Sustainable improvement in multi-school groups
Greany, T. (2018). Sustainable improvement in multi-school groups. Department for Education
Professor TOBY GREANY's Outputs (5)
Balancing the needs of policy and practice, while remaining authentic: an analysis of leadership and governance in three national school leadership colleges (2018)
Journal Article
Greany, T. (2018). Balancing the needs of policy and practice, while remaining authentic: an analysis of leadership and governance in three national school leadership colleges. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru / Wales Journal of Education, 20(2), 63-98. contribution that school leadership can make to school and teacher quality - and thereby to pupil learning - is widely recognised. Pressures on school leaders have increased in recent years, as a result of increased accountability and higher expe... Read More about Balancing the needs of policy and practice, while remaining authentic: an analysis of leadership and governance in three national school leadership colleges.
Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools (2018)
Greany, T., & Higham, R. (2018). Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools. London: Nuffield Foundation and Education Development TrustThis report analyses how schools in England have interpreted and begun to respond to the government’s ‘self-improving school-led system’ (SISS) policy agenda, an overarching narrative for schools policy since 2010 that encompasses an ensemble of refo... Read More about Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools.
Multi-academy trusts: do they make a difference to pupil outcomes?: supplementary statistical analysis for the report Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools (2018)
Bernardinelli, D., Rutt, S., Greany, T., & Higham, R. (2018). Multi-academy trusts: do they make a difference to pupil outcomes?: supplementary statistical analysis for the report Hierarchy, markets and networks: analysing the 'self-improving school-led system' agenda in England and the implications for schools. London: Nuffield Foundation and Education Development Trust
Educational disadvantage: How does England compare? (2018)
Jerrim, J., Greany, T., & Perera, N. (2018). Educational disadvantage: How does England compare?. Education Policy InstituteThis EPI report uses international educational assessment data to explore how England compares with the world leading education nations for the performance of school-age children in reading and mathematics. We investigate the socio-economic gap in s... Read More about Educational disadvantage: How does England compare?.