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Exploring young voter engagement and journey mapping across political events (2023)
Journal Article
Poorrezaei, M., Pich, C., Armannsdottir, G., Branco-Illodo, I., & Harvey, J. (2023). Exploring young voter engagement and journey mapping across political events. International Journal of Market Research, 65(5), 532-565.

This interdisciplinary study aims to explore the lived experiences and engagement of young voters from a customer journey perspective. To achieve this, the present study investigates voter engagement journey with various political events (2015 UK Gen... Read More about Exploring young voter engagement and journey mapping across political events.

Precarious employment and workplace health outcomes in Britain (2023)
Journal Article
Haile, G. A. (2023). Precarious employment and workplace health outcomes in Britain. Social Science and Medicine, 320, Article 115694.

Rationale: The world of work is changing rapidly, and precarious employment is becoming more prevalent in Britain and elsewhere, particularly since the 2008 financial crisis. This is despite the evidence linking employment precarity to adverse health... Read More about Precarious employment and workplace health outcomes in Britain.

Computational study of free surface film flow and subsequent disintegration of a sheet and ligaments into droplets from a rotary disk atomizer (2023)
Journal Article
Singh, K., Ambrose, S., Jefferson-Loveday, R., Nicoli, A., & Mouvanal, S. (2023). Computational study of free surface film flow and subsequent disintegration of a sheet and ligaments into droplets from a rotary disk atomizer. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 17(1), Article 2162971.

In the present study, a computational methodology based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is developed to investigate free surface film flow and its subsequent disintegration on a rotary disk atomizer. The present study provides an insight into e... Read More about Computational study of free surface film flow and subsequent disintegration of a sheet and ligaments into droplets from a rotary disk atomizer.

Enslaved by their Own Government: Indefinite National Service in Eritrea (2023)
Book Chapter
Palacios-Arapiles, S. (2023). Enslaved by their Own Government: Indefinite National Service in Eritrea. In M. van Reisen, M. Mawere, K. Smits, & M. Wirtz (Eds.), Enslaved: Trapped and Trafficked in Digital Black Holes: Human Trafficking Trajectories to Libya (195-254). Langaa RPCID

Estimating the energy requirements for long term memory formation (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
Girard, M., Jiang, J., & van Rossum, M. C. Estimating the energy requirements for long term memory formation

Brains consume metabolic energy to process information, but also to store memories. The energy required for memory formation can be substantial, for instance in fruit flies memory formation leads to a shorter lifespan upon subsequent starvation (Mery... Read More about Estimating the energy requirements for long term memory formation.

Analysis of the response of a roadway bridge under extreme flooding-related events: Scour and debris-loading (2023)
Journal Article
Kosič, M., Prendergast, L., & Anžlin, A. (2023). Analysis of the response of a roadway bridge under extreme flooding-related events: Scour and debris-loading. Engineering Structures, 279, Article 115607.

Hydraulic actions on bridges are a leading cause of failure, especially due to the occurrence of scour erosion. Due to climate change, flooding and scour risks are exacerbating for bridges worldwide, leading to a significant stress burden on asset ma... Read More about Analysis of the response of a roadway bridge under extreme flooding-related events: Scour and debris-loading.

What affected UK adults’ adherence to medicines during the COVID-19 pandemic? Cross-sectional survey in a representative sample of people with long-term conditions (2023)
Journal Article
Penner, L. S., Armitage, C. J., Thornley, T., Whelan, P., Chuter, A., Allen, T., & Elliott, R. A. (2024). What affected UK adults’ adherence to medicines during the COVID-19 pandemic? Cross-sectional survey in a representative sample of people with long-term conditions. Journal of Public Health, 32(2), 325-338.

Medicines non-adherence is associated with poorer outcomes and higher costs. COVID-19 affected access to healthcare, with increased reliance on remote methods, including medicines supply. This study aimed to identify what affected people’s adher... Read More about What affected UK adults’ adherence to medicines during the COVID-19 pandemic? Cross-sectional survey in a representative sample of people with long-term conditions.

"More Than a cliché": Experiencing Hybrid Gifting in the Wild (2023)
Journal Article
Spence, J., Koleva, B., Benford, S., Darzentas, D., Flintham, M., Glover, K., Wagner, H., Gibson, R., & Thorn, E. C. (2023). "More Than a cliché": Experiencing Hybrid Gifting in the Wild. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 30(4), Article 55.

