate to Severe Depression: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Protocol and SARS-CoV-2–Induced Changes for a Randomized Double-blind Controlled Trial (2022)
Journal Article
Pszczolkowski, S., Cottam, W. J., Briley, P. M., Iwabuchi, S. J., Kaylor-Hughes, C., Shalabi, A., Babourina-Brooks, B., Berrington, A., Barber, S., Paola, A. S. D., Blamire, A., McAllister-Williams, H., Parikh, J., Abdelghani, M., Matthäus, L., Hauffe, R., Liddle, P., Auer, D. P., & Morriss, R. (2022). Connectivity-Guided Theta Burst Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Versus Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Moderate to Severe Depression: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Protocol and SARS-CoV-2–Induced Changes for a Randomized Double-blind Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(1), Article e31925.

Background: Depression is a substantial health and economic burden. In approximately one-third of patients, depression is resistant to first-line treatment; therefore, it is essential to find alternative treatments. Transcranial magnetic stimulation... Read More about Connectivity-Guided Theta Burst Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Versus Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Moderate to Severe Depression: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Protocol and SARS-CoV-2–Induced Changes for a Randomized Double-blind Controlled Trial.

Feasibility and Biological Activity of a Ketogenic/Intermittent-Fasting Diet in Patients With Glioma (2021)
Journal Article
Schreck, K. C., Hsu, F.-C., Berrington, A., Henry-Barron, B., Vizthum, D., Blair, L., Kossoff, E. H., Easter, L., Whitlow, C. T., Barker, P. B., Cervenka, M. C., Blakeley, J. O., & Strowd, R. E. (2021). Feasibility and Biological Activity of a Ketogenic/Intermittent-Fasting Diet in Patients With Glioma. Neurology, 97(9), e953-e963.

OBJECTIVE: To examine the feasibility, safety, systemic biological activity, and cerebral activity of a ketogenic dietary intervention in patients with glioma.

METHODS: 25 patients with biopsy-confirmed WHO Grade 2-4 astrocytoma with stable diseas... Read More about Feasibility and Biological Activity of a Ketogenic/Intermittent-Fasting Diet in Patients With Glioma.

Estimation and removal of spurious echo artifacts in single‐voxel MRS using sensitivity encoding (2021)
Journal Article
Berrington, A., Považan, M., & Barker, P. B. (2021). Estimation and removal of spurious echo artifacts in single‐voxel MRS using sensitivity encoding. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 86(5), 2339-2352.


In localized MRS, spurious echo artifacts commonly occur when unsuppressed signal outside the volume of interest is excited and refocused. In the spectral domain, these signals often overlap with metabolite resonances and hinder accurate q... Read More about Estimation and removal of spurious echo artifacts in single‐voxel MRS using sensitivity encoding.

Calibration-free regional RF shims for MRS (2021)
Journal Article
Berrington, A., Považan, M., Mirfin, C., Bawden, S., Park, Y. W., Marsh, D. C., Bowtell, R., & Gowland, P. A. (2021). Calibration-free regional RF shims for MRS. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 86(2), 611-624.

Purpose: Achieving a desired RF transmit field (B1+) in small regions-of-interest (ROIs) is critical for single-voxel MR spectroscopy at ultra-high field. RF shimming, using parallel transmission, requires B1+ mapping and optimisation, which limits i... Read More about Calibration-free regional RF shims for MRS.

DDRE-31. Feasibility and Biologic Activity of a Ketogenic / Intermittent Fasting Diet in Glioma Patients (2021)
Journal Article
Schreck, K., Hsu, F.-C., Berrington, A., Henry-Barron, B., Vizthum, D., Blair, L., Kossoff, E., Easter, L., Whitlow, C., Cervenka, M., Barker, P., Blakeley, J., & Strowd, R. (2021). DDRE-31. Feasibility and Biologic Activity of a Ketogenic / Intermittent Fasting Diet in Glioma Patients. Neuro-Oncology Advances, 3(Supplement_1), i13-i13.

There has been increasing interest in exploring ketogenic diet therapies (KDT) in patients with glioma given the poor prognosis. The purpose of this single-arm, open label phase 2 study was to rigorously examine the feasibility, safety, s... Read More about DDRE-31. Feasibility and Biologic Activity of a Ketogenic / Intermittent Fasting Diet in Glioma Patients.

Across‐vendor standardization of semi‐LASER for single‐voxel MRS at 3T (2019)
Journal Article
Kantarci, K., Deelchand, D. K., Berrington, A., Noeske, R., Joers, J. M., Arani, A., Gillen, J., Schär, M., Nielsen, J.-F., Peltier, S., Seraji-Bozorgzad, N., Landheer, K., Juchem, C., Soher, B. J., Noll, D. C., Ratai, E. M., Mareci, T. H., Barker, P. B., & Öz, G. (2021). Across‐vendor standardization of semi‐LASER for single‐voxel MRS at 3T. NMR in Biomedicine, 34(5), Article e4218.

The semi‐adiabatic localization by adiabatic selective refocusing (sLASER) sequence provides single‐shot full intensity signal with clean localization and minimal chemical shift displacement error and was recommended by the international MRS Consensu... Read More about Across‐vendor standardization of semi‐LASER for single‐voxel MRS at 3T.