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Searching for Ecoterrorism: The Crucial Case of the Unabomber (2024)
Journal Article
Fleming, S. (2024). Searching for Ecoterrorism: The Crucial Case of the Unabomber. American Political Science Review, 204, Article 109926.

A key finding of recent scholarship on political violence is that environmentalists rarely, if ever, use lethal violence. Many scholars have argued that "ecoterrorism"is a misnomer for what is more accurately termed "ecotage."Large-n studies of envir... Read More about Searching for Ecoterrorism: The Crucial Case of the Unabomber.

Design and control of a compliant robotic actuator with parallel spring-damping transmission (2024)
Journal Article
Yuan, P., Liu, J., Branson, D. T., Song, Z., Wu, S., Dai, J. S., & Kang, R. (2024). Design and control of a compliant robotic actuator with parallel spring-damping transmission. Robotica, 42(4), 1113–1133.

Physically compliant actuator brings significant benefits to robots in terms of environmental adaptability, human–robot interaction, and energy efficiency as the introduction of the inherent compliance. However, this inherent compliance also limits t... Read More about Design and control of a compliant robotic actuator with parallel spring-damping transmission.

Optimizing magnetic performance of Fe–50Ni alloy for electric motor cores through LPBF: A study of as-built and heat-treated scenarios (2024)
Journal Article
Ahmadnia, M., Fereiduni, E., Yakout, M., Elbestawi, M., R M, R. K., Vakil, G., & Muizelaar, R. (2024). Optimizing magnetic performance of Fe–50Ni alloy for electric motor cores through LPBF: A study of as-built and heat-treated scenarios. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 29, 2554-2571.

This study aims to identify the optimal combination of process variables for laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) of electric motor (EM) cores using Fe–50Ni alloy. A thorough analysis of mechanical and magnetic properties, with a focus on its dynamic magne... Read More about Optimizing magnetic performance of Fe–50Ni alloy for electric motor cores through LPBF: A study of as-built and heat-treated scenarios.

The braids on your blanket (2024)
Journal Article
Cheng, M., & Laugwitz, R. (in press). The braids on your blanket. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics,

In this expositional essay, we introduce some elements of the study of groups by analysing the braid pattern on a knitted blanket. We determine that the blanket features pure braids with a minimal number of crossings. Moreover, we determine polynomia... Read More about The braids on your blanket.

Top ten research priorities for alcohol use disorder and alcohol-related liver disease: results of a multistakeholder research priority setting partnership (2024)
Journal Article
Subhani, M., Dhanda, A., Olaru, A., Dunford, L., Ahmad, N., Wragg, A., Frost, K., Greenwood, J., King, M., Jones, K. A., Rosenberg, W., Sinclair, J., Rennick-Egglestone, S., Morling, J. R., Patel, K., & Ryder, S. D. (2024). Top ten research priorities for alcohol use disorder and alcohol-related liver disease: results of a multistakeholder research priority setting partnership. The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 9(5), 400-402.

Alcohol is a preventable leading cause of liver disease and over 200 other acute or chronic medical conditions. 1 In the UK, 25% of the population drinks at an increasing risk level (ie, 15–34 units per week for women and 15–49 units per week for men... Read More about Top ten research priorities for alcohol use disorder and alcohol-related liver disease: results of a multistakeholder research priority setting partnership.

Microstructural evolution in laser melted boron alloyed Ti-6Al-4V (2024)
Journal Article
Hizli, H., Zou, Z., Murray, J., Clare, A., & Simonelli, M. (2024). Microstructural evolution in laser melted boron alloyed Ti-6Al-4V. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 981, Article 173762

Grain refinement in cast titanium alloys has been demonstrated through the addition of boron (B) in hypoeutectic concentration. However, there is still a poor understanding of how effective B is towards microstructural refinement under rapid solidifi... Read More about Microstructural evolution in laser melted boron alloyed Ti-6Al-4V.

Impact factor analysis affecting the operation of asset lifecycle by using asset information modeling and blockchain technology (2024)
Journal Article
Raslan, A., Cheshmehzangi, A., Towey, D., Tizani, W., & Kapogiannis, G. (2024). Impact factor analysis affecting the operation of asset lifecycle by using asset information modeling and blockchain technology. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management,

Purpose: Currently, owners find it difficult to manage their assets throughout their project life cycle. The fact that asset information models (AIMs) are mandatory as deliverables for building information modeling-driven projects makes it a key requ... Read More about Impact factor analysis affecting the operation of asset lifecycle by using asset information modeling and blockchain technology.

Using machine learning to optimise chameleon fifth force experiments (2024)
Journal Article
Briddon, C., Burrage, C., Moss, A., & Tamosiunas, A. (2024). Using machine learning to optimise chameleon fifth force experiments. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2024(2), Article 11.