Gifting is socially and economically important. Studies of gifting physical objects have revealed motivations, values, and the tensions between them, while HCI research has revealed weaknesses of digital gifting and explored possibilities of hybrid g... Read More about "More Than a cliché": Experiencing Hybrid Gifting in the Wild.

The Isoleucine at Position 118 in Transmembrane 2 Is Responsible for the Selectivity of Xamoterol, Nebivolol, and ICI89406 for the Human β1-Adrenoceptor (2023)
Journal Article
Lim, V. J. Y., Proudman, R. G. W., Monteleone, S., Kolb, P., & Baker, J. G. (2023). The Isoleucine at Position 118 in Transmembrane 2 Is Responsible for the Selectivity of Xamoterol, Nebivolol, and ICI89406 for the Human β1-Adrenoceptor. Molecular Pharmacology, 103(2), 89-99.

Known off-target interactions frequently cause predictable drug side-effects (e.g., β1-antagonists used for heart disease, risk β2-mediated bronchospasm). Computer-aided drug design would improve if the structural basis of existing drug selectivity w... Read More about The Isoleucine at Position 118 in Transmembrane 2 Is Responsible for the Selectivity of Xamoterol, Nebivolol, and ICI89406 for the Human β1-Adrenoceptor.

Expression, assessment and significance of Ki67 expression in breast cancer: an update (2023)
Journal Article
Lashen, A. G., Toss, M. S., Ghannam, S. F., Makhlouf, S., Green, A., Mongan, N. P., & Rakha, E. (2023). Expression, assessment and significance of Ki67 expression in breast cancer: an update. Journal of Clinical Pathology, 76(6), Article 357-364.

Ki67 expression is one of the most important and cost-effective surrogate markers to assess for tumour cell proliferation in breast cancer (BC). The Ki67 labelling index has prognostic and predictive value in patients with early-stage BC, particularl... Read More about Expression, assessment and significance of Ki67 expression in breast cancer: an update.

Stacking sequence optimisation of an aircraft wing skin (2023)
Journal Article
Ntourmas, G., Glock, F., Deinert, S., Daoud, F., Schuhmacher, G., Chronopoulos, D., Özcan, E., & Ninić, J. (2023). Stacking sequence optimisation of an aircraft wing skin. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 66(2), Article 31.

This paper demonstrates a stacking sequence optimisation process of a composite aircraft wing skin. A two-stage approach is employed to satisfy all sizing requirements of this industrial sized, medium altitude, long endurance drone. In the first stag... Read More about Stacking sequence optimisation of an aircraft wing skin.

Improving Orthologous Signal and Model Fit in Datasets Addressing the Root of the Animal Phylogeny (2023)
Journal Article
McCarthy, C. G., Mulhair, P. O., Siu-Ting, K., Creevey, C. J., & O’Connell, M. J. (2023). Improving Orthologous Signal and Model Fit in Datasets Addressing the Root of the Animal Phylogeny. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 40(1), Article msac276.

There is conflicting evidence as to whether Porifera (sponges) or Ctenophora (comb jellies) comprise the root of the animal phylogeny. Support for either a Porifera-sister or Ctenophore-sister tree has been extensively examined in the context of mode... Read More about Improving Orthologous Signal and Model Fit in Datasets Addressing the Root of the Animal Phylogeny.

The natural pattern of birth timing and gestational age in the U.S. compared to England, and the Netherlands (2023)
Journal Article
Declercq, E., Wolterink, A., Rowe, R., de Jonge, A., De Vries, R., Nieuwenhuijze, M., Verhoeven, C., & Shah, N. (2023). The natural pattern of birth timing and gestational age in the U.S. compared to England, and the Netherlands. PLoS ONE, 18(1), Article e0278856.

Objective To examine cross-national differences in gestational age over time in the U.S. and across three wealthy countries in 2020 as well as examine patterns of birth timing by hour of the day in home and spontaneous vaginal hospital births in the... Read More about The natural pattern of birth timing and gestational age in the U.S. compared to England, and the Netherlands.

The clinical value of progesterone receptor expression in luminal breast cancer: A study of a large cohort with long-term follow-up (2023)
Journal Article
Lashen, A. G., Toss, M. S., Mongan, N. P., Green, A. R., & Rakha, E. A. (2023). The clinical value of progesterone receptor expression in luminal breast cancer: A study of a large cohort with long-term follow-up. Cancer, 129(8), 1183-1194.

