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Feasibility and parametric study of a groove-type thermoelectric generator under multiphysics field conditions (2024)
Journal Article
Luo, D., Liu, Z., Cao, J., & Yan, Y. (2025). Feasibility and parametric study of a groove-type thermoelectric generator under multiphysics field conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 259, Article 124972.

In this study, we propose a novel thermoelectric generator (TEG) configuration called the groove-type TEG, which introduces triangular brackets to increase the contact area between thermoelectric semiconductors and conductive strips. Through a therma... Read More about Feasibility and parametric study of a groove-type thermoelectric generator under multiphysics field conditions.

Socially responsible investment and fund performance: The moderating roles of mutual funds' operating environments (2024)
Journal Article
Li, D., & Li, H. (2025). Socially responsible investment and fund performance: The moderating roles of mutual funds' operating environments. International Review of Financial Analysis, 97, Article 103804.

Mutual fund managers are increasingly inclined to demonstrate their social responsibility (SR) by adopting SR standards and integrating SR funds into investment portfolios. However, a debated question is whether the net effect of SR integration on fu... Read More about Socially responsible investment and fund performance: The moderating roles of mutual funds' operating environments.

Genomic characterization and cross-species transmission potential of hedgehog coronavirus (2024)
Journal Article
Cruz, A. V., Santos-Silva, S., Queirós-Reis, L., Rodrigues, C., Soeiro, V., Tarlinton, R. E., & Mesquita, J. R. (2024). Genomic characterization and cross-species transmission potential of hedgehog coronavirus. One Health, 19, Article 100940.

In the 21st century, three betacoronaviruses (SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2) have emerged in humans worldwide as a result of animal spillover, causing severe respiratory infections and resulting in more than seven million deaths. In 2013, a novel... Read More about Genomic characterization and cross-species transmission potential of hedgehog coronavirus.

Perinatal stress and anxiety in Ireland: experiences and support needs (2024)
Journal Article
Looney, E., Houghton, C., Redsell, S., & Matvienko-Sikar, K. (2024). Perinatal stress and anxiety in Ireland: experiences and support needs. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine,

Objectives: Perinatal stress and anxiety from conception to two years postpartum have important adverse outcomes for women and infants. This study examined (i) women's perception of sources and experiences of perinatal stress and anxiety, (ii) women'... Read More about Perinatal stress and anxiety in Ireland: experiences and support needs.

Digital servitization in digital enterprise: Leveraging digital platform capabilities to unlock data value (2024)
Journal Article
Jia, Y., Cui, L., Su, J., Wu, L., Akter, S., & Kumar, A. (2024). Digital servitization in digital enterprise: Leveraging digital platform capabilities to unlock data value. International Journal of Production Economics, 278, Article 109434.

Existing research has not clearly defined digital platform capabilities or explained how they unlock data value, limiting the understanding of digital servitization in digital enterprises. Therefore, our study draws upon the Dynamic Capability Theory... Read More about Digital servitization in digital enterprise: Leveraging digital platform capabilities to unlock data value.

SoftED: Metrics for soft evaluation of time series event detection (2024)
Journal Article
Salles, R., Lima, J., Reis, M., Coutinho, R., Pacitti, E., Masseglia, F., Akbarinia, R., Chen, C., Garibaldi, J., Porto, F., & Ogasawara, E. (2024). SoftED: Metrics for soft evaluation of time series event detection. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 198, Article 110728.

Time series event detectors are evaluated mainly by standard classification metrics, focusing solely on detection accuracy. However, inaccuracy in detecting an event can often result from its preceding or delayed effects reflected in neighboring dete... Read More about SoftED: Metrics for soft evaluation of time series event detection.

A systematic review of teaching Comparative and International Education (CIE) in higher education: themes, contexts, and methods (2024)
Journal Article
Li, M., Li, S., & Yuan, T. (2024). A systematic review of teaching Comparative and International Education (CIE) in higher education: themes, contexts, and methods. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education,

This paper scrutinises the teaching of Comparative and International Education (CIE) in higher education, addressing the gap in the discourse on how CIE is taught. Utilising the latest 'Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analys... Read More about A systematic review of teaching Comparative and International Education (CIE) in higher education: themes, contexts, and methods.

Engaging low-income families in education research: examining the challenges in Beijing and London (2024)
Journal Article
Hoskins, K., Wainwright, E., Arabaci, R., Zhai, J., Gao, J., & Xu, Y. (2024). Engaging low-income families in education research: examining the challenges in Beijing and London. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education,

This comparative paper considers the similar challenges encountered in Beijing (China) and Greater London (England) when engaging low-income families in education research. Through semi-structured interviews with 10 parents/caregivers in Beijing and... Read More about Engaging low-income families in education research: examining the challenges in Beijing and London.

Catalytic and kinetic investigation into 4-dimethylamino pyridine/1,3-diphenyl thiourea catalyzed synthesis of chloromethyl ethylene carbonate under pure CO₂ and simulated flue gas conditions (2024)
Journal Article
Eton, U. O., Meredith, W., & Snape, C. E. (2025). Catalytic and kinetic investigation into 4-dimethylamino pyridine/1,3-diphenyl thiourea catalyzed synthesis of chloromethyl ethylene carbonate under pure CO₂ and simulated flue gas conditions. Fuel, 382(Part A), Article 133657.

