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Professor TOBY GREANY's Outputs (5)

Balancing the needs of policy and practice, while remaining authentic: an analysis of leadership and governance in three national school leadership colleges (2018)
Journal Article
Greany, T. (2018). Balancing the needs of policy and practice, while remaining authentic: an analysis of leadership and governance in three national school leadership colleges. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru / Wales Journal of Education, 20(2), 63-98.

The contribution that school leadership can make to school and teacher quality - and thereby to pupil learning - is widely recognised. Pressures on school leaders have increased in recent years, as a result of increased accountability and higher expe... Read More about Balancing the needs of policy and practice, while remaining authentic: an analysis of leadership and governance in three national school leadership colleges.

Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools (2018)
Greany, T., & Higham, R. (2018). Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools. London: Nuffield Foundation and Education Development Trust

This report analyses how schools in England have interpreted and begun to respond to the government’s ‘self-improving school-led system’ (SISS) policy agenda, an overarching narrative for schools policy since 2010 that encompasses an ensemble of refo... Read More about Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools.

Multi-academy trusts: do they make a difference to pupil outcomes?: supplementary statistical analysis for the report Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools (2018)
Bernardinelli, D., Rutt, S., Greany, T., & Higham, R. (2018). Multi-academy trusts: do they make a difference to pupil outcomes?: supplementary statistical analysis for the report Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools. London: Nuffield Foundation and Education Development Trust

Educational disadvantage: How does England compare? (2018)
Jerrim, J., Greany, T., & Perera, N. (2018). Educational disadvantage: How does England compare?. Education Policy Institute

This EPI report uses international educational assessment data to explore how England compares with the world leading education nations for the performance of school-age children in reading and mathematics. We investigate the socio-economic gap in s... Read More about Educational disadvantage: How does England compare?.