The chameleon is a theorised scalar field that couples to matter and possess a screening mechanism, which weakens observational constraints from experiments performed in regions of higher matter density. One consequence of this screening mechanism is... Read More about Using machine learning to optimise chameleon fifth force experiments.

Mechanisms underlying the laxative effect of lactulose: A randomized placebo‐controlled trial showing increased small bowel water and motility unaltered by the 5‐HT3 receptor antagonist, ondansetron (2024)
Journal Article
Gunn, D., Yeldho, C., Hoad, C., Menys, A., Gowland, P., Marciani, L., & Spiller, R. (in press). Mechanisms underlying the laxative effect of lactulose: A randomized placebo‐controlled trial showing increased small bowel water and motility unaltered by the 5‐HT3 receptor antagonist, ondansetron. Neurogastroenterology and Motility,

Background: Lactulose is a laxative which accelerates transit and softens stool. Our aim was to investigate its mechanism of action and use this model of diarrhea to investigate the anti-diarrheal actions of ondansetron.
Methods: A double-blind, ra... Read More about Mechanisms underlying the laxative effect of lactulose: A randomized placebo‐controlled trial showing increased small bowel water and motility unaltered by the 5‐HT3 receptor antagonist, ondansetron.

Effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccination in people with blood cancer (2024)
Journal Article
Copland, E., Hirst, J., Mi, E., Patone, M., Chen, D., Coupland, C., & Hippisley-Cox, J. (2024). Effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccination in people with blood cancer. European Journal of Cancer, 201, Article 113603.

People with blood cancer have increased risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes and poor response to vaccination. We assessed the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in this vulnerable group compared to the general population.
Methods... Read More about Effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccination in people with blood cancer.

Work engagement and the impact of a social identity crafting approach to leadership: a case from Africa’s air transport industry (2024)
Journal Article
Theoharakis, V., Wapshott, R., & Cham, L. (2024). Work engagement and the impact of a social identity crafting approach to leadership: a case from Africa’s air transport industry. Personnel Review,

Purpose: Managers of public organizations in liberalized sectors face the dual imperative of retaining skilled employees who might be poached by commercial competitors and improving service performance levels without a free hand to invest resources.... Read More about Work engagement and the impact of a social identity crafting approach to leadership: a case from Africa’s air transport industry.

microbeMASST: a taxonomically informed mass spectrometry search tool for microbial metabolomics data (2024)
Journal Article
Zuffa, S., Schmid, R., Bauermeister, A., Gomes, P. W. P., Caraballo-Rodriguez, A., Abiead, Y. E., Aron, A., Gentry, E. C., Zemlin, J., Meehan, M., Avalon, N. E., Cichewicz, R., Buzun, E., Carrillo-Terrazas, M., Hsu, C.-Y., Oles, R., Ayala, A. V., Zhao, J., Chu, H., Kuijpers, M. C., …Dorrestein, P. (2024). microbeMASST: a taxonomically informed mass spectrometry search tool for microbial metabolomics data. Nature Microbiology, 9(2), 336-345.

microbeMASST, a taxonomically informed mass spectrometry (MS) search tool, tackles limited microbial metabolite annotation in untargeted metabolomics experiments. Leveraging a curated database of >60,000 microbial monocultures, users can search known... Read More about microbeMASST: a taxonomically informed mass spectrometry search tool for microbial metabolomics data.

Assessing the prevalence and potential drivers of food insecurity and the relationship with mental wellbeing in UK university students: A cross-sectional study (2024)
Journal Article
Aldubaybi, A. A., Coneyworth, L. J., & Jethwa, P. H. (2024). Assessing the prevalence and potential drivers of food insecurity and the relationship with mental wellbeing in UK university students: A cross-sectional study. Nutrition Bulletin, 49(1), 96-107.

Food insecurity (FI) among university students in the United States has been associated with poor mental wellbeing, but very little is known about the relationship between FI and mental wellbeing in the UK university population. Here we examined the... Read More about Assessing the prevalence and potential drivers of food insecurity and the relationship with mental wellbeing in UK university students: A cross-sectional study.

Discrete-Time Survival Models with Neural Networks for Age–Period–Cohort Analysis of Credit Risk (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, H., Bellotti, A., Qu, R., & Bai, R. (2024). Discrete-Time Survival Models with Neural Networks for Age–Period–Cohort Analysis of Credit Risk. Risks, 12(2), Article 31.

