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Culture and Sketching: Comparative Analysis of UK and Chinese Designers (2024)
Journal Article
Tang, P., Lawson, G., Sun, X., & Sharples, S. (2024). Culture and Sketching: Comparative Analysis of UK and Chinese Designers. Journal of Creative Behavior,

This research investigates the influence of culture on sketching by comparing UK and Chinese designers. We employed a novel dual-method approach: machine learning algorithms analyzed a dataset of 2,090 digitized sketches from student designers, while... Read More about Culture and Sketching: Comparative Analysis of UK and Chinese Designers.

Investigating the reasons behind a later or missed diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in young people: A population cohort study (2024)
Journal Article
Barclay, I., Sayal, K., Ford, T., John, A., Taylor, M. J., Thapar, A., Langley, K., & Martin, J. (in press). Investigating the reasons behind a later or missed diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in young people: A population cohort study. JCPP Advances,

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental condition, more often diagnosed in males. In many individuals, particularly females, ADHD is diagnosed later or missed, the reasons for this are not fully unde... Read More about Investigating the reasons behind a later or missed diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in young people: A population cohort study.

Cardiovascular events in patients with gout initiating urate-lowering therapy with or without colchicine for flare prophylaxis: a retrospective new-user cohort study using linked primary care, hospitalisation, and mortality data (2024)
Journal Article
Cipolletta, E., Nakafero, G., McCormick, N., Yokose, C., Avery, A., Mamas, M., Choi, H., Tata, L., & Abhishek, A. (2025). Cardiovascular events in patients with gout initiating urate-lowering therapy with or without colchicine for flare prophylaxis: a retrospective new-user cohort study using linked primary care, hospitalisation, and mortality data. The Lancet Rheumatology, 7(3), E197-E207.

Initiating urate-lowering therapy can trigger gout flares. Gout flares have been associated with a temporally increased risk of cardiovascular events. Therefore, we aimed to estimate the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with gout... Read More about Cardiovascular events in patients with gout initiating urate-lowering therapy with or without colchicine for flare prophylaxis: a retrospective new-user cohort study using linked primary care, hospitalisation, and mortality data.

Mineral Supplements in Aging (2024)
Book Chapter
Welham, S., Rose, P., Coneyworth, L., Avery, A., & Kirk, C. (2024). Mineral Supplements in Aging. In V. I. Korolchuk, & J. R. Harris (Eds.), Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part V, Anti-ageing Interventions (269-306). Springer Nature

With advancing age, achievement of dietary adequacy for all nutrients is increasingly difficult and this is particularly so for minerals. Various factors impede mineral acquisition and absorption including reduced appetite, depressed gastric acid pro... Read More about Mineral Supplements in Aging.

Huns and Romans in the fourth century (2024)
Book Chapter
WOUDHUYSEN, G. (2024). Huns and Romans in the fourth century. In Reimagining the Silk Roads: Interactions and Perceptions Across Eurasia (161-173). Taylor and Francis Group.

The fourth century CE was a crucial but murky period in the history of Inner Asia. Recent scholarly reconceptualisation of the origins of the Huns has important implications for study of the later Roman Empire. I examine what the Romans of the fourth... Read More about Huns and Romans in the fourth century.

Excavating the Underground: How to Study the Ideologies of Radical Groups (2024)
Book Chapter
Fleming, S. (in press). Excavating the Underground: How to Study the Ideologies of Radical Groups. In Routledge Handbook of Ideology Analysis (26). Routledge

Studying the ideologies of radical groups presents unique methodological and practical challenges. Whereas political parties have published platforms, recognized leaders, and authorized spokespeople, radical groups tend to operate in decentralized an... Read More about Excavating the Underground: How to Study the Ideologies of Radical Groups.

Developing a comprehensive method for integrating the thermal, optical and electrical properties of a complex fenestration system into building simulation software for building performance characterisation (2024)
Journal Article
Li, X., Sun, Y., & Wu, Y. (2025). Developing a comprehensive method for integrating the thermal, optical and electrical properties of a complex fenestration system into building simulation software for building performance characterisation. Energy and Buildings, 328, 115191.

To enhance energy conservation, indoor comfort, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in buildings, the design of glazed facades and window systems has seen substantial improvements. These enhancements result in increased thermal resistance while mai... Read More about Developing a comprehensive method for integrating the thermal, optical and electrical properties of a complex fenestration system into building simulation software for building performance characterisation.

Developmental epigenetics: Understanding genetic and sexually dimorphic responses to parental diet and outcomes following assisted reproduction (2024)
Journal Article
Sinclair, K. D. (2024). Developmental epigenetics: Understanding genetic and sexually dimorphic responses to parental diet and outcomes following assisted reproduction. Journal of Dairy Science,

The developmental integrity and wellbeing of offspring are influenced by events that occur in utero, particularly around the time of conception. While extraneous factors such as environmental temperature and exposure to environmental chemicals can ea... Read More about Developmental epigenetics: Understanding genetic and sexually dimorphic responses to parental diet and outcomes following assisted reproduction.

The UK’s Intended Move to Electric and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Are Infrastructural Barriers Preventing Successful Transition? (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper
Marson, J., & Ferris, K. (2024). The UK’s Intended Move to Electric and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Are Infrastructural Barriers Preventing Successful Transition?

The advent of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) is poised to transform global transportation systems, offering unparalleled opportunities to enhance safety, sustainability, and efficiency. Given that CAVs are most likely also to be electric ve... Read More about The UK’s Intended Move to Electric and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Are Infrastructural Barriers Preventing Successful Transition?.