Synthesis of chloromethyl ethylene carbonate (CMEC) via CO2 cycloaddition to epichlorohydrin (ECH) has been investigated using a simple metal-free and halide-free catalyst comprising 4-dimethylamino pyridine (DMAP) and N–H type hydrogen bond donors (... Read More about Catalytic and kinetic investigation into 4-dimethylamino pyridine/1,3-diphenyl thiourea catalyzed synthesis of chloromethyl ethylene carbonate under pure CO₂ and simulated flue gas conditions.

An Ontology of Social and Economic Reproduction: Modern Slavery, Housing, and Critical Realism (2024)
Journal Article
Iafrati, S., & Clare, N. (2024). An Ontology of Social and Economic Reproduction: Modern Slavery, Housing, and Critical Realism. Social Policy and Society,

This paper argues that commodification of housing plays a key role in the reproduction of social and economic relations and contributes to debates by, firstly, recognising modern slavery as a fundamental intersection of economic and social vulnerabil... Read More about An Ontology of Social and Economic Reproduction: Modern Slavery, Housing, and Critical Realism.

Trialling floral-baited traps to survey flower-visiting insects in tropical crops: Findings from an oil palm case study (2024)
Journal Article
Popkin, M., Harianja, M. F., Luke, S. H., Setyawan, Y. P., Naim, M., Caliman, J., & Turner, E. C. (2025). Trialling floral-baited traps to survey flower-visiting insects in tropical crops: Findings from an oil palm case study. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 173(2), 140-155.

Monitoring pollinating arthropods in crop systems can provide important information about pollinator populations and potential yield but can be hampered by accessibility to flowers in some systems, or by the timing of flowering and pollinator visits.... Read More about Trialling floral-baited traps to survey flower-visiting insects in tropical crops: Findings from an oil palm case study.

Cyclin‐dependent kinase 13 is indispensable for normal mouse heart development (2024)
Journal Article
Waheed‐Ullah, Q., Wilsdon, A., Abbad, A., Rochette, S., Bu'Lock, F., Saed, A. A., Hitz, M., Brook, J. D., & Loughna, S. (2024). Cyclin‐dependent kinase 13 is indispensable for normal mouse heart development. Journal of Anatomy,

Congenital heart disease (CHD) has an incidence of approximately 1%. Over the last decade, sequencing studies including large cohorts of individuals with CHD have begun to unravel the genetic mechanisms underpinning CHD. This includes the identificat... Read More about Cyclin‐dependent kinase 13 is indispensable for normal mouse heart development.

International product adaptation and performance: A systematic analysis of the literature and agenda for future research (2024)
Journal Article
Tsougkou, E., Cadogan, J. W., Boso, N., Hodgkinson, I. R., Oliveira, J. S., Laukkanen, T., Yazdani, N., & Story, V. M. (2025). International product adaptation and performance: A systematic analysis of the literature and agenda for future research. Journal of World Business, 60(1), Article 101597.

There is a lack of consensus on what the international product adaptation (IPA) concept involves, and only a partial understanding of its outcomes. Our analysis of the IPA-performance link uncovers, for the first time, the multidimensional nature of... Read More about International product adaptation and performance: A systematic analysis of the literature and agenda for future research.

Developing peer-led recovery groups (PRIZE) for people with psychosis and their caregivers in a low resource South African setting (2024)
Journal Article
Brooke-Sumner, C., Repper, J., Petersen, I., Hanlon, C., Myers, B., Faris, G., Rapiya, B., & Asher, L. (2024). Developing peer-led recovery groups (PRIZE) for people with psychosis and their caregivers in a low resource South African setting. SSM - Mental Health, 6, Article 100370.

In South Africa and other low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), personal recovery for people with a severe mental health condition (SMHC) is hampered by lack of community-based support. This paper describes the development of a non-specialist... Read More about Developing peer-led recovery groups (PRIZE) for people with psychosis and their caregivers in a low resource South African setting.

Measuring Vaccine Responses in the Multiplex Era (2024)
Book Chapter
Ayling, K., Vedhara, K., & Fairclough, L. (2024). Measuring Vaccine Responses in the Multiplex Era. In Q. Yan (Ed.), Psychoneuroimmunology: Methods and Protocols (149-162). Springer US.

Vaccine studies in psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) provide insight into biopsychosocial interactions and their role in infectious diseases. Methodologies to measure vaccine responses are therefore of critical importance for PNI researchers. In this chapt... Read More about Measuring Vaccine Responses in the Multiplex Era.

Classifying Human Movement Using Discrete Fréchet and DTW Distances (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Akitaya, H. A., Carlos, J., De Almeida, C., Fonseca, L., & Shahrouzi, G. (2024, November). Classifying Human Movement Using Discrete Fréchet and DTW Distances. Presented at 31st Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA

Individuals with motor disabilities often rely on assistive devices for support. However, conditions that affect upper limbs, particularly hand function, pose a challenge in the user interface design. In this context, inertial sensor-based movement c... Read More about Classifying Human Movement Using Discrete Fréchet and DTW Distances.

Online Therapy for Children: Yay or Nay? Clinicians’ Insights from the COVID-19 Era (2024)
Journal Article
Hagyari-Donaldson, P., & Scott, N. (2024). Online Therapy for Children: Yay or Nay? Clinicians’ Insights from the COVID-19 Era. Child and Youth Care Forum,

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated an almost overnight shift in mental healthcare from in-person to remote delivery. However, the feasibility of online therapy for children and its potential as a long-term fixture remain underexplored. Ob... Read More about Online Therapy for Children: Yay or Nay? Clinicians’ Insights from the COVID-19 Era.