Survival models have become popular for credit risk estimation. Most current credit risk survival models use an underlying linear model. This is beneficial in terms of interpretability but is restrictive for real-life applications since it cannot dis... Read More about Discrete-Time Survival Models with Neural Networks for Age–Period–Cohort Analysis of Credit Risk.

The vulnerabilities of skilled irregular Venezuelan migrants and entrepreneurs in Chile (2024)
Journal Article
González-Agüero, M., & Burcu, O. (2024). The vulnerabilities of skilled irregular Venezuelan migrants and entrepreneurs in Chile. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50(14), 3453-3471.

In a context marked by restrictive migration policies, precarious living conditions and a neoliberal market, this article explores how Venezuelan migrants incorporated themselves into the job market through informal entrepreneurship, the challenges t... Read More about The vulnerabilities of skilled irregular Venezuelan migrants and entrepreneurs in Chile.

Thermal performance of an advanced smart fenestration systems for low-energy buildings (2024)
Journal Article
Ming, Y., Sun, Y., Liu, X., Liu, X., & Wu, Y. (2024). Thermal performance of an advanced smart fenestration systems for low-energy buildings. Applied Thermal Engineering, 244, Article 122610.

Windows significantly influence a building's indoor environment and energy consumption due to their high optical transmittance and low thermal resistance comparing with walls, affecting both indoor daylight comfort and heat gain or loss. Thermotropic... Read More about Thermal performance of an advanced smart fenestration systems for low-energy buildings.

Nanostructured Poly-l-lactide and Polyglycerol Adipate Carriers for the Encapsulation of Usnic Acid: A Promising Approach for Hepatoprotection (2024)
Journal Article
Brugnoli, B., Perna, G., Alfano, S., Piozzi, A., Galantini, L., Axioti, E., Taresco, V., Mariano, A., Scotto d’Abusco, A., Vecchio Ciprioti, S., & Francolini, I. (2024). Nanostructured Poly-l-lactide and Polyglycerol Adipate Carriers for the Encapsulation of Usnic Acid: A Promising Approach for Hepatoprotection. Polymers, 16(3), Article 427.

The present study investigates the utilization of nanoparticles based on poly-l-lactide (PLLA) and polyglycerol adipate (PGA), alone and blended, for the encapsulation of usnic acid (UA), a potent natural compound with various therapeutic properties... Read More about Nanostructured Poly-l-lactide and Polyglycerol Adipate Carriers for the Encapsulation of Usnic Acid: A Promising Approach for Hepatoprotection.

Leave no one behind: A global survey of the current state of geriatric oncology practice by SIOG national representatives (2024)
Journal Article
Mizutani, T., Cheung, K.-L., Hakobyan, Y., Lane, H., Decoster, L., Karnakis, T., Puts, M., Calderon, O., Jørgensen, T. L., Boulahssass, R., Wedding, U., Karampeazis, A., Chan, W. W. L., Banerjee, J., Falci, C., van Leeuwen, B. L., Fonseca, V., Gironés Sarrió, R., Vetter, M., Dougoud, V., …Kanesvaran, R. (2024). Leave no one behind: A global survey of the current state of geriatric oncology practice by SIOG national representatives. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 15(2), Article 10179.

The Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations include a commitment to “leave no one behind” as a universal goal. To achieve this in geriatric oncology (GO) worldwide, it is important to understand the current state of GO at an... Read More about Leave no one behind: A global survey of the current state of geriatric oncology practice by SIOG national representatives.

Associations of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness with cognitive function, self-control, and resilience in young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2024)
Journal Article
Sibbick, E., Boat, R., Sarkar, M., Johnston, J. P., Groom, M., Williams, R. A., Dring, K. J., Sun, F.-H., & Cooper, S. B. (2024). Associations of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness with cognitive function, self-control, and resilience in young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Advanced Exercise and Health Science, 1(1), 51-58.

The aim of the present study was to investigate if physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness influence cognition, self-control, and resilience in young people with ADHD. Fifty-four children with ADHD (12.8 ± 1.4 y) completed questionnaires to a... Read More about Associations of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness with cognitive function, self-control, and resilience in young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Friendship and self-harm: a retrospective qualitative study of young adults' experiences of supporting a friend who self-harmed during adolescence (2024)
Journal Article
Bilello, D., Townsend, E., Broome, M. R., & Burnett Heyes, S. (2024). Friendship and self-harm: a retrospective qualitative study of young adults' experiences of supporting a friend who self-harmed during adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1221661.

Introduction: Self-harm amongst young people is becoming increasingly prevalent. Understanding, responding to, and supporting young people who self-harm is vital. Friends are typically the first and sometimes the only source of support sought by adol... Read More about Friendship and self-harm: a retrospective qualitative study of young adults' experiences of supporting a friend who self-harmed during adolescence.