Background: The routine assessment of progesterone receptor (PR) expression in breast cancer (BC) remains controversial. This study aimed to evaluate the role of PR expression in luminal BC, with emphasis on the definition of positivity and its progn... Read More about The clinical value of progesterone receptor expression in luminal breast cancer: A study of a large cohort with long-term follow-up.

Nonlinear dynamics of unstably stratified two-layer shear flow in a horizontal channel (2023)
Journal Article
Kalogirou, A., & Blyth, M. (2023). Nonlinear dynamics of unstably stratified two-layer shear flow in a horizontal channel. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 955, Article A32.

The Rayleigh-Taylor instability at the interface of two sheared fluid layers in a horizontal channel is investigated in the absence of inertia. The dynamics of the flow is described by a nonlinear lubrication equation which is solved numerically for... Read More about Nonlinear dynamics of unstably stratified two-layer shear flow in a horizontal channel.

An analysis of the positive effect of real earnings management on financial performance (2023)
Journal Article
Lim, H. J., & Mali, D. (2023). An analysis of the positive effect of real earnings management on financial performance. Asian Review of Accounting, 31(2), 284-316.

REM models infer abnormal levels of cashflow from operations (AbCFO), selling, general and admin (AbSGA) and production expenses (AbProd) are opportunistic, based on the supposition that engaging in real activities to meet current earnings t... Read More about An analysis of the positive effect of real earnings management on financial performance.

Differential expression of m5C RNA methyltransferase genes NSUN6 and NSUN7 in Alzheimer’s disease and traumatic brain injury (2023)
Journal Article
Perez Grovas-Saltijeral, A., Rajkumar, A. P., & Knight, H. M. (2023). Differential expression of m5C RNA methyltransferase genes NSUN6 and NSUN7 in Alzheimer’s disease and traumatic brain injury. Molecular Neurobiology,

Epigenetic processes have become increasingly relevant in understanding disease-modifying mechanisms. 5-Methylcytosine methylations of DNA (5mC) and RNA (m5C) have functional transcriptional and RNA translational consequences and are tightly regulate... Read More about Differential expression of m5C RNA methyltransferase genes NSUN6 and NSUN7 in Alzheimer’s disease and traumatic brain injury.

The Riemann problem for a generalized Burgers equation with spatially decaying sound speed. I Large‐time asymptotics (2023)
Journal Article
Needham, D. J., Meyer, J. C., Billingham, J., & Drysdale, C. (2023). The Riemann problem for a generalized Burgers equation with spatially decaying sound speed. I Large‐time asymptotics. Studies in Applied Mathematics,

In this paper, we consider the classical Riemann problem for a generalized Burgers equation, u t + h α ( x ) u u x = u x x , with a spatially dependent, nonlinear sound speed, h α ( x ) ≡ ( 1 + x 2 ) − α with α > 0 , which decays algebraically with... Read More about The Riemann problem for a generalized Burgers equation with spatially decaying sound speed. I Large‐time asymptotics.

Characterisation of the Paternal Influence on Intergenerational Offspring Cardiac and Brain Lipid Homeostasis in Mice (2023)
Journal Article
Furse, S., Morgan, H. L., Koulman, A., & Watkins, A. J. (2023). Characterisation of the Paternal Influence on Intergenerational Offspring Cardiac and Brain Lipid Homeostasis in Mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(3), Article 1814.

There is growing evidence that poor paternal diet at the time of conception increase the risk of offspring developing a range of non-communicable metabolic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, in adulthood. We hypothesise t... Read More about Characterisation of the Paternal Influence on Intergenerational Offspring Cardiac and Brain Lipid Homeostasis in Mice.

Use and uptake of technology by people with dementia and their supporters during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023)
Journal Article
Barbosa, A., Ferreira, A. R., Smits, C., Hegerath, F.-M., Vollmar, H., Fernandes, L., Craven, M. P., Innes, A., Casey, D., Sezgin, D., Hopper, L., & Øksnebjerg, L. (2024). Use and uptake of technology by people with dementia and their supporters during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aging and Mental Health, 28(1), 83-94.

This rapid review aims to identify the types of technologies used by people with dementia and their supporters during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the issues which influenced technology adoption within their usual care routines.

Methods... Read More about Use and uptake of technology by people with dementia and their supporters during the COVID-19 pandemic.