The association between delirium and falls in older adults in the community: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Eost-Telling, C., McNally, L., Yang, Y., Shi, C., Norman, G., Ahmed, S., Poku, B., Money, A., Hawley-Hague, H., Todd, C. J., Shenkin, S. D., & Vardy, E. R. (2024). The association between delirium and falls in older adults in the community: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Age and Ageing, 53(12), Article afae270.

Objective. Systematically review and critically appraise the evidence for the association between delirium and falls in community-dwelling adults aged ≥60years. Methods. We searched EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,... Read More about The association between delirium and falls in older adults in the community: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Introduction: What is Digital Ecologies? (2024)
Book Chapter
Searle, A., Giraud, E. H., Turnbull, J., & Anderson-Elliott, H. (2024). Introduction: What is Digital Ecologies?. In J. Turnbull, A. Searle, H. Anderson-Elliott, & E. Haifa Giraud (Eds.), Digital Ecologies: Mediating More-than-human Worlds (1-28). Manchester University Press.

Digital technologies increasingly mediate relations between humans and non-humans in a range of contexts including environmental governance, surveillance, and entertainment. Combining approaches from more-than-human and digital geographies as well as... Read More about Introduction: What is Digital Ecologies?.

Data-driven shear strength prediction of RC beams strengthened with FRCM jackets using machine learning approach (2024)
Journal Article
Liu, X., Figueredo, G. P., Gordon, G. S., & Thermou, G. E. (2025). Data-driven shear strength prediction of RC beams strengthened with FRCM jackets using machine learning approach. Engineering Structures, 325, Article 119485.

Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) is an effective intervention method for improving the shear strength of existing reinforced concrete (RC) beams, yet predictive analyses are scarce. This study introduces and compares nine machine learning... Read More about Data-driven shear strength prediction of RC beams strengthened with FRCM jackets using machine learning approach.

A systematic literature review on the Digital Platform and its role in the circular economy: state-of-the-art and future research directions (2024)
Journal Article
Tian, S., Sharma, A., Wu, L., & Pawar, K. S. (2024). A systematic literature review on the Digital Platform and its role in the circular economy: state-of-the-art and future research directions. Journal of Digital Economy,

A digital platform is an expansible codebase based on programmable systems, which provides
a shared module that interoperates with software systems and an interactive interface (Tiwana
et al. 2010). Although digital platforms enabled and supported... Read More about A systematic literature review on the Digital Platform and its role in the circular economy: state-of-the-art and future research directions.

A novel CALA-STL algorithm for optimizing prediction of building energy heat load (2024)
Journal Article
Guo, Y., Jia, M., Su, C., Darkwa, J., Hou, S., pan, F., Wang, H., & Liu, P. (2025). A novel CALA-STL algorithm for optimizing prediction of building energy heat load. Energy and Buildings, 328, Article 115207.

Energy heat load forecasting plays a crucial role in the low-energy management of buildings. With the growing demand for energy and increasing environmental pressures, accurately predicting building heat loads can provide reliable data support for en... Read More about A novel CALA-STL algorithm for optimizing prediction of building energy heat load.

Safe Robot Reflexes: A Taxonomy-based Decision and Modulation Framework (2024)
Journal Article
Vorndamme, J., Melone, A., Kirschner, R., Figueredo, L., & Haddadin, S. (2024). Safe Robot Reflexes: A Taxonomy-based Decision and Modulation Framework. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 1-20.

Recent advances in control and planning allow for seamless physical human-robot interaction (pHRI). At the same time, novel challenges appear in orchestrating intelligent decision-making and ensuring safe control of robots. Particularly in scenarios... Read More about Safe Robot Reflexes: A Taxonomy-based Decision and Modulation Framework.

Design of an LISN for Low-Frequency Conducted Emissions Measurement (2024)
Journal Article
Wan, L., Khilnani, A. D., Wu, X., Liu, X., Pignari, S. A., Thomas, D. W., Sumner, M., & Grassi, F. (2024). Design of an LISN for Low-Frequency Conducted Emissions Measurement. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility,

In this article, a line impedance stabilization network (LISN) with frequency bandwidth extended down to 2 kHz is designed, to address low-frequency measurement not currently aligned by the IEC and CISPR standards. For instance, different evaluation... Read More about Design of an LISN for Low-Frequency Conducted Emissions Measurement.

Multipartite entanglement in a Josephson junction laser (2024)
Journal Article
Lang, B., & Armour, A. D. (2024). Multipartite entanglement in a Josephson junction laser. Physical Review A, 110(6), Article 062611.

We analyze the entanglement in a model Josephson photonics system in which a dc voltage-biased Josephson junction couples a collection of cavity modes and populates them with microwave photons. Using an approximate quadratic Hamiltonian model, we stu... Read More about Multipartite entanglement in a Josephson junction laser.

What is a ‘quality TVET lecturer’? Problematising the concept of quality in vocational education (2024)
Journal Article
Wedekind, V., Russon, J.-A., Liu, Z., Zungu, Z., & Li, M. (2024). What is a ‘quality TVET lecturer’? Problematising the concept of quality in vocational education. Journal of Vocational, Adult and Continuing Education and Training, 7(2), 22.

The notion of ‘quality’ in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and the ‘quality TVET lecturer’ is often referred to in policy and public discourse in South Africa, but rarely defined. This leads to the partial identification of wha... Read More about What is a ‘quality TVET lecturer’? Problematising the concept of quality in vocational education.